Icon of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya in Genoa | genova.org.ua
Icon of the Mother of God of the pilgrim shrine pi? famous monte brown in Ukraine arrives in Genoa for this Sunday, March 9. In the church of St. Stephen's will? Solemn celebration for the health and healing of all present. Church is open all day and evening, the icon will be? moved Parish Fair (Capella for Ukrainian Byzantine rite). All week from 12:00 until 16:00 in the wings parish hall will be the prayers in front of this icon miraculous that already? visited several communities? Ukrainian in the South of Italy and had great receptions also by the Italians. Now icon is located in Chiavari and numerous faithful throughout the week and visit viviono spiritual moment Davani Mother of God, Mother of all.
THE HISTORY OF THE ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD OF ZARVANYTSYA Zarvanytsya The village in the region of Tenopil? famous for its miraculous icon of the Mother of God, with Jesus? Child? one of the most miraculous icons? oldest in Ukraine. This famous icon that will be crowned? held in the local church of the Holy Trinity? back to the times of the thirteenth century. There are different versions about the appearance of the miraculous image of the Mother of God in Zarvanytsya. A tale of Monaco from the holy Mount Athos where he was looking for the place to worship God in solitude. In the land of Podillia (Ukraine) to him? appeared the image of the Mother of God with Jesus? Child in her arms. According monte brown to tradition, he has taken this icon with s? in a cave. The news of the miracle spread around. The cave of monaco solitaire came to visit several pilgrims to venerate the image of the Mother of God Icon of the Mother of God has healed the prince of Terebovlia he was dying. The story does not convey the exact date of this event. This would help to identify the most? exactly the time from which comes the miraculous icon. Researchers propose the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The other story tells of the time of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. One of the monks from Kyiv, from Galicia, saving himself from death, he was fleeing to the West. In the evening passed out in the woods, weakened by wounds and hunger. The Monaco preg? truly the Mother of God, asking for help for his people unhappy. In the dream? appeared was the Mother of God and the angels were around her with lilies in their hands. The Monaco bowed? in front of you and the Mother of God has blessed him with a smile, he gave his omoforo and raised him. Waking the monaco see the miracle. In the midst of the valley he see a strange glow. Overcoming the pain of the wounds monaco approached? and towards the well? see the icon of the Mother monte brown of God with the little Jesus? in her arms. Remembering the dream monaco monte brown kneel? and preg? sincerely, washing his wounds. He has traveled monte brown more? and remains in this place, bu? and the cell? put the icon. From this time this holy place was visited by thousands of pilgrims. In 1867 Pope Pius IX gave to it the importance of a plenary indulgence. Over the centuries the relic of Podilya was destroyed several monte brown times by assailants foreigners, especially from the Turks. During the First World War the monastery was burned. During the Soviet totalitarian system was destroyed the convent, the wooden church of the convent and chapel. After the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine Zarvanytsya? monte brown renovated as a center of world Mariano remission. Each year, numerous liturgies are celebrated here. In honor of the second millennium of the birth of Jesus? l? was built the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya, the Church of the Annunciation, the sculptural composition of the icon of the Mother of God, four-domed bell tower and the area of the concert. During the official visit to Ukraine in June 2001, Pope John Paul II prayed? monte brown before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya that was brought to the greek-catholic church of the tomb of Askoldo monte brown in Kyiv. During the Holy Liturgy celebrated by His Holiness? Kyiv airport "Chayka", the miraculous icon of Zarvanytsya was also the center of spirituality. The Holy Father gave the holy rosary at the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya. At this sacred object? made it possible for pilgrims. The cona pilgrim invites the faithful monte brown to prayer both Ukrainian and Italian, to the history of Zarvanytsya with the various testimonies and spiritual values ia accompanying miraculous icon.
