A few days ago British court has banned a Turkish businessman selling Chobani yogurt called tools and equipment in food preservation "Greek yogurt" in the UK, which means that the treatment of the Greek company tools and equipment in food preservation Fage caught site.
However, it seems that the case might be over pay, but has raised a lot of dust ... on the side of the Turks. As in the case of the entrepreneur Hamdi Ouloukagia called the "Tsti Jobs of yogurt." This particular tools and equipment in food preservation is among the 10 most successful entrepreneurs in the USA.
The loss brings the court's decision, it can not sell yogurt tools and equipment in food preservation Chobani, England is significant .... In reality: not blowing cold. As writes columnist Hurriyet: tools and equipment in food preservation "There is no other nation that consumes as much yogurt as Turks.
Epikaleita a book and connoisseurs dimiosiografou Artoun Ounsal in which the emphasis is on how the Turks are "tied" with yogurt, so that one could call them "people of yogurt!" tools and equipment in food preservation
Indeed, complement Hürriyet columnist, many Turkish dishes are basic component Chobani yogurt was ready to promote the product and "Greek tzatziki," Once the word (always according tools and equipment in food preservation to columnist) comes from Persia.
"The tools and equipment in food preservation word 'yogurt' is Turkish, no doubt. However in the USA, 50 years ago it entered the market yogurt, Greek was the one who first made his appearance and not ours. Our hands are tied. We can not sell our yogurt and we can not emphasize that word belongs to us. Above all, our kitchen has not received the international position of the worth, as has happened with the Italian and Greek cuisine. "
Yogurt is a dairy product is important for our country. tools and equipment in food preservation Digestible, light and nutritious food, perfect for all ages. A natural antibiotic for longevity !! The yogurt, tools and equipment in food preservation food surprisingly good for the digestive system, improves health and gives longevity when consumed regularly.
The history of yogurt: Without a doubt, the yogurt was not many years before people write about it. It is very likely that the discovery was accidental. It is generally believed that first appeared tools and equipment in food preservation in the Middle East, somewhere in the region of present-day Turkey, or perhaps in neighboring Persia. Included in the diet of the Greeks from ancient times, because it was considered rich in nutrients. For this reason and called ygeiarto. tools and equipment in food preservation
These amazing properties are discovered back in the early 1900s by the Russian tools and equipment in food preservation Nobel laureate tools and equipment in food preservation scientist, physiology and medicine, Dr Elias Metchinikoff. The physician bacteriologist Metsinkof discovered that fatty milk are more easily tools and equipment in food preservation digested by neutralizing pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract and examined the correlation with early aging in humans. tools and equipment in food preservation The study concluded that human longevity due to yogurt. tools and equipment in food preservation
Food is very nutritious and easy to digest, so called miraculous !!! In the market we find in many types, but we mean when we say the traditional yogurt. Yogurt made from fresh milk, especially cow (previously used sheep's milk), which have added the specific cultures coalesce, kneaded it with the help of two bacteria, Bacillus milk (laktompakilous boulkarikous) and streptococcus (Streptococcus termofylous) . That is, through the action of these bacteria and under certain conditions, the milk was pasteurized in advance, is converted into another product, which has thick texture and characteristic sour taste. The sign <live> means that in addition to the pasteurization of milk pasteurization not followed another in the final product, which retains all the enzymes lactate live, and can be used for making yogurt at home (like yeast). The real yogurt should be on the label <live> or <live lactic cultures> or write their scientific name. The delicious cheese product is famous for its nutrients, is one of the most convenient materials of Greek cuisine. The widespread yogurt dishes like tzatziki and yogurt with honey and walnuts succeeding new proposals for an everyday meal, but also professional tools and equipment in food preservation restaurateurs.
Nutrients: The yogurt contains all the components of milk and relatively few calories. Because it is concentrated contain more protein and calcium. Specifically yogurt contains:
Metals and Minerals: Calcium is a rich source of Ms.
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