Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pour mixture into molds for ice cream or a small plastic cups, leaving some space at the top, becau

This is the second half of October, while here in Porto for the last two weeks the temperature exceeded 30 C. It does nothing special, because in Alentejo, in Portugal's outback, the mercury approached up to 40 º C. October is not here a cold month, but the autumn aura as now I do not remember since I live here, that is for 12 years (how time flies ....).
Well I have left to do other than ice cream. On the sticks, del monte green bean casserole because the ice cream machine at such temperatures can handle an average. I do this with an electric chiller with just such a simple contribution, which must be previously frozen. Once, even in hot weather insert it into the inside of the refrigerator, and there I left that somehow in a cooler environment these my ice cream ukręciła.
My today's yoghurt-orange mass can be naturally frozen ice cream machine del monte green bean casserole - would then be perfectly smooth. However, it is easier to pour it into the special del monte green bean casserole ice molds or into plastic cups or even glass tumblers or wine glasses (the higher the vodka had a check). It is extremely important for the duration of freezing-tight covering of our molds, del monte green bean casserole because del monte green bean casserole of large ice cream in the freezer easily absorb any odors. Wrap them with foil so transparent and yet the confidence put in a plastic bag.
This is a very simple recipe and as in such cases they usually require excellent, high-quality products. Never ever do not use those ice cream orange juice from the store. del monte green bean casserole Must have freshly squeezed from ripe and aromatic orange. Just a thick, fragrant vanilla pod and a thick, creamy, slightly sour Greek yogurt and you can - well, yet only a few hours in the freezer - a refreshing flavor intense cold dessert.
Sugar, vanilla and water in a saucepan and bring to boil heat up on a little fire, so that only perkotało for 1-2 min. We leave to completely cool. Wyskrobujemy seeds from the vanilla syrup and remove the rod itself.
Depending on whether you prefer the structure of ice cream orange juice Strain or leave with flecks of flesh. Anyway, it is to be finally 250 ml. Mix the syrup. Add the yogurt and mix lightly whisk whisk until lumps and the mixture is completely smooth. We try not to roztrzepywać or mix to ice cream did not do too rare.
Pour mixture into molds for ice cream or a small plastic cups, leaving some space at the top, because after freezing will increase the volume. Mrozimy for 1 - 2 hours and sticks sticks (if you have mold, it is usually constructed so that sticks can be loaded at once). We leave in the freezer until completely frozen for the next 6-8 hours.
oszzz can not. Once you nice and warm so u no, and two of these ice cream :) Deliciously presentable :) Reply Delete
The photos are so sunny, warm and summer, I stopped believing in the autumn aura window. For me there is no 'season on ice' and have been shooting them even in December (not just Gingerbread ;). Yours. Reply Delete
We would like to thank you all for your comments as always delightful and I wish warmer weather. After all, October is finally time for the Polish golden autumn! Holgo, like the year-round season for ice cream. Because, why not? Margo clear that you can try the mango. Will certainly be great. Missy, you can try the ordinary. del monte green bean casserole Just try to choose the most dense and creamy. In the meantime, the weather had already "zjesiennieć". Yours sincerely. Reply Delete
Agnieszka My name is Agnes. Los threw me from the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic coast of Portugal. My great passion is discovering new tastes and returns to those known even from childhood. I love everything that is associated with good food - culinary shopping and traveling, visiting interesting restaurants, and above all handwritten bake fest. Blog exists since January 2006. View my complete profile
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