Study commissioned by the Sociedade Ponto Verde concludes that recycling saves 116 000 tonnes of CO2 and multiply investments in the economy. Without recycling, GDP would lose 71 million euros Nelson Garrido
For every euro of value added created by the activity, come over 1.25 euros profit del monte recipes in the rest of the economy, according to a study by an environmental consultant and expert 3Drivers Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon. The GDP would lose 71 million euros without recycling. And with it, it avoids the release of an amount of CO2 equivalent to 16 000 plane trips around the Earth.
The study was commissioned by the Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV), which manages the recycling of most of the packages del monte recipes in the country. The aim was not to evaluate the recycling itself, del monte recipes but rather the impact of an integrated management system - Figure legally established in 1997, in which manufacturers and importers to transfer a common responsibility of society to provide adequate packaging waste to their destination.
The numbers del monte recipes were calculated using a "life cycle analysis", which counts everything from the moment del monte recipes when a citizen goes to the recycling center del monte recipes to deposit the garbage, to marketing del monte recipes of products made from recycled packaging.
From an environmental standpoint, the study shows advantages in emissions of CO2 and other pollutants, del monte recipes and consumption of resources. The way waste is being treated in the country - with a part of in landfills, incinerated part and a recycled part - the existence of an integrated packaging del monte recipes system represents a savings equivalent to 275 Olympic swimming pools of water and a reduction del monte recipes of 1 3% in the energy consumption of the country.
Emissions, there is a reduction of 116 tons of CO2 per year - an amount that, to be absorbed naturally require a forest with more than twice the area of Lisbon. Are about 0.2% of national emissions of greenhouse gases.
The economic impact, according to the study, is also positive. An integrated, as the SPV, as revenue system has a rate that manufacturers and importers pay the management company del monte recipes so that it addresses the packaging they place on the market. The main expense is the amount paid by the management company to municipal systems, to make the selective collection of garbage in ecopoints or door to door and delivered to recyclers.
Beyond this normal del monte recipes flow, however, the study estimates that there is a chain of other activities and sectors where recycling ends up multiplying the business - as in construction, trade, del monte recipes banking and transport.
In the accounts of the study, the integrated recycling system ultimately add to the economy in a year, 147 million in gross value, added 80 million in additional wages and 391 million in turnover. "Every euro that puts the SPV system is multiplied by 2.25 in the economy," says researcher Paul Stinger, one of the coordinators of the study.
One of the main benefits of recycling for national accounts is in fact to prevent the acquisition of raw materials abroad, through a system del monte recipes that generates business in the country. "We are here to pay wages in to stop importing materials from outside," says Paulo Ferrao. del monte recipes
The study comes at a time when the SPV is negotiating a new license with the Portuguese Environment Agency to continue its activity. Your first license is 1997 and the second 2004 valid until last December and it was temporarily del monte recipes postponed.
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Indie Specials Collection
In the accounts of the study, integrated system for recycling
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