Flax is one of the oldest smithfield agency cultivated plants which was used for the manufacture of linen, but was particularly known for the therapeutic properties of the seeds. The importance of this plant is shown by the Latin name linus usitatissimus, smithfield agency which means "the flax very useful." The slight sweet taste in combination with the high content smithfield agency in beneficial health nutrients make ancient Flax seeds are a modern miracle food which should not be missing from our diet.
The plant with the "more blue flower nature" traditionally gives us the raw material for the manufacture of oil (linseed oil), precious fiber optic feed, nets, paint, paper and soap. In recent years, however, flax proved for another reason "very useful." As she scientific research confirms the crucial role of omega-3 fatty acids in health, doctors smithfield agency and nutritionists smithfield agency express smithfield agency keen interest in nutritional and therapeutic value and encourage not just bring it in our diet, but to consider the essential component of .
From nutritional point of view, the linoleum has a feature that makes it unique. With the exception of the oil (which contains many antioxidants, but only 1% of omega fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid), most oils are rich in omega-6, and some of them (rapeseed oil, hempseed oil, nut oils) containing omega 3 However linoleum comprised 55% of alpha-linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid which belongs to the group of omega-3 fatty acids and linseed are the most abundant plant source of scarce nature of omega-3, while also being only traces of omega -6. That is very important for our health, smithfield agency as it has been shown that the excess of omega-6 induces oxidative and inflammatory reactions in almost all of the body. All serious chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer and possibly diabetes, aggravated by such inflammatory reactions. Balance smithfield agency
The balance of omega 3 and omega-6 fatty acids are very important for our health. Unfortunately modern way food is characterized by an excess smithfield agency of omega -6 fatty acids, which can lead to chronic oxidative and inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and possibly some cancers. The high content of linseed and linseed oil mainly in alpha-linolenic acid can help greatly in balancing smithfield agency these two fatty acids and thereby significantly smithfield agency reduce the risk for chronic diseases.
In addition, smithfield agency flax seeds and oil are rich sources of natural antioxidants ligknans, which are found in flax at a concentration smithfield agency 80 times higher than in fatty fish (salmon, trout, herring, tuna, sardines, mackerel), in spinach and purslane plant (purslane). These antioxidants protect the heart, alleviating the symptoms of inflammatory diseases and may protect against diabetes. The flax also contains some phytoestrogens, which have a preventive against cancer or delay its development, lower cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. Even, flax is rich in calcium, vitamin E and protein. It has a low sodium content and does not contain gluten, resulting in the flour produced from it to be more easily digested and particularly suitable for those with gastrointestinal problems. Due to the high content of fiber, protects the body from constipation and acts proactively bowel malignancies. At the same time, the consumption smithfield agency relieves asthma, menstrual pain, menopausal symptoms and the irritable bowel syndrome. Finally, recent studies show promising results regarding its therapeutic effects in psychiatric and neurological problems, such as depression and bipolar disorder.
Linseed oil: For the kitchen there is only cold pressed linseed smithfield agency and linseed expeller hot -which is one of the oldest oils; used only as a stabilizer and solvent dyes in painting and furniture. The cold pressed linseed oil is easily oxidized at high temperatures, so it is not used for cooking, only raw. Expiration date must be stored at low temperature and is available in dark opaque bottles so as not oxidized smithfield agency by sunlight. It is a light oil with a soft, pleasant taste that is reminiscent of the flavor of nuts. To get all the benefits of this particular oil, can counter