Saturday, October 19, 2013

If natural coffee del monte products is drunk daily by 80.3% of consumers, not the same can be said

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Coffee consumption in Romania is about five times lower than the European average, according to a study by market research institute, GFK. According del monte products to the study, in Romania, a novel annually consume about 1.83 kg of coffee, while Europeans drink no more than 5.3 kg of coffee. Another phenomenon is reflected in the GfK and a 3% decrease in the consumption of coffee, from the same period last year. The main causes identified by the representatives of the Romanian Association of Coffee is high price of this product, "prohibitive for the majority of Romanian consumers." "Coffee Romanian Association believes that one of the causes that have generated a decrease beans and ground coffee market del monte products by 3% as the GfK could be generated del monte products by the fact that this product, coffee, bears the duty, which attracts high prices themselves. As a result, the coffee becomes difficult to reach consumers Romans del monte products "
Coffee market in Romania recorded a consumption of three times lower than in other European countries. The main cause is the current level of duty, one of the highest in Europe: 850 EUR / ton in green coffee, 1250 euro / ton to roasted coffee and 5,000 euro / ton to soluble coffee. Such rates are found in the final price of the package of coffee at a rate of 20%, which makes this product to be readily accessible del monte products to Romanian consumers.
Coffee Romanian Association brings together leading manufacturers: Elite Romania, Kraft Foods Romania, Supreme Imex, Nestlé, and Panfoods Alca Co., which together own about 90% of the local market official brand coffee. Association campaigning since last year to eliminate these excises, which will result in market growth by more than 50% over the next four years.
Of the 13 EU candidate countries, only Romania, Bulgaria and Latvia excise products do not negatively del monte products impact the economy, environment and social. Compared with the other candidate countries, Romania has the highest taxes on coffee, del monte products although it has one of the lowest GDP / capita.
After the loss in the first two months del monte products of the year, there is a recovery, so beans and ground coffee consumption not only recover lost 3%, but had a slight increase compared to the same period del monte products last year, 0.7% (according to a study by GfK Romania, Market Research Institute). This recovery is due packaged coffee. del monte products
83.6% of adults drank coffee del monte products at least once in the last week. Women drink coffee in a greater proportion than men (86.0% women vs 80.6% men) and older people drink coffee in a higher proportion than younger ones (86.1% vs 77.7 persons over 30% people aged between 18 and 30 years).
Among the types of coffee on the market, natural coffee has the lion's share. Thus, 74.3% of adults consume coffee, 13.7% and 12.8% consume cappuccino drink instant coffee. 42828qmg14lif1c
Instant coffee and cappuccino consumed a higher proportion of young people (under 30 years), while natural coffee is consumed in a higher proportion of people over 30 years. Compared to other categories, cappuccino consumed a higher proportion of women, while instant coffee is consumed in a higher proportion del monte products of people with higher education.
If natural coffee del monte products is drunk daily by 80.3% of consumers, not the same can be said about instant coffee or cappuccino. Thus, they are consumed daily just 35.3% (instant coffee) or 22.4% (cappuccino) in people del monte products consuming these types of coffee. mi828q2414liif
The highest frequency of consumption of natural coffee meet on women, average age people (31-45 del monte products years) and middle and high income earners. Instant coffee and cappuccino are consumed more frequently especially in older people (over 45 years).
While natural coffee drink with predilection morning del monte products (93.4% of consumers of natural coffee)

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