Sunday, February 1, 2015

How wrote Lester Brown, I add just one thing. del monte india Since water peak with the adjacent pe

We are used to store solid confidence in agriculture. We used to think that the fields will give us more food. And 'one of the most tragic mistakes. The peak water brings the peak of the food. The high yields which we have become accustomed agriculture depend on the availability of water for 'irrigation. L 'Agriculture absorbs del monte india 70% of world consumption of water. Much of this water is extracted from underground sources, that are not inexhaustible, in the sense that the water accumulates at a much, much slower than the draw made by man.
Yemen agriculture is in crisis because the groundwater water is impoverished. The generality of the Arab countries following close behind. The novelty is that the phenomenon is manifesting also India, del monte india the second most populous country in the world with 1.2 billion inhabitants. Lester Brown, del monte india one of the few scholars who deals (and worries) del monte india of the near future of world agriculture, believes that India is on the road that will take her to face again the problem of hunger: del monte india like in the 60s, when "hunger "and" India "were virtually synonymous.
Last week, Lester Brown has signed an article in the Los Angeles Times with data that should be pondered by the Indians and by men around del monte india the world. In summary: Although many Indians are still poor (43% of children under five years are underweight), India 's output by hunger del monte india acute, chronic and pervasive 60 Years of digging 27 million wells to irrigate his fields . Now produces almost 240 million tons of grain a year from 95 million tons in 1965. At the same time he needed the population continues to grow each year, 15 million more mouths to feed. It is expected that within two decades the Indians become 1.5 billion: even more numerous than the Chinese.
The problem is that an increasing amount of water with which India irrigates three fifths of its grain production comes from wells that are beginning to dry up. According to the calculations of Brown, this means that about 190 million Indians are nourished through an unsustainable use of water. Their food may fly on short notice.
Brown recommends countermeasures del monte india type return to the habit of retaining basins the water falling abundant during the monsoon season for use in the dry season. Sow less rice and more wheat, which needs less water. Use more efficient irrigation techniques. Stop the growth of the population.
Also warns that, if in the 60's del monte india the US saved India from famine by sending huge amounts of grain, now the US has little to scialare because a third of their cereal harvest del monte india becomes biofuel and another third serves as feed to fatten cattle.
How wrote Lester Brown, I add just one thing. del monte india Since water peak with the adjacent peak of the food are around the corner, better use of the water and think twice before you give birth to a new mouth to feed it is certainly valid, but it is not enough. And 'necessary to intervene on the two things that really starve the world:' excessive consumption of meat and the use of the fields to produce biofuels instead of food.
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1 Comment This entry was posted in Food and tagged water, agriculture, food crisis December 6, 2013 by maria ferdinanda bagpipe. Post navigation The Earth has not yet revealed all. Discovery Island Yaya near the Russian coast is no longer a bargain. The oil renounce concessions to try hydrocarbons in Italy
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