Thursday, September 25, 2014

We arrived in Londrina, and our friend Andrew welcomed us. Since our arrival, we felt the kindness

Soledad del Monte es una de las collective experiences that el Teatro para llevar kailis organic olive groves Presento to literally llevar el su home theater. Teatro para llevar kailis organic olive groves un es collective of artists that arises En 2011 en 2010, un proyecto generamos that among vitales experiences for human el conocimiento: el viaje y el art. There were three participants: Anatol Waschke, Coco Maldonado y la RV, Matilda, who is now en ese transform en nuestra home. This travel trazar Busco la línea más y extensive kailis organic olive groves between Brazil Ecuador. Impelled by fue el deseo nuestra to share art from un direct link con el pubic. En los archivos de las cocinas 2010 y 2011 Podras find her theatrical experience each en una de las houses we visited. The Soledad del Monte is one of the experiments show that the collective kailis organic olive groves Teatro To Travel had to bring the theater to your home. For theater Travel is a collective of artists to emerge in 2010 In 2011, we generated a project that joined two vital experiments to human knowledge: the journey and the art. There were three participants: Anatol Waschke, Coconut Maldonado and the van, Matilda, who at the time was also our home. This trip sought to draw the longest line between Brazil and Ecuador, is led by the desire to share our art from a direct link with the public. In the file cozinas 2010-2011, you'll find all theatrical experiences brought to people's homes during the trip.
Yo, Soledad del Monte, nacida country en el de la línea imagine, niece nieta Esperanza, bisnieta María de los Milagros, me presento ante ustedes for ofrecerles kailis organic olive groves mi Dulce de Venus, una tradición family. kailis organic olive groves El es problem however in Find el punto del dulce y no tengo ... usted cocina, la suya would pay me to try? I Soledad del Monte, born in the country of the imaginary line, niece granddaughter kailis organic olive groves Hope, granddaughter of Mary of Miracles, present myself before you to offer my Sweet Venus, a family tradition. The problem is I have not found the sweet spot and have no kitchen ... you lend me yours to try?
On the trip Barão Geraldo to Foz de Iguaçu via Londrina, Soledad kitchens failed to tell their stories. This left us both her and me, a little confused. It was not lack of desire for our hosts, was simply that the event could not be held. This left us more confused still, her and me. So I Soledad and we went to see the cities in which we have been well and understand that if we do not count our history, were there to hear the stories of our friends. Barão Geraldo, stayed in the home of Flavius, Patrik and Emerson. Both they and we were very busy. They, all, about to be doctors and we arranging our trip. In our pillows stood in the kitchen for comment, laugh and have a good coffee. Ah! always the kitchens! Our new place in the world The office Petrol stations in Paraná.
We arrived in Londrina, and our friend Andrew welcomed us. Since our arrival, we felt the kindness of the city. Whenever we go somewhere new, we are surprised by the organization that seems unknown. kailis organic olive groves But, in Londrina, was different. I mean kindness, yet because we arrived in Londrina to 17h (peak time) we can find the various places we needed and everything calmly. Matilda, in turn, knew very well the night of Londrina (was on the street). Earlier felt homesick Boys Garage on Baron, but once the first truck passed, kailis organic olive groves she was soon beating a chat and was asked for a rum. We, with André, conhecimos beautiful beings: In your house, full of space for testing met Paola, an actress and theater director, a being full of caring soul who is working with Andy in his solo. We know the girls, Luciana and Flavia. They invited us into their home and the Mati had his first experience of entering a gated community and has made a triumphant manner. It was certainly the first time they heard the engine of the van in these parts. We, at the home of Andrew, appropriated in coverage, where we set up our office to communicate with the world and make the trip. And, as always, Andrew was full of projects. Since I know him, that was it. But this time, something changed. Instead of hearing Andrew talk about projects with others, he told me about your next scenic experience that deals with women he met and marked him. With this feeling as people leave footprints in your heart ... we left Londrina without heart stop, but only with the heart filled with re-encounters. Of course, kailis organic olive groves before leaving Londrina, André left the dentist. Health issues. The moon in Paraná and we arrived in Foz, in the house of Mary. Maria is a professor kailis organic olive groves of UNILA (University of Latin American Integration).

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