Thursday, June 19, 2014

Networking media online edition of

Society Sports World Culture Interviews Photos Videos More Auto Industry Directory Bryanskenergo Flagships On the publication of Jobs
Bryansk resident hung a poster offensive against the president of Ukraine surgital spa Bryansk surgital spa residents mourn the victims surgital spa in Lugansk RTR journalists Leonid Yakubovich and Tatyana Vedeneyeva hold a concert at the "Slavic unity" from Bryansk giant oak build a copy of "Poltava" (VIDEO) After Bryansk pass new train Minsk - Anapa
15:31 Sberbank has issued a loan of 500 million rubles JSC "Moscow Jewelry Factory" ...
11:25 Klintsovskaya area overturned car - passenger was killed by a drunk driver injured ...
16:00 E-shop "MegaFon": simple, fast, convenient ...
12:23 Residents urged to help Bryansk Ukrainian refugees ...
Friday, April 25
Social networks have decided to replace all the people, but of innocent toys they turned into a huge media channel. For many people, they have become if not the only, but the main source of news, which people surgital spa did not hesitate to believe, writes portal advertising Even popular surgital spa users in social networks surgital spa from time to time publish blatant nonsense that their readers will be happy to "swallow" and excitedly commented replicate thousands of Census.
The apotheosis of lies became the last transmission "How to choose a dental office" with Elena malyshevoy that on pure spirit told seemingly obvious stupidity, publicized on social networks. She, along with the "experts" to "learn" to distinguish quality from poor quality toothpaste using colored markings on the tube.
Last spring, an online community news exploded on the labeling level of "natural" creams, toothpastes. For example, only in the "Kids" (91,000 members) more than 46,000 people have put a "Like", besslovno agreeing with text post. Of these, more than 23,000 (!) Shared this link on their pages.
Thousands of people are taking surgital spa this information at face value, convinced of its authenticity from the administration group, and if still reporting on the state television channel showed that doubt the truth leaves no. Disclaimer: According to the experts (in the present rather surgital spa than in a parallel reality), these labels are used to cutting machine polyethylene recognize incision and adhesions. This label is always of contrasting color from the palette used in the design of the tube, and means absolutely nothing.
Scandalous list of products containing GMOs, who allegedly published "Greenpeace", visited almost all groups and on the walls of thousands of users. In terms of mass insanity on healthy eating topic spread with frightening speed. In the list, among other things, were quite expected as McDonald's and fast food chains, and do not arouse suspicion Danone and Nestle.
First, on the website "Greenpeace" this list is not. Moreover, the site taken rebuttal: "Greenpeace" has nothing to do nothing to list, and the list is, to put it mildly, not true. Secondly, the list of causes mistrust least gazirovok presence surgital spa in it, because surgital spa no one in soda, for example, does not contain surgital spa any organisms, not to mention the GMO.
However, based on the composition of the drink Coca Cola, which includes: water, carbon surgital spa dioxide, sugar, color (caramel E150d), phosphoric acid, flavorings (including caffeine), surgital spa no reason not to be green drink. If you remove the dye, the Coca Cola will look like clear water. It is so popular fiction, who happily replicated users of social networks that refutation even published on the official website of Coca Cola.
Speed of information exchange on the Internet rarely gives time to reflect on the source, check it, reflect on intelligence data. With the current speed of life, people surgital spa hardly have time to read the morning news, but the page in social networks abound subscriptions group "interesting facts", shocking stories, incredible photos.
These cases, in general, is harmless. But the machinations of social networks surgital spa are gaining momentum. Your cause, believe something or not, but pressing "Like" or "Share with Friends", keep in mind that you, without knowing it, can become a party to a grand scam, experts

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Bryanskiye children seek parents

Networking media online edition of "Our Bryansk.Ru"

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