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The idea of mental training of the old ideas that began late nineteenth century were counted from modern subjects maria de monte in these days of increased interest in games of various sports and to increase the intensity of competition maria de monte (Weinberg.et .al.1991) 0, which led to head towards the various types of educational methods and training, and try to be adjusted maria de monte to develop maria de monte a level and get the desired results. It is these methods was mental training, which is one of the ways educational features the distinctive factors that are not available in other educational methods.
Despite the emergence of different definitions, and many scientists and specialists to visualize maria de monte mental but most of them are focused on Vsljia senses that he is linked in the brain, we find for the Arab Nidffer 1996 has defined "reconfigure and retrieval of experience in the brain."
There are two types of mental training are: Shimon 0.1996 mental training maria de monte direct: It includes; perception, mental, and attention, and includes (attention, concentration, distribution, and divert attention) Mental Training indirect: It includes; reading to describe a certain skill, watching movies, Listening to describe the skill, watch the live models, Ktabhaltalimat, and the merger between the audio and visual means.
The literature on mental training left many approaches to the interpretation of the possibility of mental Tateraltdreb in motor performance, maria de monte and these interpretations as follows: 1. Theory neuropsychiatric muscle (muscle memory: Psychoneuro Muscular Theory (MuscleMemory)
Refer to this theory that there sialate similar occur in Damagualadilat when it is to imagine movements without doing it a matter of fact, any that Alkiembaltsour lead to orders nerve to the muscle to be similar to that which occurs Andalkiem movement real ((Williams ,. (1993 In an attempt to identify maria de monte the mechanisms functional real can occur in the feedback circuit., he predicted that the world Schmidt (Schmidt 1988.on there are forces are very weak (not enough maria de monte to make a movement) occur as a result of mental training), and that these powers Tthssha Golgi bodies with high sensitivity, and that the feedback from these Members go back to Alakecrhdamagah, and works to strengthen programs kinetic, or working on a modified motor programs that happened in that time, and that these changes in programs kinetic improved subsequent performance.
The problem faced by this theory is that the studies have looked Balnchatalkahrbaúa did not address to be replicated and duration, and it has ((Wehner, et.al., 1984 using analysis of sequential timeline for the study of repetition, as well as the activity Alkahrbaúaaladila through physical exercise and mental health, and the results were that the curve Altakerarwalnchat for the two sets of mental training and motor are similar.
Despite this evidence, the research did not prove that this neural activity Aladilaaltsouri leads to upgrading of accomplishment. Therefore, this theory proved electrical activity during perception, and did not prove the relationship of this activity to develop or building level. 2. symbolic learning theory (mental picture perfect):
Based this theory on the interpretation of knowledge (cognitive), where the practice of mental visualization and mental work in accordance with the pre-planning for the player of the implementation of the skill of the kinetics certain, and you look at the sequence of movement and mission objectives kinetic, and alternative solutions expected as (changes in knowledge (cognitive) precedes the response of physical mobility. (Annan (1995 each of these procedures based central nervous system (CNS), and Alyeks theory neuropsychiatric and so the fact that its performance does not involve him Tdkhalaladilat structural, as well as that there are two major trends have been relying on them to support this theory are:. (Thelma, (1992
B. The motor learning that occurs in the early stages is the basis of cognitive and Hmaatfq with the argument that mental training would be more effective during the early stages of learning the theory of 3 vital information (total response:
To apply this concept to coaches and athletes that take into Alaattabaraladid of positive proposals at conception, and in particular must Astmlaltsour on the response behavior maria de monte of sports (swimming in the pool or water waves Ombarah heroic), and when the inclusion of these responses maria de monte positive becomes a perception Oktrahioah and works to improve performance.
This theory suggests that visualization helps in the sense of the ideal level of collection and concentration of attention-related aspects. But the weakness maria de monte of this theory is that it does not explain maria de monte specifically how the perception maria de monte of sensation and attention maria de monte leading to the ideal, as well as that there is no research evidence for this theory. (Williams, (1993
The importance of the player maria de monte to accept this type of training, which convinced Nam role that can contribute in the development of the level of performance * and that there is a trend Ajaba helps the player to withstand the rigors of the training requirements and where the importance of Seer Walt
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