Monday, June 30, 2014

A suitable amount of water in the body is essential to maintain the optimal level of metabolism, al

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It is no secret that the water content in the human body oscillates at 60%. Its particular value is dependent on age and body fat. The highest percentage recorded in the newborn, in which the water comprises about 75-80% of body weight. Percentage of water is higher in lean individuals (about 70% of body weight) than in obese (approximately 55% of body weight). texas health springwood
It's simple. Because under normal circumstances it is not stored in the body. It is essential to its continuous supply, texas health springwood without having the feeling of thirst. Should drink even when we do not feel dryness in the throat, which is a small sign of dehydration.
A suitable amount of water in the body is essential to maintain the optimal level of metabolism, allows to expel unwanted toxins, protects against poisoning and the life-threatening metabolic disorders. Often thirst is confused with the feeling of hunger. An organism that does not receive a sufficient amount of liquids, communicating their needs in many different ways. Basic signs of water loss at 10% are: fatigue, strong thirst, headaches and dizziness. When the water lacks the level of 20% -22% this condition texas health springwood is life-threatening and can result in death. Therefore, signs of dehydration are so dangerous, especially for young children who lose water very quickly and that often does not indicate the need for fluid resuscitation (eg during infection with a high fever). Water and Minerals
The transformation of water associated with the transition texas health springwood - proteins, texas health springwood carbohydrates, fats and minerals. Minerals, like water, do not provide energy regime, however, are necessary texas health springwood for normal life processes. Mineral salts build bones, texas health springwood determine its hardness, are an essential component of cells as soluble components of body fluids play a large role in the process of stimulating the muscles and nerves, contribute to the maintenance of acid-base balance of the system and maintain a constant osmotic pressure of body fluids.
Mineral water is, as the name suggests, water with minerals. Containing composed of, among other things, magnesium, calcium, sodium and iodine: elements of life, necessary texas health springwood for a healthy pregnancy and positively influence the development of the fetus and child. You should know that the amount of minerals in the body does not remain constant. We're losing them, for example when we sweat. Loss of minerals, especially sodium and chloride ions, can lead to disturbances in water and electrolyte balance of the body. Sodium in our body has the ability to bind water, texas health springwood so its normal concentration prevents excessive loss. On the other reasons can include systemic disorders associated with abnormal water and electrolyte balance, as well as diseases leading to its excessive excretion.
Editors Portal Water for Health: Infant We cater to the need of the child to the water through a woman's diet that meets all his nutritional needs. It is important that in the case of slightly older child, remember to quote him water. The child does not always thirsty and do not lead to dehydration, which can be detrimental to his health. Water is not only for children but also for adults is extremely valuable liquid, as perfectly quenches thirst, and drunk in small sips regularly supplemented fluids texas health springwood in the body. Best water for children will undoubtedly water, which has a smaller amount of minerals. It is worth noting that for the children to look for water, the degree of mineralization is less than 500 mg per liter of dissolved constituents.
The issue of food preparation for infants and older children have the same. Mineralized natural mineral water and spring water, due to the low content of mineral components are very useful for preparing food for babies who do not yet have the correspondingly shaped internal organs texas health springwood including the kidneys and the digestive system that they can take the minerals which must in this age receive only breast milk. The standards defining adequate intake of water contained both in beverages and food. were published by the Institute of Food and Nutrition Standards for Human Nutrition in 2008, edited by prof. Miroslaw Jarosz. According to the publication: children aged 1-3 years: should drink 1.3 liters of fluid per day, children 4-6 years: 1.7 liters children 7-9 years old: 1.9 liters girls 10-18 years: 2 ,1-2, 3-liter, texas health springwood boys 10-18 years: 2,4-3,3 liters, women> 19 years: 2.7

Sunday, June 29, 2014

So we can meet with the various recommendations for daily intake of water. On the basis of recommen

Navigation Eat Healthy Healthy Eating Healthy Eating habits Alternative Diet Breakfast for the Brain selection of breads Brown vs White Meat and Milk Health and Health Food and Health Irrigation Healthy Weight Loss Diet salads Healthy dieting effective way to metabolism Products Light Glycemic Index Sugars - avoiding physical activity Diet Effective Diet Diet Diet for anti-tumor brain Overview diet Dukan Diet Nutritional Ingredients Fats and Health trans fat frying fat butter or margarine Meat and Health Carbohydrates Sugars Sugars - avoiding Fibre syrup, glucose - fructose Products Milk Products Cheese Eggs Fish Fruit and berry meat under Trivia magnifying glass on Aspartame Stevia sweet syrup, glucose - fructose sugar in confectionery sugar factory menu sugar in juices and fruit drinks Sugar Monosodium glutamate water to drink Caffeine Brown vs White Fast - food drugs and food MOM method hangover diet and workouts Breast Recipes Other A few words about Partners me
Perhaps you've heard repeatedly requests and orders of all sorts of experts as to the amount of fluids you drink - "mandatory sugar factory menu two liters a day"! Approx. Two liters. But what? Does it have to be the same water? Do we get to that coffee and tea? And as the water is carbonated or non-carbonated? What is it with minerals? What the water in the food? For what reason a 50-pound sugar factory menu woman drink the same as the 100 - pound man?
That's right ... Usually, the above series of questions precipitated expert from equilibrium, while excavating the topic does not make sense. In the end, two liters is two liters - not discussed sugar factory menu by oczywistościach. But what is as it turns out that the widely accepted and repeated like a mantra assumption does not necessarily have anything to do with the truth, but rather the body's demand for water. Why? - I invite you to read! Water - the life-giving fluid
Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body. Most of the water is in the infant (75%) and least in the elderly (50%). sugar factory menu While an adult without food is able to survive more than a month without so much water will not survive sugar factory menu more than a few - a few days. Thus, although the water is not known to nutrients is an essential part of our diet and in no way can we belittle its value.
Water full loads of important functions in the human body: An environment for most metabolic processes in the body - is necessary for the occurrence of complex chemical reactions, is a means of transport for many components of oxygen, enzymes, hormones, nutrients, including water, are removed from waste products matter; sugar factory menu It is involved in the digestion process - is an essential sugar factory menu component of digestive enzymes, to the molding sugar factory menu of the parison and the gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract; Regulates body temperature sugar factory menu - protects the body from overheating sugar factory menu by removing excess heat and sweat;
Studies assessing the demand for water are carried in 1866, and yet there is no clear conclusions. Determining the proper demand sugar factory menu for this nutrient is difficult due to differences in climatic conditions, general health, physical activity, and lack of proper hydration objectified indicators.
So we can meet with the various recommendations for daily intake of water. On the basis of recommendations made by the Food and Nutrition Institute (IZZ) in 2008, men should drink until 3700 ml per day, while women in 2700 ml / day. But it was a far greater amount compared to the average demand for water, which scientists have obtained sugar factory menu on the basis of hydration status. Therefore, in April 2010, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA - European sugar factory menu Food Safety Authority) has issued new recommendations on intake of fluids, IZZ replicated these standards in 2012.
Thus, on the basis of standards with the level of sufficient intake of women should deliver an average of 2 liters, 2.5 liters and men of fluids sugar factory menu a day. Specific recommendations can be found in the table below. sugar factory menu
Another way to determine the demand for water is knowledge about the amount of calories taken with food. The daily supply of water required to ensure proper metabolic function of the body should not be less than 1 ml / 1 kcal of energy produced. In the case of infants this quantity is larger and amounts to 1.5 ml / 1 kcal. More water also need pregnant women and lactating women - respectively 300 ml and 700 ml than before pregnancy.
However, be aware that there are large inter-individual differences that can significantly affect the current demand for water. And so the individual needs of the organism in the nutrient we need to take into account weather conditions, level of physical activity, type of diet or

Bubble tea-based beverage is green or black tea with tapioca pearls on the bottom, which, when pull

