Friday, November 29, 2013

April 19 relics of Padre Pio (1887-1968), Catholic nabisco fig newtons priest, Capuchin, known for

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April 19 relics of Padre Pio (1887-1968), Catholic nabisco fig newtons priest, Capuchin, known for his stigmata and extremely popular worldwide saint who has a reputation as a miracle worker, will be moved to the new location.
The relics will rest near the original burial place of the saint, the church, which celebrated architect Renzo Piano specially built as a tomb Padre Pio,. This was announced by representatives of the Order of Capuchin monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo.
Date of transfer of the relics of Padre Pio in the new temple chosen by chance: the event will take place on the day of the fifth anniversary of the election of Benedict XVI at the Holy See. Also on this day will be held on the local chapter of the Order of Capuchin Province, which will be elected the new Superior.
Padre Pio (Francesco Fordzhone) was born in P'yetrelchyni (Campaign) in 1887, he was the fourth child in a poor pious family. Francesco childhood dream was to become a priest and served ministrantom in the parish church. nabisco fig newtons His father was forced to emigrate in 1898 in the U.S. to help the family. In 1903, Francesco entered the novitiate of the Capuchin, and a year later he made temporary nabisco fig newtons vows in the Order. He took his monastic name in honor of St. Pio. Pope Pius V, the patron nabisco fig newtons P'yetrelchyny. In 1907, Padre Pio was perpetual monastic vows, and in 1910 he was ordained a priest.
Poor health prevents Pio fulfill their ministry in the monastery, and he was sent home for treatment. Until 1916 he lived in P'yetrelchyni returning to the monastery only periodically. After the First World War it was occasionally taken to the army, but released each time due to illness.
In 1918, Padre Pio on the hands and body formed stigmata - wounds in the locations nabisco fig newtons of the wounds of the crucified Christ. Stigmata disappeared nabisco fig newtons from him until his death. Wounds, especially on the hands, bleeding nabisco fig newtons heavily, which inflicted great suffering Padre Pio - he wore special armbands. Stigmata repeatedly examined by independent doctors who have not come to a definite conclusion about the nature of these wounds. The Vatican initially treated stigmata Padre Pio with great suspicion, was a monk for almost a decade from 1923 to 1933 is almost completely isolated nabisco fig newtons from the outside world in his cell, but in the end, the Vatican declared their supernatural origin.
Stigmata Padre Pio and rumors of miracles which he did, caused immense popularity of the monastery of San Giovanni Rotondo and mass pilgrimages to it. Turn to confession to Padre Pio was a few days. In 1940, Padre Pio and some of his spiritual children have unveiled a project in San Giovanni Rotondo a hospital for the poor. It was opened in 1956
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