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Perhaps you've heard repeatedly requests and orders of all sorts of experts as to the amount of fluids you drink - "mandatory sugar factory menu two liters a day"! Approx. Two liters. But what? Does it have to be the same water? Do we get to that coffee and tea? And as the water is carbonated or non-carbonated? What is it with minerals? What the water in the food? For what reason a 50-pound sugar factory menu woman drink the same as the 100 - pound man?
That's right ... Usually, the above series of questions precipitated expert from equilibrium, while excavating the topic does not make sense. In the end, two liters is two liters - not discussed sugar factory menu by oczywistościach. But what is as it turns out that the widely accepted and repeated like a mantra assumption does not necessarily have anything to do with the truth, but rather the body's demand for water. Why? - I invite you to read! Water - the life-giving fluid
Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body. Most of the water is in the infant (75%) and least in the elderly (50%). sugar factory menu While an adult without food is able to survive more than a month without so much water will not survive sugar factory menu more than a few - a few days. Thus, although the water is not known to nutrients is an essential part of our diet and in no way can we belittle its value.
Water full loads of important functions in the human body: An environment for most metabolic processes in the body - is necessary for the occurrence of complex chemical reactions, is a means of transport for many components of oxygen, enzymes, hormones, nutrients, including water, are removed from waste products matter; sugar factory menu It is involved in the digestion process - is an essential sugar factory menu component of digestive enzymes, to the molding sugar factory menu of the parison and the gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract; Regulates body temperature sugar factory menu - protects the body from overheating sugar factory menu by removing excess heat and sweat;
Studies assessing the demand for water are carried in 1866, and yet there is no clear conclusions. Determining the proper demand sugar factory menu for this nutrient is difficult due to differences in climatic conditions, general health, physical activity, and lack of proper hydration objectified indicators.
So we can meet with the various recommendations for daily intake of water. On the basis of recommendations made by the Food and Nutrition Institute (IZZ) in 2008, men should drink until 3700 ml per day, while women in 2700 ml / day. But it was a far greater amount compared to the average demand for water, which scientists have obtained sugar factory menu on the basis of hydration status. Therefore, in April 2010, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA - European sugar factory menu Food Safety Authority) has issued new recommendations on intake of fluids, IZZ replicated these standards in 2012.
Thus, on the basis of standards with the level of sufficient intake of women should deliver an average of 2 liters, 2.5 liters and men of fluids sugar factory menu a day. Specific recommendations can be found in the table below. sugar factory menu
Another way to determine the demand for water is knowledge about the amount of calories taken with food. The daily supply of water required to ensure proper metabolic function of the body should not be less than 1 ml / 1 kcal of energy produced. In the case of infants this quantity is larger and amounts to 1.5 ml / 1 kcal. More water also need pregnant women and lactating women - respectively 300 ml and 700 ml than before pregnancy.
However, be aware that there are large inter-individual differences that can significantly affect the current demand for water. And so the individual needs of the organism in the nutrient we need to take into account weather conditions, level of physical activity, type of diet or
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