Modern mixer roti bekas so-called educated people mixer roti bekas tend to mock and latteliggøre the Vedic culture and literature, as they say, is fabricated by some primitive, native normadestammer who lived in India long ago. But what kind normadestamme would write in a language that is so perfect in composition, mixer roti bekas grammar and rhythm that it takes modern linguists at least 10 years of study just roughly to master grammar? Most linguistic scholars acknowledge today that Sanskrit is the oldest known language, and possibly the mother of all modern languages we know today.
What kind of native wanted for more than 5000 years ago formulate units of time based on atomic mixer roti bekas motions as low as 1 / 10,000 of a second mixer roti bekas up to the universe's total life span? (See. Srimad Bhagavatam 3.11.1-12)
What kind of native could provide accurate descriptions of all the planets in our solar system, some of which modern scientists have only recently discovered? Not to speak of descriptions of planets in the universe that is still unknown to modern science. (See. Srimad Bhagavatam, Surya Siddhanta, and most Puranas)
What kind of primitive natives would be able to summarize and categorize all existing species of life in the universe in terms of their consciousness development, including 400,000 human species? (See. Padma Purana)
Ayurveda and Garuda Purana contains mixer roti bekas diagnostiseringer and natural medicines against all known ailments. A good Ayurvedic doctor can determine any illness simply by taking the pulse in three places at the wrist. Ayurvedic clinics are found in most countries around the world and are highly valued and successful.
The Vedic musicology is one of the most sophisticated and complex in the world where rhythms and scales associated with specific moods and times of day (raga). It was common knowledge in the Vedic culture that special sound vibrations have different effects on the human mind.
The Vedic community's political structure allowed the inhabitants to live in peaceful and prosperous circumstances during saintly rulers who had carefully insight into human psychology. Rama Varna dharma social system guaranteed that all worked according to their physical and mental abilities and at the same time they were secured mixer roti bekas gradually to advance in spiritual understanding for final liberation from the material world. All continents were known and regular trade and exchanges took place. (See. Mahabharata, Bhagavata and other Puranas)
Constructions mixer roti bekas of temples and other buildings were performed according to written guidelines (Shilpa Shastra). You can still observe the remains of some of the Vedic architecture masterpieces (Kanchi Puram, Mahabali Puram, Jagannath Puri to name a few). These are impressive buildings constructed from solid stone blocks by a technique that has not even be surpassed with the most modern technology. There were walls inlaid mixer roti bekas with precious stones (all of which were looted by invading Muslims and Englishmen). These buildings had air conditioning based on running water, perfect acoustics, etc. The cutouts in the stone speaks for itself. In the Puranas we find descriptions of interiøre that far exceeds anything modern counterpart, gem-inlaid furniture and indoor swimming pools. Such descriptions are also confirmed in the works of Mughal and other Muslim occupiers (1100 - 1500 AD) as well as in 'One India Traveler diary' of Tavernier, who was also the one who brought Hope and Koh-i-noor diamonds to Europe.
It is from the Vedas (Shulba sutras) we have the decimal system, the number 0, equations with unknowns repæsenteret of letters, and the modern number system. The first examples of arithmetic, square and cube roots, geometry, trigonometry, found in Veda, and it was Aryabhattader that in AD 497 Pi calculated to be 3.1416.
During the Vedic era, there was only Kshatriya'er (members of the warrior caste) dealing with war and violence. Civilians were never involved in or victims of war, which always took place in remote battlefields mixer roti bekas according to specific rules and regulations. A few examples: One who turned his back, one that was panicky, one who was confused, or who fled, was preserved and had not killed. They fought just as the sun was up. Warriors who possessed heavenly weapons, could only use these weapons (triggered using. Mantras) against other warriors who also possessed mixer roti bekas them.
Vedic soldiers knew a psychic technology not known today, and that made them able through sound vibrations (mantras) to trigger elements like fire, water, or air and directing them towards an enemy. They could also through mantras trigger brahmastra'en which was the ultimate destructive weapons that can almost be compared to a controlled release of nuclear
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