Chocolate, tea, berries - that they found substances chemically very similar to valproic acid, commonly used mood stabilizing drug, which is a prescription. More than 1,700 food ingredients which are structurally similar to approved antidepressants and antidepressants by computers analyzing the chemical structure of the investigated Karina Martinez-Mayorga, a researcher with the Institute of Chemistry of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, together with the band. The resemblance of valproic acid specialist advised that some have striking chemical similarity to the prescription drug - valproic acid. It helps stabilize the symptoms of certain diseases such as special excitement associated with states of mania in bipolar disorder (a disorder characterized by frequent episodes of alternating mania and depression). "The food company in india tendency to depression in its many forms has increased due to our of stress. Antidepressants are effective only for 50 - 60 percent of patients, "- said the author, who initiated the research at the Torrey Pines Institute in San Diego. "All of this points to the need to develop new and creative strategies - she added. "I would like to emphasize, food company in india however, that our interest in improving mood flavors food company in india are focused food company in india mainly on normal, healthy people, not people with clinical depression." Foods of happiness, or diet to improve mood Sharon food company in india earns a nutritionist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, stressed it is well documented how the various food groups affect mood. For example, food company in india protein from meat, fish, poultry and eggs are known to increase the levels of hormones that affect the concentration and energy, while carbohydrates food company in india increase brain levels of the neurotransmitter that reduces pain and calms. "Personally, I think everything that it affects the way of feeling - Earn said - we do not need supplements and pills. We need food as fuel that gave us the energy to work during the day, at the same time give ourselves the ingredients for neurotransmission. "/ Author: Marga source: / What is bubble tea? At the point of bubble tea mad almost the entire world. Drink a native of Taiwan, is gaining more and more supporters also with us. What is the secret of its success?
Bubble tea-based beverage is green or black tea with tapioca pearls on the bottom, which, when pulled through the drinking straw thick. It can be fruit, milk and yogurt. Is served hot or cold, with additions such as jelly, jelly beans and bursting balls with juice (as a result, we can create combinations such as milk sell lychee flavored tea cold with tapioca and coconut type of sweet). For the half-liter mug will pay about 12 zł. The administration of tea with balls first in Poland specialized YanTea, formed a year ago near Szczecin, but competition, or bubble tea shop comes to him only from this year's spring. In April, the first two bars were created in the city center of Warsaw - belonging to the English network Bubbleology, styled food company in india in the laboratory (waiters in coats researchers) and Bubble Tea Cup & Go, a small tea house run by two Vietnamese. Since then, around the street Chmielnej become the largest basin bubble tea in Poland (today there are already five more units). All women with their own specialty tea Why Taiwanese queue up crowds of customers or for tea madness can do business - I ask Hanna Drum, co-owner tearoom "Drink food company in india Tea" at Chmielnej 10 small place is decorated in rainbow colors. In the middle is a table with chairs, but you can also drink tea with hand-painted tops of bar or where I sit - on a special seat in a shop with lots of soft pillows. I drink bubble food company in india tea with fresh raspberries, food company in india while my interlocutor behind food company in india the counter preparing drinks for guests visiting a tea room. In around a lot of people with bubble tea. How many people a day you visited? - Sometimes, even 60-70. Dominated by women, but also looks a lot men. So far I'm not complaining, we are able to pay for the bills and break even. Most of satisfaction I feel when they come to us regular customers. I do not even have to say what they want. Then I know that our tea that tastes good. You knew what hit it turns out bubble tea when zakładałaś "Drink Tea"? - For almost three years I lived in Taiwan. There is very hot and you have a lot to drink, so as not to dehydrate. Bubble tea was invented there and is the most popular beverage. We all get it back to three cups a day is standard. I thought that in Poland there is no such thing, and we introduce a novelty on our soil. The decision to start a business matured in me, however, quite d

Saturday, June 28, 2014

This does not change the fact that energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular among athletes -

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In the can of energy drink may be even a quarter cup of sugar. Athlete who reach for him, should shudder hand. In the U.S., disappeared from the shelves of Four Loko, an energy drink with alcohol and caffeine. The decision to withdraw has U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The institution has stated that there is no certainty that the consumption of these products is safe. And therefore should not be produced and sold. The noise in the media meant that few people drew attention to the consequences of this step. And what further with energy drinks caramel malt containing no alcohol, which you can still get in stores? Are they safe and effective? Who should drink it and who does not?
Admittedly, the questions are all the more so that the recently published results of research on energy drinks, among other things, about their impact on athletes. Applications really gives food for thought. caramel malt Napitki energy they have in their composition a huge amount of sugar (even a quarter cup per can), caffeine and other ingredients - such as stimulating guarana extract with amino acid called taurine that. Although often claimed that they are designed for athletes, you certainly caramel malt can not say that they are "sports".
As pointed out by Dr. John P. Higgins, head of the department of physiology of sport in the Memorial Hermann Sports Medicine Institute in Houston, a real sports drinks such as Gatorade, above all, are not so monstrously sweetened. Higgins is a cardiologist and one of the authors of the new work on the composition and operation of energy drinks, which appeared in the scientific journal "Mayo Clinic". - In many stores liquids energy stand next to sports drinks, as if they can be used interchangeably - says the scientist. - Well, you can not.
This does not change the fact that energy drinks are becoming increasingly popular among athletes - especially among students and high school students. When surveyed latter is found that 32 per cent. student-athletes reach for such drinks. The results of another survey suggests that 27 per cent. from 16 thousand. surveyed young people indulging in sports activities (the youngest of them had after 11 years) caramel malt reaches for caffeine. And it usually is in the form of energy drinks, what more - 13 percent say they do it at the urging of the trainers.
Is the energy drink can make you become an even better athlete? Doubtful. - There is evidence that caffeine through more work - says Dr. Erin Duchan, a pediatrician and co-author of the review of research on the effects of energy drinks for athletes, published in the journal "The caramel malt Physician and Sports Medicine." - And indeed, in some circumstances it may improve athletic performance.
Except that the dose needed to possibly improve the results, is different for different people. And the effects are short-lived - the body quickly gets used to caffeine. Research conducted on a group of students engaged in racing have shown that sugar-free version of Red Bull - but contained a horse dose of caffeine - not strengthen endurance runners. Probably just because their body is already accustomed to such doses. And in addition, says Dr. Higgins, caffeine - which is a diuretic - can contribute caramel malt to dehydration. In addition, large amounts of sugar in energy drinks can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders. - And this is certainly not conducive to better performance - ironically scientist.
The overall impact of energy drinks on young athletes is quite unclear. So far done on this relatively little research - but something to think about it, as demonstrated caramel malt by two studies described in the journal "Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology." In one case, energy drinks were administered with varying amounts of caffeine (also containing none at all), and then asked to perform the test. It consisted of button presses a button every time they appear on the screen blinking green dot or on niereagowaniu at the point in blue. Students who consumed drinks with caffeine react faster than others. Only the fastest caramel malt and most precise act, those who received the lowest dose of caffeine.
The second study was not focused specifically on energy caramel malt drinks and on young athletes, but results in a lot of talk about the problem of interest to us. Young people of both sexes aged 12-17 drank ordinary, sweet drinks "seasoned" with different doses of caffeine, caramel malt flavor reminiscent of drink Red Bull. Later, they were left in the laboratory, in which there were different kinds of food and snacks. Ok

Friday, June 27, 2014

Unfortunately, this ends up Polish citric acid mono track and in the article, the lack of any refer

