Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I Jhansi Division is considered history of meat preservation a sea of reservoirs - which I still r

The Cinht, Lucknow to Jhansi but the memory is still fresh fresh memories of migration took place some Dhundlai security. Field was my first posting was quite a thrill and a challenge. Of irrigation in Jhansi large reservoir / dam Tike fishing activities on which the work of the Department of Fisheries and keeps their auctions. If you tails of the lake (Lake) and reservoir (reservoir) then you Btayegen What is the difference? Let me explain to come? The lakes are very traditional and often the natural reservoir / dam for irrigation manmade. Under the terms of the highest reservoir in Jhansi - meaning most of fishery resources here.
I Jhansi Division is considered history of meat preservation a sea of reservoirs - which I still remember the name of the district's reservoirs were under my supervision - reached, Brwar, hill, Lhcura, Matateela, etc. Paricsha. In the case of fishery resources and the special thing that every one was characteristic of the reservoir - Named as the chair of Phu j abundance of fish, Paricsha Gonc plain water water monster who is fond of rotten corpses street. I was a Class IV employee who did not want their transfers from Paricsha and his last wish was that he would be thrown into the reservoir after death Paricsha Gonc biceps and disposed of her body by eating - when he explains his desire looked honest. history of meat preservation Puncta if I wanted him whatever he tells why she and I could understand it, according to her, was her natural way of salvation. Salvation through fish! Not yet read or heard somewhere.
Similarly, in the hill reservoir which was on the border of Madhya Pradesh, which I first saw Mahasher fish, only fish I was going to get to the mountains. history of meat preservation The scales (scales) are quite large and it is a rare sport fish Angler's first choice in India. The fat content is higher than other fish in it & #

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