Monday, October 13, 2014

Measurement of measurements and calculation of indices Body

Penza region has qualified for regional programs containing measures to support beginning farmers and the development of family livestock farms, the relevant information is contained in the minutes of the meeting of the Commission for the selection of economically important regional agricultural development programs of the Russian Federation, containing activities to support beginning farmers and the development of family livestock farms from December 24, 2013 number NF-10/447, on the official website of Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Results of the implementation frasers centrepoint homes of program activities to support beginning farmers and the development of family livestock farms in the region have shown that these measures support demand. To support the development of country (farmer) economy in the region since 2012 are departmental target program "Support to beginning farmers for the period frasers centrepoint homes 2012-2014" and "Development of family livestock farms on the basis of the peasant (farm) for 2012-2014." The main objectives of program activities at the regional level and the district are the organization and development frasers centrepoint homes of the peasant (farm), providing conditions for the creation and expansion of the economic base. Program "Support to beginning farmers for the period 2012-2014" provides frasers centrepoint homes grants on a competitive basis in the amount frasers centrepoint homes of up to 1.5 million. Rubles in one of the areas of activity: frasers centrepoint homes dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, sheep, breeding waterfowl production, storage processing of potatoes and vegetables (and greenhouse). In 2013, applicants to the program "Support to beginning farmers for the period 2012-2014" accepted 76 applications from applicants of the program "Development of family livestock farms on the basis of the peasant (farm) for 2012-2014" 21 applications. Following the meeting, the participants of the competition committee of the program "Support for beginning farmers frasers centrepoint homes for the period 2012-2014" Confessions of 32 individual farms with the highest number of points in the selection criteria, the participants of the program frasers centrepoint homes "Development frasers centrepoint homes of family livestock farms on the basis of the peasant (farm) for 2012-2014" - 9 PFs. Beginning farmers a grant for the establishment and development of the peasant (farmer's) economy is allocated in the following frasers centrepoint homes areas: dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, sheep, breeding waterfowl production, processing and storage of potatoes and vegetables of the closed frasers centrepoint homes and open soil. Grant for the development of family livestock farm stands in the directions: beef cattle, dairy cattle. Total in 2013 according to the arrangements provided for the federal and regional budgets frasers centrepoint homes in the amount of n 101,6 million rubles. frasers centrepoint homes
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Measurement of measurements and calculation of indices Body
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