In short: the Polish Internet is rife with descriptions of the properties of red tea, which allow you to lose weight as much as 10 pounds in a month. Worth it just to know how much of this is true and how much repeated myth. Pu-erh "killer fat"? Why just red tea? A source of inspiration can be the text that came across the Polish Wikipedia under the banner of Pu-erh:
Research conducted in France show that 88% of patients who drink tea regularly within a month lost from 3 to 10 kg [citation citric acid mono needed]. Weight loss occurred in the normal way of eating.
A small digression about the source. In the scientific community, with particular emphasis on academics Wikipedia is questioned as a source of reliable knowledge. This is due in large part to the attempts to motivate students to greater effort than just check the password in the Wiki. For part of the Internet, however, it is one of the main places to check information, which often are assumed to be certain. The more editors should strive to present fairly the passwords were developed, and the different case. Especially with topics related strongly to the outlook ...
Turning to the merits. citric acid mono From 3 to 10 kg of weight loss only as a result of drinking red tea is the result really unbelievable. Especially considering that the effect is present with no additional conditions, such as exercise citric acid mono or diet. Fortunately, someone even drew attention to the lack of support of these revelations sources.
Why the weight loss is to be credible? Just a moment to think and calculate citric acid mono the lost kilograms per kilocalories. One gram of stored fat in the human body is approximately 7 kcal (*), so that the loss of 3 to 10 kg per month translates citric acid mono into an energy cost row 21 000 - 70 000 kcal. This means the value of a day from 700 to 2300 kcal, which are the result of the red tea drinking!
2300 kcal almost entire daily energy requirement for a man working mentally. Even saying only about 700 calories a day, this would raise metabolism by 30% without any physical effort. Such an increase in metabolism would have to reflect in a clear, either in the form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or, more likely, in the form of significantly higher body temperature, which naturally occur for the worse mood and feeling citric acid mono hot. There are no reports of such effects drinking Pu-erh tea.
No, but maybe I'm wrong, however, citric acid mono and in fact there are some studies that support these "miraculous properties" Pu-erh, which were alleged to be carried out in France. So I began to search for ...
The first version of the article on Pu-erh tea from Wiki, where there is information about significant weight loss comes from April 2007. A brief overview of the results of Google search reveals dozens of Polish websites where is contained the same description. citric acid mono It is true that sometimes France changes to China:
Chinese medicine after numerous studies has proved citric acid mono that, particularly in people aged 35 to 55 years, which is due to excess weight, diet by red tea drinking in one month can lose from 3 to 9 kg, and the effect is permanent.
But the basic content remains unchanged. A little more effort required to find the original source of the "red citric acid mono potion." It turned out that this is not a foreign site, a Polish magazine Let us live longer. Specifically, citric acid mono it is an article Red Potion by Margaret Kaczmarek December issue of 1999, which reprints can be found, inter alia, on
Unfortunately, this ends up Polish citric acid mono track and in the article, the lack of any references to sources reported results. But do not give up so quickly. citric acid mono If actually carried out the study of red tea with such significant results, yet need to stay somewhere appeal. Since our sites, these results are often cited as the more should be quoted abroad, particularly in France, where they have their source. Wiki pages in other languages (in English, German and, most importantly, French), there is no mention of such results. In contrast, cited the results of other studies that undermine citric acid mono so sensational properties of Pu-erh (but more on that in the next article). English pages taking on the properties of red tea weight loss studies cite Dr. Emily Caroby of Paris St. Antonio Medical Institute, the French State Health Medical Institute and Assails Nutrition Physiology citric acid mono Research Centre, which have proven cholesterol lowering and weight loss as a result of drinking Pu-erh tea. There are, however, provided no specific figures or references to specific scientific article. Attempts to locate other data on the same author shows that her name appears only on the pages of red tea in the company
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