Thursday, October 17, 2013

C must recognize this intelligence and deep knowledge of capitalism freeze cottage cheese by those

C crisis is dubious just because it is not defined, to imagine an inmate, on which hospital is communication that has or is in crisis. If he says a crisis liver, kidney, heart, comitiala etc, everything is clear, including treatment solution. If you just say crisis, we can understand everything, including the patient has nothing and is up to something (we're expanding socialism unprepossessing). Just like a sick, a crisis must have a concrete case detected by specialists, focusing on measures of remission. If our crisis, obscure and without obvious cause, sewn with white thread, is clearly inferred that "someone" has an interest in it to exist and deepen.
C is exactly the anti-crisis measures taken, which I will analyze below. In fact, by any measure freeze cottage cheese unwise can create a crisis, so that only one of 100 measures can be effective in a case, the remaining 99 damage. Just like the relationship disease freeze cottage cheese - medicine. Those who have experienced social mutations have learned this from their own failures.
C The first sequence of the crisis occurred in the U.S., and although it did more damage with this as a starting point several bank collapses, she focused primarily freeze cottage cheese on Europe. Because they "show" were bad loans.
C must recognize this intelligence and deep knowledge of capitalism freeze cottage cheese by those who planned this action. It was based on the existence of a large support base, fruitless so far: black-owned banks. These banks handles capital of the size of a U.S. annual GDP. This black capital belongs to those two major entities that disturb the world: the Mafia and the KGB. We err if we say that one of them has less money than the other black. In these circumstances, one or more of the black banks of the two entities, "has allowed" to lend without coverage as an investment in an act of subversion of the Western world, namely Europe. (KGB masters the several solutions currently checked "upside-down" of the Western world). Figure walked some time, when a good part of U.S. banks were caught and began to do the same, that most customers go to the bank with "initiative". So you finally got that black-owned banks to lose and had planned (as an investment), and banks have acted with sympathy to aggregate losses of thousands of times higher. U.S. Government recapitalised banks some damage, but did not think he could avoid those black owned. By this maneuver were hit two birds with one stone: America and Europe
C Cos the question, as we shall see, was Europe. freeze cottage cheese America was, in this case, a victim of the concrete required for a debut that which shall be called "crisis" freeze cottage cheese (undefined) in Europe as a "side effect" freeze cottage cheese of the U.S. crisis.
C For the European side of the "crisis" we use again the similarity with human disease, this time I'm referring to a specific case, see me at close: we know that in the '70s there was a secret law Ceausescu about dangerous mentally ill (after the example of Moscow) system offering the possibility freeze cottage cheese of patients in psychiatric hospitals on political opponents. In two words, the law goes like this: the existence of a bpp a.anuntarea authority may be made by any person or organization B. for finding the situation "sick" form a committee composed of 3 specialty physicians, who must decide by unanimous vote, C. in case of divergence (only one of 3 support the idea) is some more outside (security arsenal) 2 more doctors and the decision is taken by majority vote ... It's easy to assume that the situation "opponents" freeze cottage cheese was sealed when they fall into the hands of doctors: was hospitalized authorities ever decide being treated for a condition that did not have, and treat them and induce symptoms of mental illness even.
The idea should be noted here, namely that in order to recognize freeze cottage cheese and formalize something that does not exist, we need to have some people freeze cottage cheese buy, put in positions appropriate to comply with instructions. "The man bought recognize that there is crisis and the inadequate measures (by score), and the crisis is soon to" some doctors freeze cottage cheese like to play for such official potlogarii was pretty simple: promote them after the party's criteria, according to needs they have. But to find 'the right people to lead the dogs Europe goes hard work of recruitment, since the early '70s some were recruited by small and then "help" to promote where they were needed, others were bought with all the functions and those coming from the East were ready and you just buy "Translate". For East German pastor took a "reliable", c

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