Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Yogurt and the necessary pt malindo feedmill tbk miracle. Rich in nutrients yogurt should pt malind

Without doubt, yogurt, was many years before people write about it. It is very likely that the discovery was accidental. It is generally believed that first appeared in the Middle East, somewhere in the region of present-day Turkey, or perhaps in neighboring Persia. Included in the diet of the Greeks from ancient times, because it was considered rich in nutrients. For this reason and called ygeiarto.
These amazing properties are discovered back in the early 1900s by the Russian Nobel laureate scientist, physiology and medicine, Dr Elias Metchinikoff. The physician bacteriologist Metsinkof discovered that fatty milk are more easily digested by neutralizing pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract and examined the correlation with early aging in humans. The study concluded that human longevity due to yogurt.
In the market we find in many types, but we mean when we say the traditional yogurt. Yogurt made from fresh milk, especially cow (previously used sheep's milk), which have added the specific cultures coalesce, kneaded it with the help of two bacteria, Bacillus milk (laktompakilous boulkarikous) and streptococcus (Streptococcus termofylous) . That is, through the action of these bacteria and under certain conditions, the milk was pasteurized in advance, is converted into another pt malindo feedmill tbk product, which has thick texture and characteristic pt malindo feedmill tbk sour taste. The words "live" means that in addition to the pasteurization of milk pasteurization not followed another in the final product, which retains all the enzymes pt malindo feedmill tbk lactate live, and can be used for making yogurt at home (like yeast). The real yogurt must bear the label "live" or "live lactic cultures" or to write the scientific name. The delicious cheese product is famous pt malindo feedmill tbk for its nutrients, is one of the most convenient materials of Greek cuisine. The widespread yogurt dishes like tzatziki and yogurt with honey and walnuts succeeding new proposals pt malindo feedmill tbk for an everyday meal, but also professional restaurateurs.
Metals and Minerals: It is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Calcium is higher (because the other ingredients are contained in concentrated pt malindo feedmill tbk form). Also contains a large amount pt malindo feedmill tbk of zinc.
Vitamins: Contains vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and B2. And it contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A and D. The B vitamins are increased by the effect of the bacteria and so the relationship with milk, facilitates the intestinal pt malindo feedmill tbk absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Lactic acid: Lactose is milk souring converted to lactic acid so that people who are intolerant to milk are able to eat yogurt. Lactic acid has antiseptic containing properties for the digestive system, preventing pt malindo feedmill tbk the growth of harmful pt malindo feedmill tbk microorganisms.
live microorganisms: Contains live microorganisms (which occur after the fermentation of milk), the effect of which is important because: improves gastric secretions, regulate the balance of intestinal flora, prevent the absorption of toxins, and produce natural antibiotic substances capable destroy disease-causing bacteria such as tuberculosis.
Yogurt and the necessary pt malindo feedmill tbk miracle. Rich in nutrients yogurt should pt malindo feedmill tbk be at the table for all of us everyday, it contributes to maintaining our good health. Besides its high Nutritional value is food and Therapeutic properties, suitable for all ages and all stages of life. The rich nutritional value of yogurt makes it as necessary, indispensable, pt malindo feedmill tbk everyday food that combines perfectly with the Terpni beneficial. pt malindo feedmill tbk
1Tononei bowel motility and generally acts beneficially on the digestive system. pt malindo feedmill tbk Relieves gas, intestinal pain, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Regulates pt malindo feedmill tbk bowel function and suppresses infections, such as E. Coli. Helps prevent infection of travelers from foreign microbes. Periecheiprostaglandines that protect the lining of the stomach irritants such as alcohol and tobacco, while reducing the incidence of stomach ulcers. Acidification and taenzyma yogurt facilitate digestion and improve the assimilation pt malindo feedmill tbk of systatikon.Diefkolynei digestion pt malindo feedmill tbk in people who have difficulty absorbing calcium.
2 also prevents infections of the bladder and cystitis. Women who regularly drink fresh fruit juice, eat yogurt and cheese are often at significantly lower risk of developing an infection of the urinary

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