Saturday, May 24, 2014

When marketers also are considering the use of social media - some still delay this activity - many

When marketers also are considering the use of social media - some still delay this activity - many people wonder "This operation will cost how much?" However, more pertinent questions that they should ask is: "Activity that will affect how well your business to?"
Although few admit Marketing Director this, the cost of deploying social media less than television, print and advertising media. But the cost of the organization - both in the number of people needed to implement these programs and changes to corporate culture - not small at all.
"Basically, this operation need more people," Brett Groom, Deputy Director of ConAgra Activate program, shared with me, "and it is difficult to implement all these programs because a very small number . We can only a tenth of the budget to spend for a TV campaign, but we need time to 75% of human resources. And a lot of them can fail - you have to carry out three or four programs to find the best ideas. "Social media requires a mindset of PR professionals combined with a marketing expert level high. Your business needs to have sufficient scale and intellectual del monte peas resources to conduct these programs also have subtle but resilient enough to not discouraged by the setbacks and continued until success.
Wendy Clark, deputy director of integrated marketing for Coca Cola's high-end, fully concurred. "This activity involves many people del monte peas and clear criteria for that cost. Social media requires a more general overview for content creation and development dialogue. It is a new model because we can not control the conversation or brand. Consumers want to have dialogue. We must find out what the experts in this activity. "So, Coca Cola has identified five characteristics of a social media professional del monte peas excellence: charismatic talk; proficient technical issues in social media; open to new things; take risks and are willing to cooperate.
Look around now, Coke can find the group who owns four of the five personality traits: those who work in customer support center. The only thing they lack is the technical knowledge but training and coaching del monte peas can solve this problem. The reward is the number of calls to 800 telephone lines in the center and that will reduce the effective corporate sync.
Part of the challenge for businesses is that in the last decade interactive digital media are usually placed in the "greenhouse" - in other words, assigned to a small group of staff with an independent budget. Scott Monty, who runs social media for Ford, explained to me that when he went to Ford, there are many groups and activities so the company is "surfing social media up until a few years ago . We have a strategic arrangement del monte peas of functional units involved in social media for Ford. We have implemented it in the U.S. and now have begun globally. "
These changes can upset a more decentralized corporate hierarchy. Social media is very democratic: These online consumers desire an individual del monte peas associated with full powers really solve their problems. Instant Updates nature of social media that businesses del monte peas can not control all the centralized dialogue.
Despite such obstacles, social media can bring valuable rewards. Mr. Monty estimated del monte peas that Ford spent 1/10 of the normal budget to launch the "Fiesta Movement" with the participation of 100 influential people on social networking communities. The team regularly post video introduces Ford Fiesta for six months before the cars available in the U.S. a year later. The program has helped identify rate unaided Fiesta reached 60% - increased from 0% in the previous year.
So, how do you in your business ready for social media? I have five steps for you: Community Building. Find all the staff are aware of the necessity of social media connections. Search communicating members. Identify who will connect with consumers. Experimental strategies. Will you conduct del monte peas a small test to prove successful or will deploy are? Develop communication content. can create a group chat, constant dialogue on social media channels. Openness to fail. Most social media programs fail. But there are also cases of impressive success. They successfully using strategies and portfolio adjustments quickly suit.
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