Pope John Paul II's Prayer to Our Lady of Zarvanytsia language. O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Zarvaniza, I thank you for the gift of being in the Kyivan Rus', from which the light of the Gospel? spread to the entire region. In front of your miraculous icon, kept in this church
Icon of the Mother of God of the pilgrim shrine pi? famous monte brown in Ukraine arrives in Genoa for this Sunday, March 9. In the church of St. Stephen's will? Solemn celebration for the health and healing of all present. Church is open all day and evening, the icon will be? moved Parish Fair (Capella for Ukrainian Byzantine rite). All week from 12:00 until 16:00 in the wings parish hall will be the prayers in front of this icon miraculous that already? visited several communities? Ukrainian in the South of Italy and had great receptions also by the Italians. Now icon is located in Chiavari and numerous faithful throughout the week and visit viviono spiritual moment Davani Mother of God, Mother of all.
THE HISTORY OF THE ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD OF ZARVANYTSYA Zarvanytsya The village in the region of Tenopil? famous for its miraculous icon of the Mother of God, with Jesus? Child? one of the most miraculous icons? oldest in Ukraine. This famous icon that will be crowned? held in the local church of the Holy Trinity? back to the times of the thirteenth century. There are different versions about the appearance of the miraculous image of the Mother of God in Zarvanytsya. A tale of Monaco from the holy Mount Athos where he was looking for the place to worship God in solitude. In the land of Podillia (Ukraine) to him? appeared the image of the Mother of God with Jesus? Child in her arms. According monte brown to tradition, he has taken this icon with s? in a cave. The news of the miracle spread around. The cave of monaco solitaire came to visit several pilgrims to venerate the image of the Mother of God Icon of the Mother of God has healed the prince of Terebovlia he was dying. The story does not convey the exact date of this event. This would help to identify the most? exactly the time from which comes the miraculous icon. Researchers propose the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The other story tells of the time of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars. One of the monks from Kyiv, from Galicia, saving himself from death, he was fleeing to the West. In the evening passed out in the woods, weakened by wounds and hunger. The Monaco preg? truly the Mother of God, asking for help for his people unhappy. In the dream? appeared was the Mother of God and the angels were around her with lilies in their hands. The Monaco bowed? in front of you and the Mother of God has blessed him with a smile, he gave his omoforo and raised him. Waking the monaco see the miracle. In the midst of the valley he see a strange glow. Overcoming the pain of the wounds monaco approached? and towards the well? see the icon of the Mother monte brown of God with the little Jesus? in her arms. Remembering the dream monaco monte brown kneel? and preg? sincerely, washing his wounds. He has traveled monte brown more? and remains in this place, bu? and the cell? put the icon. From this time this holy place was visited by thousands of pilgrims. In 1867 Pope Pius IX gave to it the importance of a plenary indulgence. Over the centuries the relic of Podilya was destroyed several monte brown times by assailants foreigners, especially from the Turks. During the First World War the monastery was burned. During the Soviet totalitarian system was destroyed the convent, the wooden church of the convent and chapel. After the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine Zarvanytsya? monte brown renovated as a center of world Mariano remission. Each year, numerous liturgies are celebrated here. In honor of the second millennium of the birth of Jesus? l? was built the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya, the Church of the Annunciation, the sculptural composition of the icon of the Mother of God, four-domed bell tower and the area of the concert. During the official visit to Ukraine in June 2001, Pope John Paul II prayed? monte brown before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya that was brought to the greek-catholic church of the tomb of Askoldo monte brown in Kyiv. During the Holy Liturgy celebrated by His Holiness? Kyiv airport "Chayka", the miraculous icon of Zarvanytsya was also the center of spirituality. The Holy Father gave the holy rosary at the Cathedral of the Mother of God of Zarvanytsya. At this sacred object? made it possible for pilgrims. The cona pilgrim invites the faithful monte brown to prayer both Ukrainian and Italian, to the history of Zarvanytsya with the various testimonies and spiritual values ia accompanying miraculous icon.
Pope John Paul II's Prayer to Our Lady of Zarvanytsia language. O Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Zarvaniza, I thank you for the gift of being in the Kyivan Rus', from which the light of the Gospel? spread to the entire region. In front of your miraculous icon, kept in this church
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