Sunday, September 21, 2014

It Streghe or Halloween night Notte: According to a storyteller born in Castel del Monte, many city

Castel del Monte is a small village in the Abruzzo region at 1,300 meters altitude, which is part of the Gran Sasso della Laga National Park and famous Monti. different types of crops grown in india Considered one of the most beautiful places in Italy, Castel del Monte has served as the setting for international film productions because of its medieval atmosphere, its narrow streets and underground tunnels dug into the rock, which remain immune to the advance of modernity.
Like many villages different types of crops grown in india in Abruzzo, Castel del Monte is situated on a mountain top. Guarding different types of crops grown in india more than 1,000 years of history, different types of crops grown in india legends and traditions, Castel different types of crops grown in india del Monte was one of the first villages to emerge in this area. The first document in which the name appears in the village dates back to 1223 but there are historical traces different types of crops grown in india showing that the region was already inhabited in the 11th century BC and by the Romans in 4 BC
Stone tunnels: During the Middle Ages, to escape the dangers of attacks and raids, people took refuge in the high part called Shelter. One of the walls is still visible. The Bell Tower, which is the highest part, was the watchtower which allowed greater control of the plain. The whole village was built on a rock being crossed by underground tunnels, called Castellani. It's arches and tunnels that allow walk into town safe and secure so cold. Today, these stone tunnels are one of its tourist attractions.
Churches: With numerous churches which still retains its original structure, the Church different types of crops grown in india of S. Donato - the patron saint of the city - still maintains its medieval appearance. An ancient tradition that has survived for centuries is the celebration of the feast of Madonna del Suffraggio on September 8, also called Madonna dei Pastori. The evening procession, which runs the Church of San Marco and ends at the Church of Our Lady of Suffrággio, was a ritual of ancient shepherds who were asking for protection and grace before taking his sheep on the roads. The Church with its bas-reliefs, paintings and statues in wood, is a real treasure.
Traditions: Time seems to stop when contemplating the traditions that date back to very ancient different types of crops grown in india times. The chatter different types of crops grown in india of the fireplace and the smell of authentic Italian different types of crops grown in india minestra a winter night can lead us to imagine the times through the centuries. The flavors are still held in Castel del Monte as a unique expression of the past, in which survival depended on the region of hard work along the paths linking different types of crops grown in india Abruzzo to Puglia. Land of mysteries, myths, legends and superstitions, different types of crops grown in india the old tales are as old as the fear of man before the incomprehensible. This region, different types of crops grown in india which long remained in isolation due to its geographical conditions, has not lost its traditions even before the advent of superhighways and globalization, primarily in its rich and creative cuisine.
Arti Festival and Mestieri: it saves even the old recipe of one of the typical local products, like the Pecorino Canestrato, a typical hard cheese made from sheep's milk. Today the product is recognized with DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin). The pleasures of good cooking, among many delicacies are Chiaranese, a delicacy made with sheep meat slowly cooked in large pots with many spices and Marcetto, different types of crops grown in india a creamy pecorino cheese. On August 12 of each year the narrow streets of the village revive the ancient traditions associated with rural and pastoral life. The "Arti and Mestieri" è a celebration party of the past and its customs. In fact, the city has many ancient instruments related to grazing and agriculture as if it were several small museums of medieval daily life. The Museum of Wool Sheep shows the importance that this material had in the past.
It Streghe or Halloween night Notte: According to a storyteller born in Castel del Monte, many city dwellers believed in witches and some still believe. When a child was sick and the doctor could not diagnose the disease, it was said that witches reportedly entered the house through the keyhole or the roof. Relatives prowled the streets at night in total silence with the person in the arms or burned different types of crops grown in india clothing of sick person at a crossroads. Sometimes this coincided with the healing of the person, which reinforced the belief in witches.
Currently, one of the cultural events in Castel del Monte is a charming Night Witches always happens on 17 August every year, when people wear clothes, hats and costumes of witches. different types of crops grown in india Since morning the Halloween Market's tasting different types of crops grown in india local produce and entertainment shows to night. During the event, which involves the whole community, the narrow streets and small squares become scenarios for stories and narrative different types of crops grown in india shows a popular drama in the local dialect known as "Castellano", which rediscovers the ancient beliefs and rituals associated with witches.

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