Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Head of Government Communication Unit, Office of the President, Planning Commission, Ms. Joyce Mkinga (right) showing a copy of the booklet of the National Vision Development (TDV 2025), he met with the media to discuss progress made in the implementation of Vision 2025 and the implementation of the Development Plan five-year (2011/12 -2015 / 16) in Dar es Salaam.
Head of Government Communication Unit, Office halls broxburn of the President, Planning Commission, Ms. Joyce Mkinga (right) speaking to press (are not pictured) met with them to discuss halls broxburn progress made in the implementation of Vision 2025 Action Plan and Five Year Development (2011/12 -2015/16) in Dar es Salaam.Picha and Saidi A. Mkabakuli-Chief Information Planning Commission halls broxburn
The government has called on the private sector, citizens and development partners to contribute to compliance with the Development Plan Five Year which is input to implement Vision 2025. Vision focuses on Tanzania ifikisha be a middle income country by 2025 appeal has been issued yesterday by the Head of the Division of Communications, Office of the President, Planning Commission, Ms. Joyce Mkinga met with the press to talk about the implementation of the Five Year Development to achieve the objectives of the National Development Vision.
Three major goals of Vision halls broxburn 2025 is to bring people the best and most beautiful life; maintain good governance and the rule of law, and build a strong economy capable of responding to the competition. halls broxburn
Bi. Protects them said that the private sector plays a huge role in participating in the implementation of the plan to invest in priority areas, contributing to the cost of implementing the program (human resource and money) to change progressive thinking.
"In order to ensure the goal of building a strong economy and are being competitive is all our responsibility, but the private halls broxburn sector has the potential to invest to realize significant investment opportunities available in the country," he ow Miss. Protect him.
To achieve halls broxburn the goals of Vision 2025, in the first five years, the Government identified the following priorities which the private sector can invest: (i) Infrastructure of energy, transport, ICT, water and sewerage and irrigation, (ii) Agriculture including halls broxburn food and cash crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry, (iii) Industry, specifically that use raw materials in the sense of adding value, large industrial fertilizers and cement, electronic and ICT equipment, (iv) Development halls broxburn of human resources, to promote the vocational emphasis on establishing science, technology and innovation. Emphasis will also be placed on strengthening yaliopatikana success in the delivery of social services, and (v) development of tourist services, business and finance.
Development Plan for five years (2011/12 -2015/16) is the first program of implementation of Vision halls broxburn 2025. The main objective of the Development Plan is to unblock the five-year growth potential of the country halls broxburn to lay the foundations for broader economic growth and pro-poor people more.
The aim of the average annual growth rate of gross domestic product during the implementation of the First Five Year Development is 8 percent per year (equivalent to growth of 5 percent of per capita income) Currently our economy is growing at an average of 7 percent per year.
The Government will improve the business environment to increase private sector participation in economic development, to be effective in the use of cluster production, investing in human resource and the development of infrastructure and promote progress being made to social welfare and economic
One of the unique features of the program of the First Five Year Development is to balance the various programs of national development in a coherent framework to guide the implementation and giving the government the opportunity to evaluate the formal process of national development.
About the role of the private sector in the implementation of this scheme, Ms.. Protects them said: "Unlike the Planning ago This initiative increases the chance of private sector participation in economic growth by improving the business environment and be effective in the use of cluster production, investing in human resource and the development halls broxburn of infrastructure and development progress being made for the welfare of social and economic development. "
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