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It was not a day like any other. Presseurop held in Brussels on 4 June its first Forum in the European Parliament. The editorial team, usually scattered between Paris, Rome, Warsaw, Madrid and Lisbon, he moved to the capital city of the European Union, which organized the event and met with their readers.
The good news is that the disintegration of the EU today probably will not happen. But there are also bad news. Recession, or at best, weak growth, high unemployment, growing social tensions, selfishness Member States, a huge democratic conagra annual report deficit and the lack of a common vision for the future. This picture of the EU resulted from Fora Presseurop.
There is no doubt that the Union is at a crossroads, and nobody knows what will happen. According to MEP Danuta Hübner we have the worst behind us, there is no need revolution and the citizens of South indebted exhausted drastic austerity measures should conagra annual report - as the Poles in 1989 bite the bullet and accept painful reforms to their country on the path to growth. conagra annual report
The problem is that the recommendations that come from Brussels and from the "troika" (the IMF-EU-ECB) is essentially limited to satisfying market requirements. "Less markets, more people", "stop destroying the Spanish company" called Spanishengeneer reader.
Agreed with his words and European Parliament Vice President Miguel conagra annual report Angel Martínez Martínez, who emphasized the need for reform of the European social model, the social state and social trust. Without them, in his opinion, the European project does not pass the test of time. Portuguese conagra annual report MEP Rui Tavares joked to address the poor state of European democracy with the fact that "unlike India in the EU are just two castes: officials and bankers."
And what European citizens? It performs everyday problems, lack of employment opportunities, support from their own governments, loudly protesting in the streets of European conagra annual report cities. Elections to the European Parliament, which will take place next year, the last chance for people to take matters conagra annual report into their own hands and started to democratically shape the EU that will better meet their needs. Clock chimes and the time is less than it might seem. Presseurop ... stresseurop, losteurop, I love Europe
If I had to summarize in a few words, what feelings accompanied me during our first Presseurop Forum in Brussels, I quoted one of our guests, an Italian journalist Adrian Cerretelliovou (Il Sole 24 Ore): "When you are a leader of a European country, you have to be open to the opinions of others."
When you're the leader of the European press, which is what to multilingualism and cosmopolitanism at the top, as Presseurop, you must open towards others. That was the goal of our marathon day. Debate (on the topic of crisis, citizenship, federalism, etc.), conagra annual report open and more or less avowed Eurosceptic, were free from bureaucratic language and clichés that everything is in order, which is so well rooted in the consciousness of homo europeus.
Romania in 1986 did not know the word "European" and "anti-European", as it is known today. Dictionary of neologisms (issued by the Academy of the Romanian Socialist Republic), which I received in 1986 nationwide Olympics in Romanian language conagra annual report and literature, sits on a table in my Paris office as a reminder that we never know where we are going.
On the day of our forum, Brussels woke up to a gray morning. Clouds is downloaded over a European capital. The news came the night before the first sip of a Belgian beer: not interpreters [technical reasons connected with the transfer of the debate]. All debates will therefore be in English.
While I was at my first entry into the abode of democracy twenty-seven states felt a breath of the spirit of the European Community, swelled in me patriotism. How is it possible to give the tumultuous time of crisis the ECB's preferred language instead of the noble dialect of the Court of Justice of the EU?
Why when the president Hollande gave a fairly decent European an exam, compared with what spitted pupil Cameron, listen to the voice rather Stratford-upon-Avon than sweet music Gif-sur-Yvette?
Francophone and Francophile friends conclude from this radical conclusion: the debate will be about anything, conagra annual report as long as French law does not get to sit at a round table. When I was - in French - advised of the situation, I was surprised to find that I'm such an approach seems limited. Suddenly my ears echoed Parisian disputes about whether English universities yes or no.
At the end of the day the sun returned. And in my ears sounded a little different chorus. From the readers who come