In short: the Polish Internet is rife with descriptions of the properties of red tea, which allow you to lose weight as much as 10 pounds in a month. Worth it just to know how much of this is true and how much repeated myth. Pu-erh "killer fat"? Why just red tea? A source of inspiration can be the text that came across the Polish Wikipedia under the banner of Pu-erh:
Research conducted in France show that 88% of patients who drink tea regularly within a month lost from 3 to 10 kg [citation citric acid mono needed]. Weight loss occurred in the normal way of eating.
A small digression about the source. In the scientific community, with particular emphasis on academics Wikipedia is questioned as a source of reliable knowledge. This is due in large part to the attempts to motivate students to greater effort than just check the password in the Wiki. For part of the Internet, however, it is one of the main places to check information, which often are assumed to be certain. The more editors should strive to present fairly the passwords were developed, and the different case. Especially with topics related strongly to the outlook ...
Turning to the merits. citric acid mono From 3 to 10 kg of weight loss only as a result of drinking red tea is the result really unbelievable. Especially considering that the effect is present with no additional conditions, such as exercise citric acid mono or diet. Fortunately, someone even drew attention to the lack of support of these revelations sources.
Why the weight loss is to be credible? Just a moment to think and calculate citric acid mono the lost kilograms per kilocalories. One gram of stored fat in the human body is approximately 7 kcal (*), so that the loss of 3 to 10 kg per month translates citric acid mono into an energy cost row 21 000 - 70 000 kcal. This means the value of a day from 700 to 2300 kcal, which are the result of the red tea drinking!
2300 kcal almost entire daily energy requirement for a man working mentally. Even saying only about 700 calories a day, this would raise metabolism by 30% without any physical effort. Such an increase in metabolism would have to reflect in a clear, either in the form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or, more likely, in the form of significantly higher body temperature, which naturally occur for the worse mood and feeling citric acid mono hot. There are no reports of such effects drinking Pu-erh tea.
No, but maybe I'm wrong, however, citric acid mono and in fact there are some studies that support these "miraculous properties" Pu-erh, which were alleged to be carried out in France. So I began to search for ...
The first version of the article on Pu-erh tea from Wiki, where there is information about significant weight loss comes from April 2007. A brief overview of the results of Google search reveals dozens of Polish websites where is contained the same description. citric acid mono It is true that sometimes France changes to China:
Chinese medicine after numerous studies has proved citric acid mono that, particularly in people aged 35 to 55 years, which is due to excess weight, diet by red tea drinking in one month can lose from 3 to 9 kg, and the effect is permanent.
But the basic content remains unchanged. A little more effort required to find the original source of the "red citric acid mono potion." It turned out that this is not a foreign site, a Polish magazine Let us live longer. Specifically, citric acid mono it is an article Red Potion by Margaret Kaczmarek December issue of 1999, which reprints can be found, inter alia, on
Unfortunately, this ends up Polish citric acid mono track and in the article, the lack of any references to sources reported results. But do not give up so quickly. citric acid mono If actually carried out the study of red tea with such significant results, yet need to stay somewhere appeal. Since our sites, these results are often cited as the more should be quoted abroad, particularly in France, where they have their source. Wiki pages in other languages (in English, German and, most importantly, French), there is no mention of such results. In contrast, cited the results of other studies that undermine citric acid mono so sensational properties of Pu-erh (but more on that in the next article). English pages taking on the properties of red tea weight loss studies cite Dr. Emily Caroby of Paris St. Antonio Medical Institute, the French State Health Medical Institute and Assails Nutrition Physiology citric acid mono Research Centre, which have proven cholesterol lowering and weight loss as a result of drinking Pu-erh tea. There are, however, provided no specific figures or references to specific scientific article. Attempts to locate other data on the same author shows that her name appears only on the pages of red tea in the company

I decided to write this Article. as reading a book about Nutrition man really interested me about t

Changes in the food during its processing frasers centrepoint homes and storage |
I decided to write this Article. as reading a book about Nutrition man really interested me about this. We do not realize how much it really loses foods during processing and storage. Work in most of the authors based on Roman Cichon and Lidia Wądołowska. A large part of the products intended for human consumption is subjected to processing operations and is stored. frasers centrepoint homes This is deliberate, so that we have constant access to food regardless of the season. Each of us would like to see the food we eat was healthy, had a high nutritional value, good taste (organoleptic properties) and it would be done quickly even with such food meal. Man takes food technological procedures, which aim to: - protect the health of raw materials, products and semi-share of these products, which are suitable for consumption during these processes are inevitable loss of nutrients, of course, for most commodities losses are minimal, but when processes are carried out in the wrong plants can be otherwise. This is important for those that contain valuable ingredients for our body vitamins, minerals, etc.
The nutritional value is also influenced by processes: mechanical (initial phase of treatment, the concentration of the product causing loss of fiber and mineral ai) - Diffusion (loss of soluble proteins, vitamins or mineral collapsible water passing broths frasers centrepoint homes or sauces due to blanching, boiling, stewing, distillation, drying, extraction) on these processes is based on reverse osmosis, which is carried out almost without loss of the chemical (e.g., lipid hardening process is undesirably causes the loss of unsaturated fatty acids produced and positional isomers of trans unsaturated fatty acids) - biotechnological (eg . fermentation increases frasers centrepoint homes the nutritional value of the B vitamins)-the most important heat: You can write more are both chilling and freezing, which minimizes losses and heating has a beneficial impact on the food and not beneficial. frasers centrepoint homes During the heating of the food changes frasers centrepoint homes occur in the physical and chemical raw products are more acceptable in terms of taste, smell or color increases the digestibility as well as their ability to maintain for a long time. How to heat up food - with or without added fat at 120-250 degrees (grilling, baking, roasting) in water to 121 degrees (boiling, braising, blanching, pasteurization, sterilization) in the fat or syrup 155 to 225 degrees (frying, curing, refining), which is therefore preferred? And the fact that when the heating increases the bioavailability of nutrients and proteins specifically cited. Going further, frasers centrepoint homes in some cases it is necessary, eg, legumes (remove frasers centrepoint homes proteinase inhibitors) starch in potatoes and cereal products. The meat so frequently consumed frasers centrepoint homes by us as a result of raising the digestibility of protein denaturation, which then allows digestive enzymes access to the peptide bonds. But already during the browning of meat or protein dehydration when fry or barbecues effect can already be counterproductive. What disadvantages? When we heat the dish too long and under increasing temperature also increased the amount of water also helps. This results in losses. Therefore, we can reduce the use of wyciekowych juices from the meat and the preparation of, for example, broth or sauce. More components are lost in the larger vessels, and in the case of solid products, the slow heat transfer to the interior. Also of importance is the acidity of the product of light, oxygen, and therefore very difficult to determine the real losses. frasers centrepoint homes Losses are greatest in households where the vegetables or fruits are shredded and cooked over a large amount of water, not to mention the restaurants where the products lie heated up all day. So what to do? Most preferably, it would use the microwave for thawing, heating frozen foods and packaged in bags Or Heating food in steam Vary or this type of inventions.
There are vitamins that are very sensitive to the processes frasers centrepoint homes of storage and processing are: Vitamin A, D, E, B6, B12, B2, pantothenic acid, Vit. C and monounsaturated fatty acids. The biggest losses are in vitamin C and B1, polyunsaturated Fatty quarter. TEMPERATURE Short-term effects of temperature, for example 140stopni causes less loss of nutritional value than continuous treatment at 90 degrees, much like is freezing out freezing better than domestic industry. OXYGEN works especially for vitamins A, E, C and folate frasers centrepoint homes tin at a very low concentration. LIGHT on it are exposed wit. B2 and A. Sometimes the products are treated with sulfur dioxide to protect it wit. C but there is another side of the coin causes a loss of thiamine. Fermentation processes of organic acid to form a

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Heating greatly increases its protein digestibility, but this effect for a long time to temperature

