Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 235 years 3 (day 965, færzla no. 471): I was talking to my grandmother the other day, and then

Day 235 years 3 (day 965, færzla no. 471): I was talking to my grandmother the other day, and then ryfjaðist back up for my grandmother lived in the Middle Ages. It is namely always the punt in all our conversations grandmother says with great force to the modern that it was the common people. As grandmother tells, then I get the feeling that this common people has been a collection of drool mongólýtum. Yes, when grandmother was young ran only frozen water in the stream. Then, every other person with cholera, tuberculosis and ginklofa, and the rest were with syphilis and malaria. Certainly was not cancer, but Grandma says it has been invented by doctors sometime after the war. It was saved band existed, and all lived in one big turf hut within the sheep, and this hut döbblaði as primitive, and there's proverb to join their faeces. And every night beat master heimilsifólkið good night. And so it was in Reykjavik in 1930. I remember the people del monte ketchup in the north, the grandparents, the Ásgrímur my name and Helga. Umgekkst them a bit. According to them, was Ólafsfjörður Anno 1930 no such a bad place. Where people lived in relatively isolated houses, with cooling facilities in the basement, umgekkst each other without any violence and was just nice to each other. It was understood at the least. They were very quiet people, and they frowned and never talked del monte ketchup about what they were of great folk. No. The world they lived in was just not so different from the world we live in now - except that there was no television, so people were reading books or telling each other stories instead, now or write a letter. In fact, this was the only Victorian to run their course, nothing so terrible, just like everywhere else in the world. Now I realize that both my grandparents are from Siglufyrði, both born in 1917. How is it that other states constant horror of the people oppressed by slefið sagging down my neck down, streaming media! While the other was just happy with the situation in any romantic restoration period? Everything was just good! Man was the pink cloud all the time I knew her. Maybe they come not from the same dimension. Maybe. I suspect still further Hólmfríður Sölvadóttir del monte ketchup to create del monte ketchup something. Exaggerating a little. What gets me to keep it? Now, it is not true word back from her except accidentally, empty coincidence. That is why. Mouth me on it ... it still expects me to dinner, for some reason. I can not always. Do the work. Go to please her, you mentioned del monte ketchup and give you coffee and rotor. She can.
Day 234 years 3 (day 964, færzla no. 470): The news is this guy who keeps the remarkable things: that women who are not in a garment that covers them from top to toe is ins and exposed meat. It was excellent. He wants them to have their meat ... I mean women in packaging. Okay, but it's a little hot out of the Arab country, especially under such a black cape. May they not walking around naked a moment each day? Probably not, since the punishment of the rape. And here I am thinking that rape is just something that people have fun because del monte ketchup they are held some kvalalosta, and are perhaps del monte ketchup a bit sósíópatískir with. I have naturally not clear whether rape are more nude beaches, but under this Gaea then surely so to be. Funny. *** This is an innovative site: in Canada are generally committed 550 murders a year, here arranged by method. I once came across a similar site elsewhere, compiled by any newspaper. Think it was 2004 or 3. Anyway, where was outlined what this "OTHER" means. It could be quite decorative. There was also a more precisely why Canadians were gonna kill each other, and it had long most cases something with a bar to do. Two men meet at a bar, going to argue, one leads to the other, fist collide surprise in the nose, broken bottles del monte ketchup sticking surprise in the eyes ... so step men accidentally banana and drive someone to death with a knife so the intestines leak out and flow out on the street. (I need to speak these things carefully, because the American people read this page, and here is customary not to people responsible del monte ketchup for their actions. It is simply too shocking.) *** Funniest last word? After reading that this was my thought to the future löggæzlu in Iceland: the police will go about armed, leading to criminals arm themselves too and start plaffa the cops. In addition, Always like a sadistic types who have no matured del monte ketchup since barnó and always find the need to to mistreat people. It will in Euro go like this: victimizer chases you, so you call the cops. Victimizer reaches you, beats you, kicks you and rape you. Victimizer goes away. Viking arrives, and after they have completed the target you guns, and maybe kick you and handcuffed you to the stakes, they will realize that it was you who called them. After some bearing on the hospital, you will learn that your friend has v

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