Chili - cayenne or hot paprika, is known for its scorching taste, which gives certain Indian, Mexican and Chinese dishes. It is also used to promote digestion and to relieve pain. For its healing properties are deserving of oil compounds called kapsaicinoidi. digilink cable
Extended the idea that food chilli unsustainable fired into the mouth and elsewhere, but it is available to a wide range of tastes and stinging do not need to dominate the dishes. If chili is used with a sense of, you can arrange a nice finishing flavor. Only people who regularly eat chili, to its spicy taste habituation and sometimes draw a really sharp dishes.
At the time of Columbus' great discovery of new continents, as his ship sailed back to Europe, always with a certain "new discoveries" of the types of spices. Europeans also took a special pepper, which provided a unique gastronomic delights in the kitchens of the wealthy. Wanting to be Columbus endowed with large quantities of goodies, they were willing to finance digilink cable the trip.
Seafarer again step on the path, rather than India but landed on the shores of America, where pepper despite the exhausting search did not find. As poprovca than plants not know, it reviewed all the blades to just find something spicy, pepper equivalent. He found something new - chilli, which was introduced as a new home "spicy gold" - cayenne pepper. The name probably comes from the language of the indigenous Tupi Indians, who are the fruits of chilli called digilink cable kyinha.
Due to the high cost of shipping is resourceful seaman trying to convince their financial supporters that he had found a new species of pepper, and, therefore, chilli gotten the name "Columbus pepper." Later it became known as Brazilian pepper, Spanish pepper, Indian pepper ... Despite its extraordinary pekočnosti but never achieved the reputation and price of real pepper. More than just hot
Chilli originates from several species of plants of the genus Capsicum and are related to the pungent red, green and yellow peppers, which are used in the preparation of various dishes. After the active substance content is chili is more important than any of the aforementioned peppers; outperforms the pepper. Although minced chilli pepper is often called cayenne pepper plant not related to poprovcem. When it comes to chilli fruit (powdered) certain specific types of chilli, while the cayenne pepper mixture of several digilink cable types of dried red chilies, which can be ground to a powder.
Slovenian trade we now offer different types of chilies, which are used depending on the purpose. They also have different degrees of sharpness, which is now reflected in the unit costs. Most goods group Capsicum annuum, followed by C. frutescens (this group also includes chili, from which produce digilink cable known sauce Tabasco), followed by C. baccatum, C. pubescens and C. Chinese digilink cable - that are the most hot chilli in the world. Because of its powerful action in the body, were once used for torture. Substance in chilli causes a strong burning sensation is called capsaicin. From the content of these substances depends on the sharpness of each variety. The body hot chilli varieties contain up to three percent capsaicin.
Fresh chilli shape offers digilink cable a good variety of consumers a very broad spectrum of other flavors (they do not appear in dried and ground digilink cable form), which are able to take advantage of its cuisine locals in the countries where the chili at home (Latin America, the Caribbean ...).
Old folk medicine of chilli says that stimulates digilink cable the body and strengthen it, and is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. Its use even today in medicine layered. It can work externally, in the form of various ointments or poultice, and Interior.
In the external digilink cable application to the skin main ingredient - capsaicin acts as a very effective remedy for pain. Helps relieve pain especially when arthritis, shingles, post-operative or pain due to nerve damage caused by diabetes. Preliminary studies have shown that ointment chilli can facilitate the itchiness in psoriasis. digilink cable The aid was also at razbolelosti and pain in fibromyalgia.
Chilli ointment contains an average of from 0.025 to 0.075 percent and the capsaicin is most effective if it is used regularly every day. With the thin brush affected areas. Ointment should be thoroughly rubbed. Before the pain go away, it may take a few weeks.
Skin sensitivity to chilli is from person to person very different, so the ointment first tested on a small, especially painful part of the skin. If it proves to be effective and does not cause unpleasant consequences, you can extend the use of the entire painful area. ..., Caused by
That you do not inadvertently chilli rely eyes, we must at thoroughly wash hands with soap and warm water or during application use appropriate gloves, which are discarded after use. Lubricated digilink cable part is recommended to cover with a loose bandage. When using chilies ointment to relieve pain in the fingers or palms wait 30 minutes for the lubricant to penetrate into the skin and then washed off your hands. However, pending further special care to avoid dowry
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