Nanotechnology: A new challenge for global civil society / day Zilele interview meat processing technology with Pat Mooney
When we become aware of the dangers inherent in the atomic technology to eliminate these hazards actually time it was too late. Now nanotechnology appeared on the horizon. This technology will be in the near future with the consequences of a serious concern?
Be one of the topics meat processing technology of the agenda for the near future no doubt. Nanotechnology brings a number of problems with it, because it would interfere with the essence of this technology materials. In fact the 'nano' concept is not an object, is only a measure. Nano sized at a size expression is a billionth of a meter that is predictably disrupts the measurement of the extent of atoms and molecules. And everything is so minimal size will actually form the basis of all the other things meat processing technology that are larger. Things appear and coming towards us well over the horizon Gelgelel I can be likened to a technological tsunami. And the front of the tsunami waves swept around us, even long: already produced with this technology have driven more than 500 products on the market situation. This technology meat processing technology soon in life, eco systems, meat processing technology all kinds of energy production even of humanity will shake the foundation activity. The question of how it will continue the existence of the people as the inevitable result will reappear.
The very fact that most of those who heard! And this is not fiction made about the technology for so long in the future. Nanotechnology is emerging nowadays meat processing technology to believe in the power of speed. Many things meat processing technology that sounded like science fiction was carried out already in the laboratory. And today will become possible in the near future as appearing in many a utopian vision meat processing technology of the future. However, if you do something to oppose, to get us to predict which way possible precisely than today where it would lead. For example, in three of the enormous financial investment in this technology, both leaving the manipulation of living organisms. So here are not innocent activities such as the development of more efficient production methods to ensure that it better or industrial coating pan is not in question; In contrast to the creation of very concrete issues as a new way of life.
Nowadays, most of the scientific research carried out in this field. And even if they managed to create a previously non-existent living matter with the help of nanotechnology. In Nature (A, T, G and C abbreviated form), the four bases adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine DNA comprising a fifth; meat processing technology even shortly before they moved up to sixth place a tile. Sometimes abbreviated as F created in California. Five base DNS does not have the ability to repeat itself, but scientists can create meat processing technology life forms unimaginable meat processing technology to them. Almost meat processing technology all performed by a fifth base. Florida was achieved shortly before placing sixth base. Thus, the DNS has been brought to the ability to repeat itself, as well as five generations! For the diversity of life consists of four instead of six basic building blocks of life as the old code is not difficult to imagine what it means. This can lead to the explosion of life forms. I want to emphasize again: we're talking not only about the design of a utopian future, even if they were performed in the laboratory. Koliforniya and universities meat processing technology in scientific research company with the ability to self-replicate live machines -that living and nonliving material assets-product mix will create a point far the agreed condition.
There is life, "the machine" and the best thing is "producing" meat processing technology is wonderful. Because life is a system of self-replicating and multiplying. Therefore, all production companies that perform extremely impressed status from DNS. Company's ability to benefit from life and life, living organisms are able to perform at the level you want to change the mechanical assignments. Something that forms the basis of nanotechnology are extremely important problem of bringing together the atomic building blocks approach: bring something to the atom to atom together a very long-term process features. Theoretically possible to produce a hamburger with this method, but to come to the table to eat a very long time. So the real question is how this can be accelerated. Missed: "The bringing together everything will be living structures and processes will succeed" shape. DNS is replicating itself in a very simple way. All creatures from amoeba to human beings are self-replicating system. The long story short is made to make the desired change to the live material industry manufacturer. Critics had time world time "Grey Goo" tested into a sticky gray matter, they produce a doomsday scenario itself in an uncontrolled manner caused by replicating nano-computers. From a novel (sic .: Kim Eric Drexler's Engines of Creation, published in 1986 (creation of the Machines) from the book) was taken
When we become aware of the dangers inherent in the atomic technology to eliminate these hazards actually time it was too late. Now nanotechnology appeared on the horizon. This technology will be in the near future with the consequences of a serious concern?
Be one of the topics meat processing technology of the agenda for the near future no doubt. Nanotechnology brings a number of problems with it, because it would interfere with the essence of this technology materials. In fact the 'nano' concept is not an object, is only a measure. Nano sized at a size expression is a billionth of a meter that is predictably disrupts the measurement of the extent of atoms and molecules. And everything is so minimal size will actually form the basis of all the other things meat processing technology that are larger. Things appear and coming towards us well over the horizon Gelgelel I can be likened to a technological tsunami. And the front of the tsunami waves swept around us, even long: already produced with this technology have driven more than 500 products on the market situation. This technology meat processing technology soon in life, eco systems, meat processing technology all kinds of energy production even of humanity will shake the foundation activity. The question of how it will continue the existence of the people as the inevitable result will reappear.
The very fact that most of those who heard! And this is not fiction made about the technology for so long in the future. Nanotechnology is emerging nowadays meat processing technology to believe in the power of speed. Many things meat processing technology that sounded like science fiction was carried out already in the laboratory. And today will become possible in the near future as appearing in many a utopian vision meat processing technology of the future. However, if you do something to oppose, to get us to predict which way possible precisely than today where it would lead. For example, in three of the enormous financial investment in this technology, both leaving the manipulation of living organisms. So here are not innocent activities such as the development of more efficient production methods to ensure that it better or industrial coating pan is not in question; In contrast to the creation of very concrete issues as a new way of life.
Nowadays, most of the scientific research carried out in this field. And even if they managed to create a previously non-existent living matter with the help of nanotechnology. In Nature (A, T, G and C abbreviated form), the four bases adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine DNA comprising a fifth; meat processing technology even shortly before they moved up to sixth place a tile. Sometimes abbreviated as F created in California. Five base DNS does not have the ability to repeat itself, but scientists can create meat processing technology life forms unimaginable meat processing technology to them. Almost meat processing technology all performed by a fifth base. Florida was achieved shortly before placing sixth base. Thus, the DNS has been brought to the ability to repeat itself, as well as five generations! For the diversity of life consists of four instead of six basic building blocks of life as the old code is not difficult to imagine what it means. This can lead to the explosion of life forms. I want to emphasize again: we're talking not only about the design of a utopian future, even if they were performed in the laboratory. Koliforniya and universities meat processing technology in scientific research company with the ability to self-replicate live machines -that living and nonliving material assets-product mix will create a point far the agreed condition.
There is life, "the machine" and the best thing is "producing" meat processing technology is wonderful. Because life is a system of self-replicating and multiplying. Therefore, all production companies that perform extremely impressed status from DNS. Company's ability to benefit from life and life, living organisms are able to perform at the level you want to change the mechanical assignments. Something that forms the basis of nanotechnology are extremely important problem of bringing together the atomic building blocks approach: bring something to the atom to atom together a very long-term process features. Theoretically possible to produce a hamburger with this method, but to come to the table to eat a very long time. So the real question is how this can be accelerated. Missed: "The bringing together everything will be living structures and processes will succeed" shape. DNS is replicating itself in a very simple way. All creatures from amoeba to human beings are self-replicating system. The long story short is made to make the desired change to the live material industry manufacturer. Critics had time world time "Grey Goo" tested into a sticky gray matter, they produce a doomsday scenario itself in an uncontrolled manner caused by replicating nano-computers. From a novel (sic .: Kim Eric Drexler's Engines of Creation, published in 1986 (creation of the Machines) from the book) was taken
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