India's Water Resources | Vijay Mitra
Do you think that whatever is present, or the future will be so different in some aspects is going to be? It can be said with some certainty that demographic change society, geographical shift of population, technological advancement, pt feedmill indonesia environmental degradation and water scarcity will be a witness. Water scarcity its increased demand, dwindling supply pt feedmill indonesia caused by overuse and pollution is the biggest challenge. Water is a cyclical process which is found in abundance on Earth. Approximately 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only about 3 per cent of the total water is fresh water. In fact, a very small proportion of fresh water is available for human use. Location and time vary according to the availability of fresh water - is different. The allocation of scarce resources and to control tension and disputes, communities, regions and states have been the subject of controversy between. Evaluation of water to ensure pt feedmill indonesia the development, efficient use and conservation are essential. In this article we water resources in India, its geographical distribution, rational use and conservation and management will discuss the methods.
In India, approximately 2.45 per cent of the world's surface area, water resources 4 percent, almost 16 percent of the population is found. The total water from precipitation in a year in the country, about 4,000 cubic km - m - s. Surface water and replenishable ground water from 1,869 cubic km - m - water is available. Of this, only 60 per cent can be put to profitable use. 1,122 cubic total water resource in the country - m - s.
There are four major sources of surface water - rivers, lakes, ponds and tanks. Rivers and their tributaries in the country, whose length 1-6 km - m - more than 10 360 rivers combined. The average pt feedmill indonesia annual flow in the river basins in India, 1,869 cubic - m - has been estimated. However Sthlak tik, aquatic pt feedmill indonesia and other pressures, only about 690 cubic km of surface water due to -; 32 water may be used. The size of the water flow in the river catchment area or river basin and depends on rainfall in the catchment area.
You know that in India there is spatial variation in rainfall and extreme rainfall is mainly focused monsoon season. In India, some rivers, such as - the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus are very large catchment area. Ganga, Brahmaputra and Barak rivers pt feedmill indonesia Apecshak t is more rain in the catchment area. The rivers pt feedmill indonesia of the country's total area is approximately one - third of which are found in 60 per cent of total surface water resources are found. South Indian rivers, such as - Godavari, and Cauvery K shna large portion of the annual pt feedmill indonesia water flow of the Brahmaputra and Ganges basins are in use, but it still has not been possible.
In India, a total re Purthyyogy ground water resources of about 432 cubic km - m - s. Table 6-1 shows that the total re Purthyyogy nearly pt feedmill indonesia 46 percent of ground water resources are found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra basins. North - western UP and some parts of southern India is Apecshak pt feedmill indonesia t use ground water in river basins. pt feedmill indonesia Country wise use of ground water potential is shown in Fig. Punjab, pt feedmill indonesia Haryana, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu states groundwater use is very high. But some States like Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Kerala, etc. use very little of the ground water potential. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, pt feedmill indonesia Tripura and its ground water resources are used at a moderate rate. If the current force continues to supply the demand for water will be required. Such a situation would be detrimental to the development and social upheaval and disruption may cause.
India's vast coastline is very jagged coastline and some states (indented) is. For this reason, many - many lagoons and lakes have become. Kerala, Orissa pt feedmill indonesia and West Bengal in these lagoons and lakes have large surface water resources. However, pt feedmill indonesia generally brackish water in these reservoirs is used for fishing and certain varieties of rice, coconut, etc. are used in irrigation.
India is traditionally an agriculture-intensive economy and a population of about two - thirds dependent on agriculture. Therefore, in five-year plans, the development of irrigation agriculture to increase production is a very high priority and as multipurpose river valley projects - Bhakra Nangal, Hirakud, Damodar Valley, Nagarjuna Sagar, Indira Gandhi Canal project was launched, etc. amenities. In fact, India's current water demand exceeds the requirements for irrigation. Surface and ground water are most commonly used in agriculture. 89 percent of surface water and ground water in 92 percent of the water used. In the industrial sector, only 2 percent of the surface water and groundwater is used only 5 percent. The use of surface water in the domestic sector is higher than ground water. Part of the agriculture sector in total water use than other sectors. However, with the development in the future - in the industrial and domestic sectors use water in the country is likely to grow.
