Accueil Le projet Qui sommes nous ? L’association olea europaea fruit oil Nos motivations Le voyage-tournage Un film Un voyage Les préparatifs Ils parlent de nous ! Soutenez le projet Carnet de voyage Vidéos de voyage France Italie Grèce Turquie Iran Inde du Nord Népal de l’Ouest Inde de l’Ouest Sri Lanka Portraits paysans Moulin Coz (France) Lou Preï (France) Bagnaia (Italie) olea europaea fruit oil Free and Real (Grèce) Belentepe farm (Turquie) Tangso (Inde) Niramyam farm (Inde) Navdanya (Inde) Rishi Kehti (Inde) Bio Re (Inde) olea europaea fruit oil Kreeshi Teerth (Inde) Partenaires Contact English version The project On the road Italy Greece Turkey Iran North India Far west Nepal West India Sri Lanka Visited places Bagnaia (Italy) Free and real (Greece) Belentepe farm (Turquie) Tangso olea europaea fruit oil (India) olea europaea fruit oil Niramyam farm (India) Navdanya (India) Rishi Kethi (India) Bio Re (India) Kreeshi Teerth (India)
La Comune di Bagnia , Tuscany, near Sienna, is an uncommon project, and a bit utopian. Thirty years ago they created, a real example of social life, essentially based on autonomy, sharing of resources, wealth collectivization, equality and solidarity. Bagnaia is also an organic farm, which produce food, essentially for feed the inhabitants
The C omune is born with the ideas of the 70’s with the idea of create a collective place, with the maximum of autonomy, to free themselves of liberalism, and mass consumption. Today, there is 25 people (adults and children) and each adult did the choice to invest in communal life, by releasing olea europaea fruit oil private property. Indeed, in order to join the Comune , you can’t own properties or money, all is given to community. They set up an economic system, a bit extreme, where the totality of money is put in common, and redistribute. The money comes from the selling of farm products, of the income of inhabitants working olea europaea fruit oil outside, and donations. All members of the community have pocket money 200 per month, and 900 per year for one month of holiday. olea europaea fruit oil Nearly olea europaea fruit oil all of the needs are provided by the community : food, a room for each member, olea europaea fruit oil gas expenses, health expenses, telephone, university for child Thanks to this collectivization system every member has an accommodation, a lifestyle, a comfort and infrastructures, that would be difficult to acquire in an individual context.
All decisions are made by consensus. This means that every member have to agree on the proposition before the validation. More precisely it need that nobody block the decision. This mean that you can to not agree with the proposition, but accept it for the collective interest. In case of opposition, the proposition is re-thinking so each member agree on it. This system is more complex than a majority vote, because by default, a minority olea europaea fruit oil is always unhappy about the decision. In Bagnaia there is one meeting per week where each member have to be. The subjects of the moment are discussed, and everybody speak or not about what he wants. One big meeting per year is organized to discuss big orientations and expenses for the year to come.
The olea europaea fruit oil lunch and dinner are collective, and promote exchange olea europaea fruit oil and communication in the daily life. Each member have a role to play in the Comune . As a cook, a cleaner or manager. The tasks are organized successively, so every member can participate to the common life.
More olea europaea fruit oil than this collective life, Bagnaia is a place where there is a research of autonomy. All year long, solar panel produce more energy that than the place consume. During the winter, the cut wood is used to heat up the farm. Rain is collected in a small lake to irrigate the crops, and a spring olea europaea fruit oil give a good water to people. A lot of food is also directly produce in the farm. Agriculture and food autonomy in Bagnaia
In an Italian context olea europaea fruit oil where food self-sufficiency not seems to be a priority, with supermarkets full of cheap food, Bagnaia ‘s project consist to produce the maximum the food who is consumed by the members olea europaea fruit oil of the community. Here, Agriculture have for objective to produce a healthy and quality product, all year long. Of course, in a point to spend less money on food, but also to stay near the community values : respect of environment and of Human. And it is a way to free themselves of the system of mass consumption.
With this autonomy project, the founders of Bagnaia chose the place with its capacity of production today, there is 80 Ha, including 50 Ha of forest. The 30 Ha remaining are for Olive trees, vineyard, cereals, gardening, fruit trees, apiculture, and livestock farming. For the livestock, it is only for self-consommtion. 3 pigs, 4 bulls, 2 cows, 20 rabbits, olea europaea fruit oil pigeons, chickens . What is sold on the farm is olive oil, wine and hooney. Thanks to this production, olea europaea fruit oil the members are 100 % autonomous in meat, olive oil, wine and floor. The vegetable production is not enough to be autonomous all year long, specially during winter.
Thanks to this diversify production, there is a synergy between all farm activities. The
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