The consumption of most of the food products is preceded by processes of storage binani industries share price and processing. During these processes occur both positive and negative changes in the nutritional value of food. Positive changes binani industries share price are increases its digestibility and negative losses are associated with different nutrients and a loss of organoleptic quality.
During storage of food products are most vulnerable to the loss of vitamin C. The stored incorrectly defects in fruits, vegetables and potatoes can reach 80% of the original content. Adverse effects on the behavior of vitamin C storage temperature has increased and the mechanical damage of the products. Protective effect of vitamin C acts acidic environment and lack of oxygen.
B vitamins binani industries share price are less destroyed during binani industries share price storage. The exception is riboflavin (B 2) contained in the milk, which can decompose in a short time almost entirely, unless the product is stored in the light.
Loss of carbohydrate during prolonged storage of fruit and vegetables binani industries share price are caused by the breathing process. Growing them especially in the spring. Release of the potatoes and vegetables sprouts is associated with significant loss of carbohydrates. binani industries share price These losses also cause mold and yeast.
Changes in fats, occurring during storage, consist of a partial disintegration on glycerol and free fatty acids, which can further be oxidized. These processes are commonly referred to as rancidity, lower organoleptic and nutritional value of the fat and the intensity of the waveform is increased at high temperature, light and oxygen access and fats containing a certain amount of water, i.e. in margarine and butter.
Protein products incorrectly stored binani industries share price with high water content, such as meat, under the influence of bacteria can be degraded (rot), which produces the so-called. venoms corpse (ptomaine), hydrogen sulfide, indole, ammonia, etc.
Generally it can be stated that products with a high water content is stored much harder than the dried products. Detailed rules for the storage binani industries share price of food are given in the chapter "Food Storage".
With plant materials binani industries share price only fruits and some vegetables can be eaten in the raw state. Other food products, to a lesser or greater extent, must be processed before creating them food. Processing of this, and therefore pretreatment (mechanical) and thermal conductivity, significantly modifies the nutritional binani industries share price value of food Removal binani industries share price blanching during pre-treatment is combined with certain rules and losses of valuable parts of treated and crushed products.
Heating greatly increases its protein digestibility, but this effect for a long time to temperatures binani industries share price above 140 C, which takes place during frying or baking, causes changes in the distribution or connections of some amino acids, in particular acids (essential), and thereby reduces the nutritional quality of the ingredient . In the process of cooking a part of water-soluble proteins (e.g., certain albumin) goes into solution.
Simple carbohydrates (sugars and disaccharides) do not require heat treatment to be bioavailable to the body. Heated in an aqueous environment are dissolved, and in the presence of acid followed by partial hydrolytic decomposition of disaccharides. Complex carbohydrates (starch) must be subjected to heat treatment binani industries share price (in water or dry) in the raw state as they are not digested by man.
At elevated temperatures, especially during frying or baking, the proteins are combined with carbohydrates to form. Compounds binani industries share price of brown color and preferred flavor qualities, so-called. Maillard compounds (crust of bread, crust on roasted meat). They raise the organoleptic characteristics of food, but reduce their nutritional value, since they are not fully utilized by the human body.
Fats subjected to heat treatment are initially melted, but above the decomposition temperature of decomposition of the free fatty acids and glycerol, which after dehydration in the aldehyde is converted to acrolein called binani industries share price fluid with bad odor characteristic of burnt fat. Further heating of fat can lead to a number of other harmful substances and ultimately to charring.
Fat-soluble vitamins as A, D, E, are also resistant to elevated temperatures. binani industries share price Decompose only at temperatures too high for access of oxygen binani industries share price (especially vitamin A), causing the "scorching" binani industries share price fats. In contrast, the loss of B vitamins and vitamin C during the heat treatment binani industries share price are significant, particularly when access of oxygen and an alkaline environment. These vitamins are then oxidized, binani industries share price and moreover - because they are soluble binani industries share price in water - pass in a significant amount to the solution.
The average loss of individual nutrients in the preparation of meals in the strike

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The period of Ramadan is a time of intensive work professionals digestive problems. Increases when

Proceedings market of people based on the same basic mechanisms. It may, however, vary depending on age, gender, represented the country or geographical region and religion. Other decisions concerning the purchase of food they undertook the followers mccain home fries of Judaism, Catholicism and Islam. Especially in times of fasting.
Ramadan is the ninth, in addition to the holy month of the Muslim calendar. During his lifetime, every Muslim above the age of 10 can not be from dawn to dusk to eat, drink or smoke. mccain home fries During this period, you should instead spend a lot of time in prayer. Meals are eaten twice a day - after sunset and before dawn. Interesting observations about changes in eating habits, and thus also purchase Muslims Daisy Carrington mccain home fries presented in an article for CNN.
It turns out that despite mccain home fries the fact that Ramadan is associated with fasting, Muslims living in the Gulf does not respect him so earnestly. At least when it comes to the amount of food we eat. Yes, meals are eaten before dawn and after dusk, but the amount and type of dishes are very far from fasting. Especially in the evening part of the followers mccain home fries of Islam can not refrain from jedzeniowego celebration. What are the consequences?
Once the sun sets, sit at tables laden with food. Or choose a restaurant for meals fast food. Some restaurants offer a burger, for example in the shape of a crescent. As a result, the month "post" will not find pounds of weight loss, fewer centimeters in waist and overall better health. On the contrary, the doctors practicing in the Gulf countries are sounding the alarm.
The period of Ramadan is a time of intensive work professionals digestive problems. Increases when the number of cases associated with dyspepsia, gastroenteritis, and peptic ulcer disease. According to Dr. Rabee Harb with Kuwait's Royale Hayat Hospital, for their formation contributes not only overeating, but also reduced immunity mccain home fries caused by dehydration and poor sleep habits. mccain home fries In turn, nutritionist Dana Al Shakaa from the American Hospital in Dubai, every day of Ramadan takes from 5 to 6 patients more than the other months mccain home fries of the year. In large parts of diagnosed diabetes.
In recent years, the Gulf countries are struggling with the growing number of obese people and diabetics. According to a study by the United Nations, the people of this region are among the fattest in the world. Dr. Harb blame for this state of affairs blamed full of sugar and fat food that appeared on the markets of Arab countries. mccain home fries This proves that once there was the problem, since diet Gulf residents subject to a number of serious mccain home fries limitations.
Made by the CNN journalist observations illustrate the cultural changes that have occurred in the Gulf region. Rather than prepare food at home, people prefer to buy a takeaway, mccain home fries as evidenced by the long queues in front of McDonald's and Burger King. In turn, in place of traditional drinks, choose sweet drinks such as Vimto. Celebrated in the region of Ramadan increasingly begins to resemble an American Christmas. They should remember that entrepreneurs in industries related to food and drink, who would like to start expansion to the countries of the Gulf.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Single most common origin of dental erosion binani industries share price - dental erosion has to d

Dental erosion - Dental erosion is the loss of all or part of the tooth due to the progressive distribution of the chemical tooth. This division is triggered by the introduction of some kind of the acid to the tooth surface. Tooth erosion affects the whole surface of the tooth. If the problem is not identified and treated early, damage binani industries share price to the tooth structure may be so broad that it requires an expensive binani industries share price dentistry to restore function and appearance. With regular oral hygiene is not practiced, gradually destroying acid initially enamel outer layer of the tooth, then the advance start, breaking the dentine, which constitutes the main part of the tooth. In contrast to many health problems of dental erosion - dental erosion is irreversible. Only solutions are to stop erosion and restore the damaged area of the tooth, or completely replace the tooth by means of modern techniques.
The enamel is the strongest substance in the human body. This partially binani industries share price transparent, hard, outer layer of the teeth is an important task to protect teeth from daily wear biting and chewing, binani industries share price and extreme binani industries share price temperatures of hot or cold foods and beverages. Enamel covers the dentine of the tooth, which is not as thick as the enamel. When you destroy the enamel, dentin loses some of its protection. Then the microscopic tubes inside the dentin allows hot, cold or sweet foods to stimulate the nerves within the teeth. As a result, you may notice that your teeth have become painfully sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages and sweets. Enamel and protects teeth against erosive effects of acids and chemicals. Enamel covers the dentine of the tooth, which is not as thick as the enamel. When you destroy the enamel, dentin loses some of its protection. Then the microscopic tubes inside the dentin allows hot, cold or sweet foods to stimulate the nerves within binani industries share price the teeth. As a result, you may notice that your teeth have become painfully sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages and sweets.
Single most common origin of dental erosion binani industries share price - dental erosion has to do with the types of foods and beverages that are consumed. Avoid caffeine-containing beverages when you are dehydrated. Keep in mind that the water is better than tea, which is better than coffee, which is better than colas. If you consume caffeinated drinks, increase your water intake to compensate for dehydration. Alcohol consumption has similar risk factors associated with it as with caffeinated beverages. Alcohol binani industries share price is also a diuretic and most forms of alcohol are acidic beverages binani industries share price especially binani industries share price wine and a mixer. Alcohol can also precipitate reflux, where acid from the stomach can burn and irritate the throat and create a more acidic environment in the mouth to force him tooth and oral tissues. Many of these substances contains amounts of acid will start to eat away at the enamel of the teeth, if the relaxation in the surface. Some people are surprised to learn that fruit juice can do a lot of damage to the teeth. binani industries share price In a similar fashion, carbonated drinks contain the same amount of damage. Erosion of the enamel can also be triggered by elements found in most wines.
Regurgitating stomach acid can also lead to the erosion of the enamel. In a situation where a person is able to hold food regurgitation binani industries share price process produces not only the remnants of food, but also some stomach acids, which are used to divide the food reaches the stomach. These acids may adhere to the surface of the teeth and dental erosion begin the process - dental binani industries share price erosion. Exercise and Sport presented as a risk factor for erosion. It is simply a factor binani industries share price of dehydration. Proper hydration is a critical factor in maintaining a good flow of saliva. Saliva is considered to be relatively low priority by the body when it comes to the level of hydration. It is one of the first things that your body shuts down when you start to dehydrate saliva. Maintaining the temperature of the body is considered a much higher priority. The trigger for dental erosion - dental erosion may be water. Chlorine used to keep swimming pool water clean can have a disastrous effect on the enamel. Although it is unlikely that someone knowingly drink water, most people manage to a chlorinated liquid in his mouth while diving or swimming around in the pool. Over time, the constant exposure to chlorine will weaken the enamel and dentin begins to deteriorate underneath.
The trigger for dental erosion - dental erosion has to do with water. Chlorine used to keep swimming pool water clean can have a disastrous effect on the enamel. Although it is unlikely that someone knowingly drink water, most people manage to a chlorinated liquid in his mouth while diving or swimming around in the pool. Over time, the constant exposure to chlorine Bed

