Thursday, October 10, 2013

So I want to tell you that organic, cold-pressed (unrefined) coconut oil is wonderful

So I want to tell you that organic, cold-pressed (unrefined) coconut oil is wonderful "cream" (body lotion) rhm vcd to the skin for both large and small. rhm vcd I use self never anything else on me and my children, after a bath, a bath, above a bath :) and after swimming. I tread her wet hair sometimes (when it's become rhm vcd like hey :), wash it so 30 minutes rhm vcd or a few hours later - let it be as long as I have time). I also take the paint off me at night with cotton, warm water and coconut oil.
Coconut oil is a natural bacterial, rhm vcd viral and fungicidal as an example. Thus, it is also good to wash your little ass with a cloth / gauze, warm water and coconut oil. All the smell goes with the oil and it softens, cleanses and nourishes. But also use olive oil and other refined cold, raw (organic) oils.
A rule of thumb is that anything that you can eat one can calm the skin set the skin is our largest organ and everything we put on it goes into the body, organs, blood, etc.. If you start to read the ingredients rhm vcd of cosmetics then you are likely to come to see the kinds of words you botnið nothing (often mjööög long = little grunsó). I especially avoid paraben substances (preservatives are said hormonal rhm vcd disorder). (I buy cream for me from heilsubúðum but always read the ingredient list. I try to keep my creams as clean as possible although I have not actually cream that I do not want to eat right! :)
Coconut oil contains a sunscreen (maybe not to lie on Mallorca for many hours on the beach in July :). But I think it suffice here well sólardögum when one is there just one and one hour at a time. It is said that it is extremely important that the skin receives the sun's rays up to about 15-30 minutes before we carry on our sunscreen to it to form vitamin D. Yet another reason not to let children play outside. Therefore, we need to take vitamin D in this particular month scarcely seen the sun, or we are nothing in the sun.
As stated rhm vcd in the book, What shall I give my child to eat? there is a real need to use soap on children (and us to a certain extent :) I put in the bath with my children sea salt (a natural antiseptic) maybe about 1 tablespoon in and out of it a few drops of lavender essential oil (fungal, viral - and antibacterial while also soothing!) and will put the salt bath. I put coconut oil for a long time too, but now my kids are grown so large that the hair will be slightly kleprað of oil bath :) so I drop it, do it a little further when they come out.
Take a poon Teas of coconut oil and Apply it to your (or your child's) gums and teeth to kill germs in the mouth and help normalize oral PH. Coconut Oil Can Help protect your teeth. Coconut rhm vcd oil contribues to healthy biofilms in the mouth.
Ebba Guðný Gudmundsdottir is a teacher by profession, but has in recent years devoted himself to infant nutrition and healthier lifestyles entire family. rhm vcd She published the book What should I give my child to eat? that has proven domestic foreldurm priceless treasures in the search for healthier lifestyles. Ebba the Web where you can find videos and delicious recipes.
Thora Sigurdardottir is the author of Parental guide and owner of this site. Thora is a mother of two, wife, chef as a hobby and sincere interest woman for everything related to children and their parents.
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