Power is a biological necessity inescapable. Starting from the observation that eating is the daily practice of man, we note, however, that the various companies, over the centuries, and in many regions of the earth, have not chosen - and still do not do it today - in favor of the same food choices. We might even say that the different dietary adaptations of man are the most varied there is on earth. The food, in addition to translate into energy for the body, is a symbolic tool exceptional that lends itself well to score and distinguish identity (geographical, cultural, social, religious, etc ...), time (weekly, seasonal, annual, rituals, etc ...) and bonds (affective, social, etc ...).
Religious beliefs are among the first factors to influence the food choices of a community: regulate the time and manner, sanction regulations - what you can eat and what not -, cataloging food into edible / inedible, pure / impure, sacred / uninitiated.
In Indian culture - from the Vedic period up to contemporary times - the food has always been a container of meaning especially fruitful. And 'the primary ingredient of the practices and rituals of worship, social transactions, family interactions, is a marker of the barriers of caste, is a principle of classification and theological reflection, and much more. It literally permeates every aspect of the complex and multifaceted cultural mosaic of India.
As for the study power applied to the religions, Hinduism is an inexhaustible laboratory of research material. Unfortunately in Italy the analysis of Asian food culture, and Indian in particular, has not been addressed in a systematic way by scholars. The specialist publications, mostly in English and German, often are not even translated and are difficult to find. For this reason I have been extremely difficult to collect reliable and comprehensive del monte meats pocatello information on the subject. They are in fact managed to get hold of only a few items, that while I seem sufficient to show how meanings are conveyed through the food inside the Hindu religious culture.
In particular I would like to illustrate the example of ritual offerings (Naivedya) del monte meats pocatello of South India with the aim of highlighting how food can get to be a sort of language
communication between del monte meats pocatello men and the world of the sacred del monte meats pocatello one. I myself, in my journey in Orissa in the winter del monte meats pocatello of 2006-07 and the latest in Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka in the summer of 2011, I was able to observe how the importance of food and their social significance and is deeply religious del monte meats pocatello and present still strong. However my observations, since they were not systematic, can not be discussed here. I hope I can be in the future.
When a believer of any religion prays, believed, or hoped, that his whispered words or think they can reach the ear of God. He believes in some way to communicate with the transcendent. Similarly, as we have shown great structuralists and linguists of the twentieth century, we can assume that when you offer food to the gods they believe to convey their message clearly decipherable.
In India there are countless varieties del monte meats pocatello of Naivedya, each of which is characterized by different foods, ingredients, combinations, shapes, colors, just like a sentence can have different grammar and syntax.
At first reading level, the supply of food is the direct expression of the dedication and love of the devotee who looks after and nourishes the gods. Through the offer, the faithful del monte meats pocatello can thank the gods for a gift received or may propose an exchange to receive one. At a deeper level the structure of Naivedya can reveal important information about the identification of the pantheon of deities and sacred Hindu festival of the year, emphasizing such oppositions between gods or groups of gods, between gods and goddesses, including events auspicious or inauspicious .
The study of a religion generally begin with an examination of the gods and ceremonies that characterize it. The identification of the many divine figures that populate Hinduism can be facilitated by the iconography, and this is especially true for the main holy trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva with their wives): Each deity has in fact own attributes as specific postures body, a personal vahana (vehicle), the emblems held in the hands, clothes and ornaments, plants or flowers. Not all the gods, however, possess a food with which it can be