Great, good to know that some of the whining and evening problems it might be dehydration ... could

Does it happen that your child is agitated and irritable, crying for no apparent reason, or on the contrary - it is sleepy and listless, and you wonder why? Maybe even you are irritated because of this, you call them rude and manage criminal hedgehog. And probably del monte produce even think you will not come, that the reason for such behavior of your child can be ... dehydration!
Man learns del monte produce every day. However, going to a meeting with the brand Winnie Waterrr orientated mainly del monte produce on good coffee in a nice circle. Before the meeting, I glanced at the composition of the product - sugar cane and aromas. That product is definitely not for us. At the meeting, however, had come to a nutritionist and child psychologist, so I was curious to see what they have to say I have a strong group of conscious-bloggers, which after all as long as you push yourself will not help. Well, I learned something that really surprised me - namely - the amount of water drunk by the child during the day can easily translate into his behavior. Every mother knows it, and I also happened to days and evenings, when the reason Nappy was aroused, whiny, she did not want to sleep. Of course NNT all the teeth - at this age still an issue, so the head did not come, the reason could be something else. A drink with us there was never crazy. Marcelina began to drink more, since I bought a bottle, but still not a large amount. Meanwhile, the daily demand of the infant under 6 months of age is 700ml, after 6 months to a year 800ml. Children from 1 to 4 should drink 0.8-1l, aged 5-10 years, from 1 to 1.5 liters per day. At the same time we must remember that during sickness, diarrhea, vomiting demand for water increases, because then the body loses its much more. Children much they move so quickly expel fluids also not only in the urine, but also through the skin. Let us always bottle with you and given to children at a time. Częstujmy her meals and between posiłkami.W cold days the water can be gently heated (preferably to body temperature, about 36stopni) to further not wychładzać body.
What happens when our babies get enough water? Not properly hydrated body is working at idle, not purified of toxins and rebels, causing toddler malaise. About dehydration in a child may indicate: a strong agitation or sleepiness associated with other symptoms; irritability; crying; sunken eyes, dark circles; constipation; dryness of mucous membranes; del monte produce crying del monte produce without tears; reduced elasticity and firmness of the skin reduced or minimal urine output Eating habits are formed to 3 years of age and are adults give your child the best example. Parents, it seems that comfort will not want to drink water, so give sweetened juices and drinks, because often they do not like the water. Studies show that the most commonly drunk by children sugary drinks, carbonated and non-carbonated, in second place is tea, the next milk and its products. Water classified only in fourth place.
What's interesting - the daily dehydration also applies to adults - how often they we are occasionally sluggish, feel difficulty concentrating? We have a headache or feel sick we do not know for what reason? We are strangely elevated heart rate, or feel chronically tired?
Present at the meeting dietitian del monte produce and psychologist children also raised the issue of preservatives del monte produce in food. As we know - they are pushed del monte produce everywhere - we will find them in water flavored, cured meat, cheese, bread. It was difficult to avoid them, but it is encouraging that, in principle, be entirely removed from the body if they have the ... what flow. And here again there is great importance of water. If our diet and our children is in her poor, unhealthy substances are in us for a long time, again causing malaise, irritability, headaches, etc.
Great, good to know that some of the whining and evening problems it might be dehydration ... could use this information very much. Fortunately, in our water is the number one drink. Dziula winces aisles sweet juices :) Reply Delete
A wise girl ;-) You like, sweet nothing is not an option, but I know that shaggy drank enough. And now every time I suggest the water - it will take a sip and playing on. Therefore, it is often necessary to creep water because amused child does not think about whether you want him to drink. del monte produce Remove
This Pooh water is bad for me ... I had enough after sip, and in order to give the child. Oh no! But I must admit that this water bottle is great. When you open tip over, spilling nothing ;) Also killa immediately bought it, the contents spilled into the sink, rinsed and served us at the output of the ordinary sparkling water. A water we drink in three. Within two days out we welded. Bankruptcy: D Delete
So beautiful! With us it is not so good, but we're working on it ;-) For me, this Winnie Waterrr is also much for dc

Monday, June 23, 2014

- Camel urine courses for 2-3 weeks (urine is diluted with water in half, take 2-3 times a day on a

Question Umm Hammam: Asal alaikum. I want to tell those who treats people, what happened to my son: the son is 5 years old, he can not sit, walk, talk, and it is from - for the fact that the pregnancy was malovodie, he was born prematurely and it so happened that there was a lack of oxygen and left for 20 days in an incubator and it is acted on the nerve fibers. Doctors do not know the cause of water scarcity + I Sichrow already for 10 years. And Ginny wanted to kill my first child in the stomach and then tried to do the same with the second child. Only Allah protected and I do not understand, it all happened because of a genie or not. Will cupping my child? And at what point?
Answer Sheikh miku hatsun Abu Surak: Ya salam alaikum wa wa rahmataLahi miku hatsun barakaatuhu. HayyakiAllah. I'm al-Rahman al-Rahim to cure your child and you. I advise you to always make rukiyya sharaiyya do Hatem (entirely to read) Surah Baqarah in two rak'ahs at night and lots of dua in ruku 'and sujud. Give sadaqah (charity). Cupping on vosat point races and kyahl and after 2 weeks on the point and kyahl ahdaeyn al. Small spoonful of ground kysta Hindi dissolve in a coffee miku hatsun cup of water to drip into the baby's nose before going to bed and after you wake up every day until the condition improves.
From myself (hijamabio), want to add when podobnyx symptoms miku hatsun in children, as ostentatious miku hatsun BGBK diet. More information about the importance of nutrition link
We need to ensure that all chemical processes in the brain were clearly and easily. This can be achieved by choosing miku hatsun the right food that does not overload the body. In the first place should be excluded from the child's diet gluten, casein, MSG, aspartame and sugar.
Foods containing gluten: cereals - wheat, rye, barley, oats, bread, bakery products, pasta, all cereals from wheat, rye, barley and oats (semolina, oats, wheat, barley, miku hatsun barley, any slipped, cereal) ; products and pastries made from wheat, barley, biscuits, miku hatsun cookies, cakes; all confectionery, candies, caramels, lozenges, chocolate; all domestic and industrial baked products made from wheat, rye and buckwheat flour (bread, rolls, drying, crackers, cakes, pastries); cornflakes, air bread, corn flakes, corn flakes, chips.
Dairy products (casein) with oat milk mixture and wheat flour and broths, fermented mixture with oat and wheat flour and broths; ice cream, yogurt, all kinds of cheese, and curd Syrkovy, packaged cheese, powdered or condensed milk, cream, margarine and oil industrial production, cheese and mayonnaise.
Products containing hidden gluten: sausages, sausages, meat products; canned meat and fish; canned meat, canned meat homogenized, containing flour, ham; all products (semi-finished products, cakes and cheesecakes), breaded or with the addition of bread; breaded miku hatsun fish, canned fish, in which flour is added; vegetables and canned goods, which are doped with wheat or oat flour, barley; often tomato paste and ketchup; ice cream; cheeses; mayonnaise; mustard; bouillon cubes, concentrated soups; instant coffee and cocoa mixture; crab sticks; marshmallows, jams, candy, Turkish delight, halva; chewing gum, toothpaste, cosmetics (lipstick and mascara); sausages.
It is best to narrow your diet (to leave, say, only lamb, zucchini, rice, olive oil and herbal teas) and gradually introduce new products approved in 1-2 weeks for a more accurate test reactions, since some legitimate products can also be Individual reactions (for example, often cause allergic reactions tomatoes and eggplant).
Also need to take herbal teas, antiseptics - chamomile, thyme, oregano, sage, bearberry etc. (taken half an hour before a meal), choleretic - corn silk, rose hips, dandelion root, artichoke, etc. (in food), and half an hour after eating sauerkraut juice is used.
- Camel urine courses for 2-3 weeks (urine is diluted with water in half, take 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach, after receiving at least 1 hour nothing to eat or drink, the dosage is adjusted individually from 1 tablespoon diluted urine half cup for the reception).
Entry was posted in Children's miku hatsun cupping. Bookmark the permalink.
assalyamu aleykum.Pomogite For know what to do so that was recently luchshe.v very hard and quite often start to fall davlenie.pri it sometimes hurts me just as golova.togda now I have severe headaches began BOLI.toshnota.nehvatka oxygen sometimes byvaet.golovokruzhenie and strong slabost.chto do Prompt want at such moments to be a burden muzha.emu hard to watch that nothing menya.potomu miku hatsun what points should be done to improve cupping davlenie.seychas miku hatsun I write and I ploho.uzhe Post

