stenosis of the small bowel / intestine minor | Veronica Riski Wulandari
Table of Contents: I. ANFIS minor intestinal II. A. Understanding the basic concepts of disease etiology B. C. D. Clinical manifestations Pathofisiologi E. Examination of diagnostic medical Penatalaksanan F. G. H. Prognosis Complications Epidemiology I. III. Assessment of nursing care A. B. C. Diagnose Intervention IV. V. Journal of Counseling Events Unit on the management of small bowel stenosis VI. Bibliography
I. ANFIS minor intestinal small intestine or the small intestine is the part of the digestive tract that lies between the stomach and the large intestine. The small intestine is composed of three parts: the duodenum (duodenal), empty intestine (jejunum), and intestinal absorption (ileum). In the duodenum, there are two channels, namely the estuary of the pancreas and gall bladder in the duodenum, resulting enzymes of the intestinal wall. The enzyme needed to digest food secarakimiawi: Enterokinase, to activate pancreatic trypsinogen to trypsin generated; Erepsin or dipeptidase, to change the dipeptide or peptone into amino acids; Lactase, transform lactose into glucose and galactose; maltase, maltose into glucose to function change; Disakarase, change the disaccharide into monosaccharides; peptidase, change shop selling out of date food polypeptides into amino acids; Lipase, transform shop selling out of date food triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids; sucrase, converting sucrose into fructose and glucose. Absorption in the intestine (iluem) there are many folds or indentations called flakes-flakes shop selling out of date food bowel (villi). Vili function expands the application of the surface, so that the food can be absorbed in the form of a perfect food glucose, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, water will be absorbed by capillaries in the villi, and transported to the liver to the portal vein. In the liver, some of the substance is converted into another form and some others will be circulated throughout the body. While fatty acids and glycerol are transported through the lymph vessels. Also called the duodenum duodenum, duodenal section are papilla of Vater. Duodenal wall has a layer that contains many mucous glands called the glands burner, befungsi to produce intestinal lymph. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine and connects the stomach to the jejunum, which is the second part of the jejunum and ileum of the small intestine between the jejunum and ileum Connection does not have a clear boundary. The lower end of the ileum to the cecum associated with intermediate hole called orifice ileosekalis. This is reinforced by the sphincter orifice ileosekalis and in this section there once valvulo valve that serves to prevent fluid in the ascending colon did not go back to the ileum. Mucosal surface of the small intestine epithelium is very strong through the mucosal folds and microvilli facilitate digestion and absobsi. These folds formed by the mucosa and submucosa which can enlarge the surface of the intestine. In cross section, the villi and crypts lined by epithelium that produces a variety of hormones and enzymes shop selling out of date food that the network maintains an active role in digestion. The function of the small intestine 1. Receive substances that have been digested food to be absorbed through the blood capillaries and lymphatic channels. 2. Absorb protein in the form of amino acids 3. Carbohydrates are absorbed in monosaccharides. II. Understanding Basic Concepts stenosis is a complete obstruction secondary diaphragm with a small hole or a web, while atresia is a complete obstruction. Duodenal stenosis is a narrowing or stricture is an abnormal duodenal lumen causing incomplete obstruction. Differentiate with atresia that causes complete obstruction of duodenal atresia and stenosis are common to the first and second parts of the duodenum, mostly in the area around the papilla Vater. The main bile duct may be associated with intraluminal mucosal web. Jejunal and ileal stenosis or stricture is a narrowing of the lumen of the jejunum and ileum are abnormal causing incomplete obstruction. Intestinal stenosis is a narrowing of the minor parts of the small intestine is the duodenum, ileum and jejunum which is a congenital disorder that causes incomplete obstruction. Etiology / causes - compression of the surface of the duodenum by Ladd bands secondary to a complete rotation of the intestine - wrap Annular pancreas - an autosomal recessive offspring - There Polyhidramnion (during pregnancy) - 1 risk factor. Chromosome Abnormalities Genetic disorders in spouse can cause abnormalities kongenitalpada son. With advances in techniques and forms directly investigate jumlahkromosomdalam cells - human cells, it can be found a relationship between abnormalities in the number and bentukkromosomdan shop selling out of date food kongenitaltertentu abnormalities, such as abnormalities padakromosomautosome 2. Factor Mechanical mechanical pressure of the fetus in the uterus can cause deformities. Organ deformities depending on the area that experienced the pressure that keeps m
