UN Security Council olive tree books passed unanimously on Wednesday a resolution condemning attempts to export Libyan crude oil illegally. The Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 2146, and decided olive tree books to impose measures, including the State to take the cargo ship carrying the flag, the necessary procedures for non-load crude oil from Libya, without receiving instructions from the focal point of the Libyan government. The resolution stated, that all Member States to take necessary measures to prevent ships from entering its ports concerned, but for the purposes of inspection or in emergency situations. He thanked the Libyan ambassador to the United Nations Ibrahim Dabbashi, the members of the Security olive tree books Council "to olive tree books respond quickly to the request of Libya, to take a position on attempts to steal oil and violation of Libya's sovereignty over its territory olive tree books and resources." The gunmen in eastern Libya, demanding a greater share in the oil wealth and greater autonomy, took up oil crude on board the tanker, "Morning Glory," a cargo capacity of 37 thousand, and were able to escape from the Libyan navy what the cause of embarrassment for the central government, and push parliament olive tree books to vote on the dismissal olive tree books of Prime Minister. The American Navy was able to later, to adjust the oil tanker off the coast of Cyprus.
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Who are the enemies of Arabs and Muslims? They are the enemies of themselves, not Israel, and the use of many of the Arab dictators and Islamic parties, the issue of Arab - Israeli conflict olive tree books to suppress their own people. "Brutal acts practiced by dictators Arabs and Muslims about their fellow citizens a far cry from that envisioned by the mind." Islamist parties and dictatorship will not leave unless it is proved that desolate, so that we see him from behind the curtains olive tree books of Islamic parties and dictatorship is only a mask and not hurts me is they were considered, well I think their stupidity. Islamic parties .. and dictator Yeh sides of the same coin. Do not cracked the heads of people talking Permanent faith let them see him in your behavior and transactions not for for a Q for a m a l o j SC j not LL v i t p a l a o l a m j not LL d j k T. A T t j e technical advances such as an ax in the hands of a criminal patient a l m t i t p a l a o l a m j sick for d j k t a t and t patient not to Islamic parties and not for the dictatorship of infants breast humiliation Dehra ... Ray freedom desolate and evil n uncle .. for freedom and democracy in that time was a young Iranian liberated and impulsive turn freedom and democracy, justice and equality and freedom for the prospects of future modern to make them at the forefront of the young people who will make a bright future for their countries and their people .. .. then came this monstrosity Satan Khomeini .. and bury their dream and bring them back to the dark ages in all none other than backward. No to Islamic parties and not for the dictatorship of the devil can be an angel. . And a giant troll. . The bat eagle and darkness Nora. . But in front of only fools and gullible. It is time ...
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