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Added to sauces, drinks, canned fish, cosmetics and medicines. There is a clear dose concentration.

E100 - E199 dyes E200 - E299 preservative E300 - E399 antioxidants, acidity corn sheller machine regulators corn sheller machine E400 - E499, stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners corn sheller machine E500 - E599 pH regulators and anti-caking
Brown dye. Information about the harmfulness ambiguous.
This dye can trigger corn sheller machine asthma attacks in people with asthma. Moreover, an allergen and can cause hyperactive children. corn sheller machine Possibly causes malignant tumors, and gastrointestinal disease. This dye is dangerous.
E153 is not directly dangerous corn sheller machine to humans, most are not absorbed corn sheller machine in the intestine and excreted. There is an opinion that the E153 can cause malignant tumors and gastrointestinal disease.
[Other name: provitamin A, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene, carotene, β-carotene, beta-carotene, synthetic, natural extracts carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, gamma-carotene]
E 160a - food additive obtained either synthetically or from foods rich in carotene on. Carotene to the human body is a vital part. Additive E160a - an antioxidant, it slows down the oxidation of body cells.
Studies were conducted as a result of which it was found that the use of 30 mg of beta-carotene per day increases the likelihood of lung cancer and prostate cancer in smokers, as well as employees of the asbestos industry.
E160a b - dye (from Orange to yellow), an antioxidant. Extends the shelf life of products. Contained therein and pigments corn sheller machine norbiksin bixin change color from temperature effects, allowing you as the yellow and red-orange color of the product.
Added to sauces, drinks, canned fish, cosmetics and medicines. There is a clear dose concentration. Drinking within the acceptable - not dangerous.
E 234 - antibiotic. Chemical Formula: C 143 H 230 N 42 O 37 S 7 .. Slows the growth of staphylococcus and other bacteria. corn sheller machine No effect on the mold, Gram-negative bacteria and yeast.
[Titles: Pimafucin, pimaricin, Pimaricin] E235 - a natural antibiotic. At high concentrations (500 mg / kg) can cause a number of adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. However, the value of this preservative in that it effectively treats mold (fungus) and at very low concentrations.
E270 (lactic acid); E270 - a preservative, an antioxidant, prevents the fermentation product. In humans, the lactic acid produced in the body. Application in the food industry is allowed in all countries. Excess excreted by the kidneys.
Vitamin C soderzhitsyav citrus, kiwi, peppers, wild rose, black currants, corn sheller machine tomatoes, onions, etc. Contributes corn sheller machine to the functioning of bone and connective tissues, is an antioxidant involved in some metabolic processes.
Adult should consume at least 90 mg / day of ascorbic acid. For children, the norm of 30 to 90 mg / day to pregnant women - at least 100 mg / day for the nursing - not less than 120.
Ascorbate reduces the risk of diseases related to the heart, helps the body fight infections. In the food industry is often used as a "dye" for the meat - for a more uniform and natural coloring.
Calcium Ascorbate is similar in hazard with sodium ascorbate (E301). By itself, an element essential for life of the human. But it provides the body getting himself out of food.
E304 (Ascorbyl); E304 - antioxidant, which is used mainly in fatty foods. Often it is added to vegetable oil. Interacts with E161 and E160a dyes, reducing their oxidation.
Deficiency corn sheller machine can lead to rupture of red blood cells, loss of reproductive capacity, degenerative changes in the muscles (especially cardiac), dry skin, excess fat to muscle.
This nutritional supplement is widely used in the food industry, despite the fact that there is reason to believe corn sheller machine E320 human carcinogen (a substance that affects the body and increases the risk of malignant tumors).
In 1970, most countries instead uses E321 E320, as it is considered that E321 increases the risk of cancer. But concrete conclusions on the dietary supplements are not made.
E322 (lecithin); E322 - antioxidant. Lecithin is necessary for the body as a material for cell renewal. Half the liver consists of lecithin. It also forms an insulating tissue in the brain and spinal cord.
& N

Friday, June 20, 2014

According to the list of food additives approved for use in food production, all 4 types are allowe

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Do you know from whence the word "caramel", which indicates a very tasty product food industry? It happened from the Latin word cannamella, which means sugarcane, caramel fleur de sel sugar made from it that one day went to prepare this sweet. Caramel obtained by heating or boiling of the sugar syrup with glucose syrup used as antikristallizatora. It is used as sweetness, as well as the dye, which is called caramel color = sugar color = food additive E 150. That's so.
There are varieties of food additive E150: E150a sugar color I (easy). caramel fleur de sel E150b sugar color II (obtained by "alkaline sulfite" technology). E150c sugar color III (obtained by the "ammonia" technology). caramel fleur de sel E150d sugar color IV (obtained by "ammonia-sulfite" technology).
According to the list of food additives approved for use in food production, all 4 types are allowed. Our interest is confined to a 4-methylimidazole, which is contained in the food additive E150 serving dye in carbonated soft drinks caramel fleur de sel (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper; dark beer, ice cream and other confections). In large doses, can cause acute poisoning, seizures, there is an opinion that can lead to cancer. While it's not clear and extensive caramel fleur de sel studies have been made. Nevertheless, the state of California caramel fleur de sel will change the technology of preparation of carbonated beverages, in order to exclude them from the E150. I do not know about you, but me it was alerted.

