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I wanted to tell you about Spring , and how excited I am that it is here, and that on the very first day of Spring , we visited the farm again. Not only because Lulu has been insistently asking to see les moutons et les poules first thing in the morning every day, but also because it was 70 F outside– oh yes it was!–and while Lulu loves the farm because it’s like a enormous playground with funny-aha creatures inside it, I find it healing to see the animals, smell the ground and touch the grass, methods of preserving food and have my boots covered with mud.
And even the strawberry cake I baked–and methods of preserving food before you tell me that it’s not yet the season, I know. But the reality is that I’ve been using and eating a lot of strawberries lately and yes, they even tasted good. And even better, they made me feel cheerful.
We went out for a walk in the morning but came the afternoon and Lulu and I started to feel sick. With a cough first. methods of preserving food Then a light fever. And while I felt better on Monday, my poor little one was actually sick. And it was snowing again.
So in the place of all these nice things I had planned to write about, I made a green lentil salad , and thought that at least I could tell you and write about that. I had just received a package with beautifully knitted dresses for Lulu from my mother–Have I told you already what a wonderful knitter she is? Merci maman ! –and with it came the last issue of Elle a table magazine . A treat.
It felt good to eat warm green lentils with refreshing ingredients like finely methods of preserving food shaved fennel methods of preserving food , delicate quail eggs and crunchy pieces of apple and green asparagus . It was like having a slice of Spring in my plate.
For the dressing: Sea salt 2 teaspoons honey-flavored mustard 2 tablespoons Meyer lemon juice (about 2 small lemons) 1 small shallot, finely chopped 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons pistachio oil
For the salad: 1 cup French methods of preserving food green lentils 2 cups chicken stock 1/2 cup cold water 2 twigs of thyme 1 bay leaf Sea salt 1 small fennel bulb, cored and finely sliced with a mandoline methods of preserving food 12 quail eggs 1 apple, cored and finely diced 12 three-inch green asparagus spears methods of preserving food Handful of watercress Fresh coriander, chopped finely Red peppercorn, crushed
Steps: To prepare the vinaigrette, in a small bowl, add the ingredients in this order: salt, mustard, lemon juice and shallot. Stir and add the oils. Emulsify with a small fork; set aside. Place the green lentils in a large pot. Add 2 cups chicken stock and 1/2 cup water. Add a few twigs of thyme and a bay leaf. Season with salt and cook the lentils methods of preserving food on low heat, covered, for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until they are tender. Remove the excess water. In the meantime, bring a large volume of water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and blanch the asparagus for 1 minute. Rinse them under cold water. Slice each spear in 3 pieces. Divide the lentils between plates or serving glasses; set aside. Boil the quail eggs for 3 minutes and place in cold water. Remove the shell delicately and half each egg; set aside. In a large bowl, toss together the shaved fennel, the apple, watercress and asparagus. methods of preserving food Dress with the vinaigrette. Top the lentils methods of preserving food with this salad mixture and add the eggs. Sprinkle with red peppercorn and coriander, and then serve.
Pour la salade : 1 tasse de lentilles vertes 500 ml de bouillon de volaille 125 ml d’eau 2 brins de thym 1 feuille de laurier Sel de mer 1 petite bulbe de fenouil, coupée finement avec une mandoline 12 oeufs de caille 1 pomme, évidée et coupée finement 12 pointes d’asperges de 8 cm Une grosse poignée de cresson Coriande fraichement hachée Baies roses concassées
Etapes : Pour préparer la vinaigrette, dans un petit bol, ajoutez les ingrédients methods of preserving food dans cet ordre: sel, moutarde, jus de citron et échalote. Mélangez et ajoutez les huiles. Emulsionnez avec un petit fouet. Placez les lentilles dans une grande casserole. Couvrez methods of preserving food avec le bouillon et l’eau. AJoutez le thm et la feuille de laurier. Salez et couvrez. Faites mijoter pendant 45 minutes à 1 heure, jusqu’à methods of preserving food ce que les lentilles soient tendres. Egouttez et réservez. Pendant ce temps, faites blanchir les asperges dans un grand volume d’eau bouillante salée. methods of preserving food Rinsez-les sous de l’eau froide et coupez methods of preserving food chaque pointe en 3. Mettez les lentilles methods of preserving food dans quatre assiettes ou verres. Faites cuire les oeufs pendant 3 minutes, puis écaillez-les. Dans un grand saladier, mélangez le fenouil, la pomme, le cresson et les asperges. Ajoutez la vinaigrette et mélangez. Disposez methods of preserving food cette salade sur les lentilles et ajoutez les oeufs. Assaisonnez de baies roses et de coriandre. Servez aussitôt. Posted in Appetizers , French Inspired , Fruit , Gluten Free , Grains
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