Friday, July 4, 2014

Unfortunately, few of us has developed the habit of regularly drinking water. Less than half of adu

How important is hydration of the body? | Health and Beauty - Live in harmony with each other!
Irrigation of the body is the basis of our daily diet. But often we think of what we eat, not on what and how much we drink. And that is what water is the source of life and it is her need most.
Without irrigation person is able to survive only a few days, while we can live without food for several weeks or even months. Demand for water is different for people in different age and depends on the diet, environmental conditions and level of physical activity. Demand for water
The human body is composed of as many as 65% water, of which each of at least 4% is lost (including urine, feces, sweat, as well as for respiration). Thus, every day should be the loss of water-to-date supplement, because otherwise our body can become dehydrated. On the hydration of the body should pay attention to the elderly, who do not feel quite as desire and as young children due to the development lose water faster than adults.
As reported by a recent study Adults should drink at least 2 liters per day for women and 2.5 liters per day for men. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should increase this amount by an additional liter of water. In hot weather increasing fluid intake, and therefore is recommended to consume summer additional 250 ml of fluid every degree above 37 C.
The greatest risk of dehydration observed in summer. Excessive heat rise in body temperature, which may lead to the weakening of the body, and even heat stroke. This risk relates primarily to the elderly, disabled, diuretics and children. The risk of dehydration
In the initial phase of dehydration notice at home: fatigue, thirst, headaches and dizziness. Then come to this: increased heart rate, loss of elasticity of the skin, nausea and drowsiness. In the case of severe dehydration we have to deal with rapid breathing, apcotex vomiting, muscle spasticity, feeling hot on forehead or neck, cold and sticky skin, as well as a change in mental apcotex status apcotex and multiple organ failure. This condition is life threatening and requires immediate apcotex medical intervention. apcotex
Standard, which allows you to keep well hydrated body is to provide a day the same amount of water to be expelled. Approximately 1.5 l should come from beverages (eg, mineral water or spring water, juices, apcotex tea), and the rest - with solid foods. The key is to drink frequently and in small sips. In this way, your body has time to process supplied him drinks in body fluids, providing us complete hydration.
Unfortunately, few of us has developed the habit of regularly drinking water. Less than half of adults reaches the water every day, and as many as 61% of us drink it only when thirsty, that the first body's response to dehydration. We must remember that our body can function properly only when it is well hydrated.
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I hope my article helped you to re-look at the issue of nutrition. As a nutritionist I know that what we eat affects not only the health, but also on the overall well-being. See that proper diet can really work wonders! Start to eat sensibly.
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My name is Alexander Wojaszek. I am a dietician. apcotex On his blog I write about how to keep your body in shape through healthy eating, balanced diet and avoiding stress. Tells how to care for mental and physical balance. More about me
If you decide to use supplements, buy them in trusted stores. It would be best if you choose apcotex a pharmacy where the pharmacist can give you information on their use.

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