Recall that recently widely discussed picked up several times the excise tax on beer. Olympic wrest

Marketing ploy manufacturers nabiscoworld chess vodka products works perfectly - "weak means - not so bad as vodka." Myth propagated with the velocity of a tornado. Particularly appalling rate of its spread among young people. Beer alcoholism develops slowly nabiscoworld chess but surely, and carries a lot of damage to internal organs. But there is another side of "low alcohol medals." In all projects on the fight against youth craze "slaboalkogolkoy" it is meant only beer and not a word about the drinks, in which natural ingredients - alcohol and water, and everything else - to achieve the chemical industry.
In Ukraine it is necessary to start the fight with enthusiasm Ukrainian youth drinks selling nabiscoworld chess also change the alcohol policy, says Chief Narcologist Ministry of Health, an international nabiscoworld chess expert on alcohol policy Anatoly Vievsky. At a press conference in agency "Interfax-Ukraine", on Thursday 23 May, he said, referring to the results of research that the most popular alcoholic beverages for teenage girls are alcoholic beverages -48.7% of girls in the past 30 days consumed such drinks. nabiscoworld chess
According Vievskogo "slaboalkogolka" gives a lot of sad narcologists. For girls it is particularly dangerous, since "alkopopsov" - flavored alcoholic beverages, which are major consumers of teenagers, unlike spirits, sweet taste, some concentrate, such drinks are drunk easier, here are the girls give him preference. "What is particularly frightening, unpredictable absorption of the alcohol" - emphasizes Chief Narcologist country. He also noted that in most cases "is not limited nabiscoworld chess to one bottle."
Speaking nabiscoworld chess of options nabiscoworld chess to address the problem of mass consumption of soft drinks by teenagers, senior Ministry of Health said the psychiatrist need to create "a coherent policy against alcohol." nabiscoworld chess "Alcohol - new factor in this industry nabiscoworld chess a lot of money, a lot of power, so we need to make an effort to adjust the scope of alcohol nabiscoworld chess harder," - he added.
"At the legislative level that can be solved? Raise excise taxes. Now the society is actively discussing the possibility of increasing the excise tax on beer, but about "alkopopsah" not talking. This is wrong, this omission. In addition, it is necessary to tighten responsible for the sale of alcohol to minors, in particular, to increase the penalties, "- said Vievsky.
Recall that recently widely discussed picked up several times the excise tax on beer. Olympic wrestling champion and now a lawmaker Elbrus nabiscoworld chess Tedeyev believes that the increase in beer excise taxes will contribute to efforts nabiscoworld chess in the fight against alcoholism in the country. Given the experience of many European countries, with an increase in excise taxes in Ukraine can be expected to decline in beer sales by an average of 10%.
"Within a country like Ukraine, is - a colossal figure, given that every year we produce 3 billion liters of beer though mineral water and soft drinks produce only 2.7 billion," - said the Regions.
According to him, if the MPs support the bills number 2876 and number 2880 and excise will be raised from 0.87 UAH per liter to Rs 2.5, which further helps to increase revenues to the state budget by an average of 4 billion USD. 65% of these funds will be spent on the construction of a medical complex Specialized Hospital 'Okhmatdet. " Elbrus Tedeyev also recalled that in 2009-2010 due to higher alcohol excise taxes in Ukraine managed to reduce beer market by 7.4%, while the number of deaths related to alcohol - 18%.
However, according to Vievskogo, major efforts should concentrate on information work. "We need an awareness program through the school. Need to give children a clear, complete, accurate nabiscoworld chess information on threats and terrible consequences of alcohol and drugs. Actually, our Ukrainian children nabiscoworld chess the correct positions, but these positions must be strengthened so that in the future they made the right choice, "- said an international expert on alcohol policy.
Help. It is believed that from light drinks less harm than good from alcohol. But the composition of soft drinks allows to doubt. According to nutritionists, these products progress of the chemical industry are merely substitutes taste and completely unnatural. nabiscoworld chess So what we usually offer a bright bottle.
Sodium benzoate (E211) - a white crystalline powder. nabiscoworld chess Commercially obtained from petroleum. Products containing sodium benzoate and calcium, it is not recommended to use asthmatics and people sensitive to aspirin.
Carbon dioxide (E290) - a colorless gas with a sour taste. For industrial use are obtained by acid treatment of limestone. Used for the production of carbonated beverages and cooling systems of refrigerators. Fill with liquid carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Networking media online edition of

Society Sports World Culture Interviews Photos Videos More Auto Industry Directory Bryanskenergo Flagships On the publication of Jobs
Bryansk resident hung a poster offensive against the president of Ukraine surgital spa Bryansk surgital spa residents mourn the victims surgital spa in Lugansk RTR journalists Leonid Yakubovich and Tatyana Vedeneyeva hold a concert at the "Slavic unity" from Bryansk giant oak build a copy of "Poltava" (VIDEO) After Bryansk pass new train Minsk - Anapa
15:31 Sberbank has issued a loan of 500 million rubles JSC "Moscow Jewelry Factory" ...
11:25 Klintsovskaya area overturned car - passenger was killed by a drunk driver injured ...
16:00 E-shop "MegaFon": simple, fast, convenient ...
12:23 Residents urged to help Bryansk Ukrainian refugees ...
Friday, April 25
Social networks have decided to replace all the people, but of innocent toys they turned into a huge media channel. For many people, they have become if not the only, but the main source of news, which people surgital spa did not hesitate to believe, writes portal advertising Even popular surgital spa users in social networks surgital spa from time to time publish blatant nonsense that their readers will be happy to "swallow" and excitedly commented replicate thousands of Census.
The apotheosis of lies became the last transmission "How to choose a dental office" with Elena malyshevoy that on pure spirit told seemingly obvious stupidity, publicized on social networks. She, along with the "experts" to "learn" to distinguish quality from poor quality toothpaste using colored markings on the tube.
Last spring, an online community news exploded on the labeling level of "natural" creams, toothpastes. For example, only in the "Kids" (91,000 members) more than 46,000 people have put a "Like", besslovno agreeing with text post. Of these, more than 23,000 (!) Shared this link on their pages.
Thousands of people are taking surgital spa this information at face value, convinced of its authenticity from the administration group, and if still reporting on the state television channel showed that doubt the truth leaves no. Disclaimer: According to the experts (in the present rather surgital spa than in a parallel reality), these labels are used to cutting machine polyethylene recognize incision and adhesions. This label is always of contrasting color from the palette used in the design of the tube, and means absolutely nothing.
Scandalous list of products containing GMOs, who allegedly published "Greenpeace", visited almost all groups and on the walls of thousands of users. In terms of mass insanity on healthy eating topic spread with frightening speed. In the list, among other things, were quite expected as McDonald's and fast food chains, and do not arouse suspicion Danone and Nestle.
First, on the website "Greenpeace" this list is not. Moreover, the site taken rebuttal: "Greenpeace" has nothing to do nothing to list, and the list is, to put it mildly, not true. Secondly, the list of causes mistrust least gazirovok presence surgital spa in it, because surgital spa no one in soda, for example, does not contain surgital spa any organisms, not to mention the GMO.
However, based on the composition of the drink Coca Cola, which includes: water, carbon surgital spa dioxide, sugar, color (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, flavorings (including caffeine), surgital spa no reason not to be green drink. If you remove the dye, the Coca Cola will look like clear water. It is so popular fiction, who happily replicated users of social networks that refutation even published on the official website of Coca Cola.
Speed of information exchange on the Internet rarely gives time to reflect on the source, check it, reflect on intelligence data. With the current speed of life, people surgital spa hardly have time to read the morning news, but the page in social networks abound subscriptions group "interesting facts", shocking stories, incredible photos.
These cases, in general, is harmless. But the machinations of social networks surgital spa are gaining momentum. Your cause, believe something or not, but pressing "Like" or "Share with Friends", keep in mind that you, without knowing it, can become a party to a grand scam, experts

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

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Research published in the Lancet Oncology, stipulate cremica group that the food additive E150d (sulphite ammonia or so called caramel), is potentially carcinogenic. E150d present in industrial cola-based drinks and fake version of balsamic vinegar. Avoid foods and drinks on the label which have an "E" and the subsequent room.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Secondly, the list of causes mistrust least gazirovok presence in it, because no one in soda, for e