Table of Contents: I. ANFIS minor intestinal II. A. Understanding the basic concepts of disease etiology B. C. D. Clinical manifestations Pathofisiologi E. Examination of diagnostic medical Penatalaksanan F. G. H. Prognosis Complications Epidemiology I. III. Assessment of nursing care A. B. C. Diagnose Intervention IV. V. Journal of Counseling Events Unit on the management of small bowel stenosis VI. Bibliography
I. ANFIS minor intestinal small intestine or the small intestine is the part of the digestive tract that lies between the stomach and the large intestine. The small intestine is composed of three parts: the duodenum (duodenal), empty intestine (jejunum), and intestinal absorption (ileum). In the duodenum, there are two channels, namely the estuary of the pancreas and gall bladder in the duodenum, resulting enzymes of the intestinal wall. The enzyme needed to digest food secarakimiawi: Enterokinase, to activate pancreatic trypsinogen to trypsin generated; Erepsin or dipeptidase, to change the dipeptide or peptone into amino acids; Lactase, transform lactose into glucose and galactose; maltase, maltose into glucose to function change; Disakarase, change the disaccharide into monosaccharides; peptidase, change shop selling out of date food polypeptides into amino acids; Lipase, transform shop selling out of date food triglycerides into glycerol and fatty acids; sucrase, converting sucrose into fructose and glucose. Absorption in the intestine (iluem) there are many folds or indentations called flakes-flakes shop selling out of date food bowel (villi). Vili function expands the application of the surface, so that the food can be absorbed in the form of a perfect food glucose, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, water will be absorbed by capillaries in the villi, and transported to the liver to the portal vein. In the liver, some of the substance is converted into another form and some others will be circulated throughout the body. While fatty acids and glycerol are transported through the lymph vessels. Also called the duodenum duodenum, duodenal section are papilla of Vater. Duodenal wall has a layer that contains many mucous glands called the glands burner, befungsi to produce intestinal lymph. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine and connects the stomach to the jejunum, which is the second part of the jejunum and ileum of the small intestine between the jejunum and ileum Connection does not have a clear boundary. The lower end of the ileum to the cecum associated with intermediate hole called orifice ileosekalis. This is reinforced by the sphincter orifice ileosekalis and in this section there once valvulo valve that serves to prevent fluid in the ascending colon did not go back to the ileum. Mucosal surface of the small intestine epithelium is very strong through the mucosal folds and microvilli facilitate digestion and absobsi. These folds formed by the mucosa and submucosa which can enlarge the surface of the intestine. In cross section, the villi and crypts lined by epithelium that produces a variety of hormones and enzymes shop selling out of date food that the network maintains an active role in digestion. The function of the small intestine 1. Receive substances that have been digested food to be absorbed through the blood capillaries and lymphatic channels. 2. Absorb protein in the form of amino acids 3. Carbohydrates are absorbed in monosaccharides. II. Understanding Basic Concepts stenosis is a complete obstruction secondary diaphragm with a small hole or a web, while atresia is a complete obstruction. Duodenal stenosis is a narrowing or stricture is an abnormal duodenal lumen causing incomplete obstruction. Differentiate with atresia that causes complete obstruction of duodenal atresia and stenosis are common to the first and second parts of the duodenum, mostly in the area around the papilla Vater. The main bile duct may be associated with intraluminal mucosal web. Jejunal and ileal stenosis or stricture is a narrowing of the lumen of the jejunum and ileum are abnormal causing incomplete obstruction. Intestinal stenosis is a narrowing of the minor parts of the small intestine is the duodenum, ileum and jejunum which is a congenital disorder that causes incomplete obstruction. Etiology / causes - compression of the surface of the duodenum by Ladd bands secondary to a complete rotation of the intestine - wrap Annular pancreas - an autosomal recessive offspring - There Polyhidramnion (during pregnancy) - 1 risk factor. Chromosome Abnormalities Genetic disorders in spouse can cause abnormalities kongenitalpada son. With advances in techniques and forms directly investigate jumlahkromosomdalam cells - human cells, it can be found a relationship between abnormalities in the number and bentukkromosomdan shop selling out of date food kongenitaltertentu abnormalities, such as abnormalities padakromosomautosome 2. Factor Mechanical mechanical pressure of the fetus in the uterus can cause deformities. Organ deformities depending on the area that experienced the pressure that keeps m
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