In agriculture, pt feedmill indonesia water is mainly used for irrigation. Rainfall in the country's spatial - temporal variability require irrigation. There are large tracts of land and drought. North - Western India and the Deccan plateau are covered. In most parts of the country
Do you think that whatever is present, or the future will be so different in some aspects is going to be? It can be said with some certainty that demographic change society, geographical shift of population, technological advancement, pt feedmill indonesia environmental degradation and water scarcity will be a witness. Water scarcity its increased demand, dwindling supply pt feedmill indonesia caused by overuse and pollution is the biggest challenge. Water is a cyclical process which is found in abundance on Earth. Approximately 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only about 3 per cent of the total water is fresh water. In fact, a very small proportion of fresh water is available for human use. Location and time vary according to the availability of fresh water - is different. The allocation of scarce resources and to control tension and disputes, communities, regions and states have been the subject of controversy between. Evaluation of water to ensure pt feedmill indonesia the development, efficient use and conservation are essential. In this article we water resources in India, its geographical distribution, rational use and conservation and management will discuss the methods.
In India, approximately 2.45 per cent of the world's surface area, water resources 4 percent, almost 16 percent of the population is found. The total water from precipitation in a year in the country, about 4,000 cubic km - m - s. Surface water and replenishable ground water from 1,869 cubic km - m - water is available. Of this, only 60 per cent can be put to profitable use. 1,122 cubic total water resource in the country - m - s.
There are four major sources of surface water - rivers, lakes, ponds and tanks. Rivers and their tributaries in the country, whose length 1-6 km - m - more than 10 360 rivers combined. The average pt feedmill indonesia annual flow in the river basins in India, 1,869 cubic - m - has been estimated. However Sthlak tik, aquatic pt feedmill indonesia and other pressures, only about 690 cubic km of surface water due to -; 32 water may be used. The size of the water flow in the river catchment area or river basin and depends on rainfall in the catchment area.
You know that in India there is spatial variation in rainfall and extreme rainfall is mainly focused monsoon season. In India, some rivers, such as - the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus are very large catchment area. Ganga, Brahmaputra and Barak rivers pt feedmill indonesia Apecshak t is more rain in the catchment area. The rivers pt feedmill indonesia of the country's total area is approximately one - third of which are found in 60 per cent of total surface water resources are found. South Indian rivers, such as - Godavari, and Cauvery K shna large portion of the annual pt feedmill indonesia water flow of the Brahmaputra and Ganges basins are in use, but it still has not been possible.
In India, a total re Purthyyogy ground water resources of about 432 cubic km - m - s. Table 6-1 shows that the total re Purthyyogy nearly pt feedmill indonesia 46 percent of ground water resources are found in the Ganges and Brahmaputra basins. North - western UP and some parts of southern India is Apecshak pt feedmill indonesia t use ground water in river basins. pt feedmill indonesia Country wise use of ground water potential is shown in Fig. Punjab, pt feedmill indonesia Haryana, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu states groundwater use is very high. But some States like Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Kerala, etc. use very little of the ground water potential. Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, pt feedmill indonesia Tripura and its ground water resources are used at a moderate rate. If the current force continues to supply the demand for water will be required. Such a situation would be detrimental to the development and social upheaval and disruption may cause.
India's vast coastline is very jagged coastline and some states (indented) is. For this reason, many - many lagoons and lakes have become. Kerala, Orissa pt feedmill indonesia and West Bengal in these lagoons and lakes have large surface water resources. However, pt feedmill indonesia generally brackish water in these reservoirs is used for fishing and certain varieties of rice, coconut, etc. are used in irrigation.
India is traditionally an agriculture-intensive economy and a population of about two - thirds dependent on agriculture. Therefore, in five-year plans, the development of irrigation agriculture to increase production is a very high priority and as multipurpose river valley projects - Bhakra Nangal, Hirakud, Damodar Valley, Nagarjuna Sagar, Indira Gandhi Canal project was launched, etc. amenities. In fact, India's current water demand exceeds the requirements for irrigation. Surface and ground water are most commonly used in agriculture. 89 percent of surface water and ground water in 92 percent of the water used. In the industrial sector, only 2 percent of the surface water and groundwater is used only 5 percent. The use of surface water in the domestic sector is higher than ground water. Part of the agriculture sector in total water use than other sectors. However, with the development in the future - in the industrial and domestic sectors use water in the country is likely to grow.
In agriculture, pt feedmill indonesia water is mainly used for irrigation. Rainfall in the country's spatial - temporal variability require irrigation. There are large tracts of land and drought. North - Western India and the Deccan plateau are covered. In most parts of the country
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