Social networks have decided to replace all the people, but of innocent toys they turned into a huge media channel. For many people, they have become if not the only, but the main source of news, that people do not hesitate to believe.
Even popular users in social networks from time to time publish blatant nonsense that their readers are happy to swallow, reckless comment and replicate thousands of Census.
The apotheosis of lies became the last transmission "How to choose a dental office" with Elena malyshevoy that on pure spirit told seemingly obvious stupidity, publicized on social networks. She, along with the 'experts' on the harsh schschah, taught qualitatively different from substandard toothpaste using colored markings manzanillo olive on the tube.
So the news that "really" mean multicolored stripes on a tube of toothpaste have flown all the social networks a year ago, came to the federal television.
For example, only in the "Kids" (91,000 members) more than 46,000 people have put a "Like", besslovno agreeing with text post. Of these, more than 23,000 (!) Shared this link on their pages.
Thousands of people are taking this information at face value, convinced of its authenticity from the administration group, and if still reporting on the state television channel showed that instinctively doubt there remains no.
Disclaimer: According to the experts (in the present rather than in a parallel reality), these labels are used to cutting machine polyethylene recognize incision and adhesions. This label is always of contrasting color from the palette used in the design of the tube and means absolutely nothing.
Blacklist producers of GMO products. Scandalous list of products containing GMOs, who allegedly published "Greenpeace", visited almost all groups and on the walls of thousands of users. In terms of mass insanity on healthy eating topic spread with frightening speed. In the list, among other things, were quite expected as McDonald's manzanillo olive and fast food chains, and do not arouse suspicion Danone and Nestle.
First, on the website "Greenpeace" this list is not. Moreover, the site taken rebuttal: "Greenpeace" has nothing to do nothing to list, and the list is, to put it mildly, not true.
Secondly, the list of causes mistrust least gazirovok presence in it, because no one in soda, for example, does not contain any organisms, not to mention the GMO.
Secondary education in Russia will be paid. Faerie duck, shocked the public through the media, was born and spread in social networks is incredibly fast.
Disclaimer: Free receiving full secondary education guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Federal Law 83 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions" is not a word that objects become chargeable.
Natural anomaly eyes "First Channel". Ictoriya about Mystery Spot - natural anomaly in California - first appeared in pablike "Did you know" and has been successfully borrowed by many other groups, including Esquire and Science .
And on "Channel One" theme was picked up and removed about this story, that's just "forgot" to tell people what is happening in the Mystery Spot - an illusion.
Rebuttal: Actually Mystery Spot - a tourist attraction in California, and all abnormal - no more than a visual illusion arising expense of the buildings at the wrong angle. Photo Story of the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz.
Disclaimer: Based on the composition of Coca Cola, which includes: water, carbon dioxide, sugar, color (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, flavorings (including caffeine), manzanillo olive no reason not to be green drink. If you remove the dye that Coca Cola will look like clear water.
Speed of information exchange on the Internet rarely gives time to reflect on the source, check it, reflect manzanillo olive on intelligence data. With the current speed of life, people hardly have time to read the morning news, but the country

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tags I Love um, kindergarten, preserving olives healthy food, healthy food for children, healthy pr

That's not true. The composition of The Coca-Cola are water, carbon dioxide, preserving olives sugar color (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, flavoring agents (including caffeine). Why would a drink be green? If you remove the dye, the Coca Cola will look like transparent voda.Eto fiction preserving olives so popular that even a rebuttal published on the official website of Coca-cola PS This does not cancel the harmfulness of this drink!
Tags I Love um, kindergarten, preserving olives healthy food, healthy food for children, healthy preserving olives nutrition, healthy lifestyle, children's health, wondering combine school feeding, mass poisoning, mass poisoning, baby food business, catering, school feeding, poisoning in school meals in kindergartens, food in nursing homes, meals in boarding school meals, child nutrition, child nutrition in kindergarten, child nutrition in schools, child nutrition in school meals for children in school cafeterias, food preschool age, student meals, nutrition students, useful and healthy food, useful and healthy food for children, useful power and useful food for children, healthy habits, healthy food, nutrition, nutrition school objections, right livelihood, crimes against children, check schools school feeding program, workshop, modern education school, social power, pictures, school meals, school canteen, school meals, school meals in 2013, school meals in 2014, school lunches, school canteens, ...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 2013 April 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 July 2012 June 2012 Ma

Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink | Sports Nutrition German quality
June 2013 April 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011
Experienced the Creatine (5.00 out of 5) Inflate the large muscles is easy! (5.00 out of 5) Ironmaxx professional (Prophecy) is not a toy (5.00 out of 5) Best Body nutrition in Russia! (4.50 out of 5) The truth about sports nutrition (4.50 out of 5) The truth about carnitine (3.67 out of 5) Achtung, new items on the German market! (3.50 out of 5) Delivery of sports nutrition Ironmaxx from Germany, it's FREE! (3.00 out of 5) IronMaxx 100% Micellares Casein-Protein (0.00 out of 5) Der Champion der Premium-Eiweißquellen! (0.00 out of 5)
Sports energy drink Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink combines the classic taste of the energy drink and competence monte isom Ironmaxx specialists in the field of sports nutrition, plus the addition of amino acids arginine and super tyrosine. There is no difference, you will spend an intense workout or you expect heavy labor day, drive the car more than one hour. Stimulating property drink Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink, helps you to be alert, both physically and mentally. Unique formula monte isom Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink Ironmaxx developed by experts is a breakthrough in the field of equipping your body with long and intensive loads. Main components Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink is stimulating and long-known monte isom guarana and caffeine. To support a balanced metabolism added amino acids arginine, taurine and tyrosine. Of course in the correct proportions carbohydrates. And in addition to all, comfortable can that does not need to pass. For a long time experts Ironmaxx experimented with creating Firestarter Ironmaxx Energydrink and the fruit of their work has surpassed all expectations. Energy supply was established to create conditions for production of adrenaline and maintain a lively body for a long time. Just the right balance of carbohydrates and caffeine in Firestarter Ironmaxx monte isom Energydrink gives this effect. Nothing more. Optimization of cardiac and circulatory system. Rapidly available energy source before monte isom and after exercise or heavy work. Effective monte isom increase efficiency. Effective increase endurance. Excellent support the regeneration of forces. Help in dealing with stressful conditions. Refreshing taste. monte isom Democratic price of only 0.99 cents. Nutrients and energy value per 100 ml of information: Calories: 187.6 kJ / 44.1 kcal Protein: <0.1g Carbohydrates: 10.7g of which sugars: 10.7g Fat <0.1 g of which saturates <0.1 Mr. Balla substances <0.1 g Sodium: 0.0g Vitamin B6: 0,21 mg (15% *) Vitamin B12: 0375 mcg (15% *) Pantothenic acid: 0.9 mg (15% *) 2 Niacin 4 mg (15% *) Caffeine: 32mg
* RDA = recommended. daily dose Ingredients: Whey product (51%), water, invert sugar, glucose, carbonic, citric acid (E330), taurine, acidity regulators: monte isom sodium citrate (E331iii), magnesium (E504ii), a flavoring, caffeine (0.03% ), glucuronolactone, inositol, dyes: sulphite ammonia caramel (E150d) and riboflavin (E101i), Vitamin Blend: nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, arginine, tyrosine, guarana extract. Note: Only eat in limited quantities. Not suitable monte isom for children, pregnant and lactating women, diabetics and people who are sensitive to caffeine. Do not mix with alcohol. Eat chilled.
Nähr-und monte isom Brennwertangaben pro 100ml: Brennwert: 187,6 kJ / 44,1 kcal Eiweiß: <0,1 g Kohlenhydrate: 10,7 g davon Zucker: 10,7 g Fett: <0,1 g davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: <0,1 g Ballasstoffe: < 0,1 g Natrium: 0,0 g Vitamin B6: 0,21 mg (15% *) Vitamin B12: 0,375 μg (15% *) Pantothensäure: 0,9 mg (15% *) Niacin 2,4 mg: (15% *) Koffein : 32mg
* RDA = empf. Tagesdosis Zutaten: Molkenerzeugnis (51%), Wasser, Invertzuckersirup, monte isom Dextrose, Kohlensäure, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure (E330), Taurin, Säureregulatoren: Trinatriumcitrat (E331iii), Magnesiumcarbonat (E504ii), Aroma, Koffein (0,03%), Glucuronolacton, Inosit, Farbstoffe: Ammonsulfit-Zuckerkulör (E150d) und Riboflavin (E101i), Vitaminmischung: Niacin, Pantothensäure, Vitamin B6 und Vitamin B12, Arginin, Tyrosin, Guarana-Extrakt.
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