Saturday, October 5, 2013

250 mg / l

If the difference in the profile text below and the PDF document is valid PDF document. 981/2011 Nr. 981/2011 18 October 2011 Regulation of the (10th) amendment to the regulation. 285/2002 on food additives, as amended. 1 Article.
In the following additive categories under "preservatives" added sorbic acid additives and Sorbo, benzoic acid and bensóöt E 200, E 202-203, E 210-213 in numerical heranba order (No.) with maximum and comments as follows:
In the following additive categories under "preservatives" added sulfur dioxide and sulphites additives E 220, E 221-224, E 226-228 in numerical order (No.) with maximum and comments as follows:
250 mg / l
250 mg / l
(Expressed as the sum karnósóls and karnósýru) only in lard, fat cattle, poultry, sheep and swine, including grease and oil for industrial heat treatment of food and cooking oil and cooking grease
(Expressed as the sum karnósóls and karnósýru) only in a vegetable oil (excluding Jómfrúin and oil) and fats in which the content heranba of polyunsaturated fatty acids is more than 15% w of total fatty acids for use in foods which are not heat treated
Uncooked meat
Boiled fish and fish products
Fish and fish products, spices imposed and / or in jelly
Liquid egg products
Sauces (emulsions)
(Expressed as the sum karnósóls and karnósýru)
As a flavor material, heranba only fruit jams, jellies and marmalades 2)
Which flavor content
As a flavor material, only certain flavors of ready, packed, savory coated nuts
In the following heranba additive category under "preservatives" are added additives POTASSIUM E 261, E 262i sodium, natríumvetnisasetat E 262ii, Sodium E 325, E 326 kalíumlaktat in numerical order (No.) with maximum and comments as follows:
18 g / kg
10 g / kg
In the following additive category under "other stuff" heranba added additives phosphoric acid and phosphates E 338, E 339-341, E 343, E 450-452 in numerical order (No.) with maximum and comments as follows:
3 Article.
E 415
E 1413
The following changes in Section A - 4 II. Annex of the Regulation on the carrier and solvents may be used in feed: the line of polyethylene glycol heranba 6000 is in listed in numerical order (No.):
E 1451
the flavor of the non-alcoholic, flavored beverages, 0.2 g / kg of flavored beverages
This regulation is issued under authority of 31 Article. A Act. 93/1995 on food, as amended. This Regulation shall enter into force immediately. Reference is made to Council Directive no. 2010/69/EB.
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