Sunday, April 5, 2015

CIAA recently did a study showing the latest state of the European Parliament with regard to the EU

EU food and beverage industry, the annual 913 billion euro and Europe's leading manufacturing sector with more than 4 million people are directly employed. 55 billion euros per year in the exporting food and beverage products industry, the positive trade balance with the EU contributes EUR 2 billion. Therefore CIAA (EU Food and Drink Industry Associations Confederation), the sector in order to maintain its leading position cassava crisps in the EU and world market, the European Parliament (EP) close all the legislation being worked on by the process as followed and the work is contained within itself. cassava crisps
CIAA recently did a study showing the latest state of the European Parliament with regard to the EU food legislation. cassava crisps Ongoing research at the AP site were collected in 8 main categories. September 2009, the last case studies cassava crisps evaluating, as well as developments relating to legislation, the grounds of the major objectives of development and demand changes in demand cıaa gives place to a wide range of information about the background. cassava crisps
His main stand strongly on the subject cıaa coming competitiveness of the EU food industry. CIAA, a wide range of food and beverage industry, consumers and the community safe, nutritious, sustainable, while providing a healthy and affordable food and beverage products also aims to ensure that remain competitive.
Nevertheless, CIAA, although the sector have the potential, the law urgently want to take action on creating a favorable business environment is highly competitive and create new opportunities for EU food and drink manufacturers of legislators. If the AP does not have an action. CIAA, in this regard cassava crisps the European Commission wants quick and timely implementation of the recommendations of the High Level Group. A High Level Group concerned with the competitiveness of the EU agri-food industry (HLG) was established by Commission Vice-President Verheugen in June 2008. The Group; Member States, the EU agri-food industry, is composed of professional associations and civil society representatives. cassava crisps
Informing the labels of consumers, Diet, Physical Activity and Health topics Action to raise consumer cassava crisps awareness about nutrition information of stakeholders in the EU Platform and healthy lifestyle to one of action issues in the framework for providing make informed cassava crisps choices. cassava crisps The European cassava crisps Commission in January 2008, the current EU labeling rules (Directive 2000/13 / EC) and nutrition labeling rules (Directive 90/496 / EC) adopted the draft law revision.
Initially cassava crisps CIAA, the simplification of existing legislation with a better understanding of the regulation, the reduction of administrative burden and consumers with labels in order to provide additional information on EU labeling rules to revise the European Commission supported the request.
As a result of consumer cassava crisps information studies CIAA has developed the Nutrition Labeling G optionally schema in June 2006 and the number of firms implementing scheme until today has grown rapidly. Scheme accepted as scientifically derived from international and SEE (Daily Coverage cassava crisps Ratio) occurs and helps to make balanced dietary choices as part of a healthy lifestyle of consumers. At the end of 2008 across Europe were using the scheme at least 1030 brand, and the end of 2009 began to use the scheme 100% of Europe's 10 largest food and beverage company product. In March 2009, the Environment Committee of the elections until the deferral of the draft document has been revised first. If before the EP elections in June 2009. There have been discussions about informing about the food. Currently cassava crisps attending three committees to work on this issue and opinions are preparing (ENVI- Environment Committee; IMCO- Market and Consumer Protection Committee and AGRI-Agriculture and Rural Development Committee). The draft report will be evaluated between 3-5 November 2009. Report, which will have the final shape in January 2010, to be submitted to a vote in the EP Plenary on 19 April 2010.
The first meeting was held in the European Parliament on 25 March 2009, most of the new members is representative of the country, because of the June EP elections "Council Common Position" was postponed negotiations. There was no definite date yet for the second call, but 2010 promises to be done before the spring.
cloning and nanotechnology issues dominate the debate in the EP. On a definition will find broad support by EP and Council regarding nanotechnology industry agreed. Remained the most controversial issues in cloning the AP and to be the subject of separate legal provisions excluded from the scope of the regulation was discussed. On the other hand, prefers to keep the scope of Council Regulation cloning.
In October 2008 the European Commission published a Green Paper on the quality of agricultural products. The scope of the Green Paper; marketing standards, agricultural conditions, quality assurance schemes, geographic marks and was quite broadly cassava crisps to cover topics such as organic production. Stakeholders end of 2008

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