Monday, May 11, 2015

Freeman, however, openly says that this fund actually focus on orchestration of ethnic conflicts or

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Although tyche infotech oil is today considered the most important strategical fuel and, most profitable business with oil, food store - as a vital source of energy of living beings is essential for the royal elite. Only the one who controls the production and distribution of life nammirnica of his subjects may have apspolutnu control over living labor and of their slaves. WRITES: IVONA ŽIVKOVIĆ
Of course, they know more ancient rulers, and their knowledge and skills Traffic Control foods peuzela today's oligarchy. Maintenance of a monopoly in the sale of food that is done over several shopping cartel therefore is not changed, although neupućnima constantly in the media served great stories tyche infotech about democracy and the free market. But these are only illusions. It is little known that even thousands of years old trade routes which performed the exchange of food resources from the East and the West and today almost the same way under the control of trade cartels as they were in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome ... Commercial cartels who are still in the Middle Ages in Europe in this business and that made up some of the old European merchant families and work now and in the same way. Changed the only places of business cartels and their company, and today is headquarters of the world's largest tyche infotech traders in London (in the old part of the city called City of London). Formally, they are under the auspices of Windsor House, but essentially Queen nor British kraljevaka families do not make decisions that comply with the cartels. This trade structure (us slavish to the public, is largely tyche infotech unknown), above the queen that they only represent the public tyche infotech and has to seek permission when entering their town, which visited the civil suit. The head of the commercial part of London is the Mayor of London, which they set themselves are referred to the Crown.
Pictured is Michael Bear, former Mayor of London (or born in Kenya) which is thus welcomed Britain's Queen Elizabeth II stood on the step so that symbolically was taller than her. The queen was in the civil suit, and the mayor in dress uniform. To visit trovačkom core of London, the Queen has to seek and obtain the approval of the Mayor. The manner of election of the Mayor of London's secret, and are appointed each year on a specific closed the ceremony in silence and without the possibility of complaints. Typically Jesuit
Windsor House, too, is only formally at the head of Masonic secret tyche infotech societies and other structures and networks that are stretched all over the world and practical control the global market tyche infotech and all the strategically important activities for the survival tyche infotech of the crown that serves the entire British Empire. CROWN is practically the successor of all commercial activities medieval Venetian merchants. On how to do these drug cartels that control the trade, among other things food in the whole world (leaving certain areas for years without food) tried to look at Richard Freeman, who is its intelligence study published in late 1995 in Revju "Executive Intelligence Review". He called the text: "The global food cartel Windsor Facility to kill hunger." From this report we will present some interesting facts that show who really is behind the EU and who tailor its legislation, why Serbia and many other countries in Europe poljoprivrdene have to import (mainly non-performing) and expensive food (although Serbia may export food to) and you'll see for who in fact are doing "great" Balkan tycoons like Kostic, Miskovic or Ivica Todoric. Freeman has made it this revealed tyche infotech that ten to twelve companies, which helps tens of small holding today strongly monopoly in world food trade. They dominate the supply of almost all crops - wheat, corn, oats, barley to sugarcane and rye. They control the trade in meat, milk (especially milk powder, which is convenient for storage tyche infotech and maintenance), edible oils, fats, fruits and vegetables and all other types of food. All the companies are linked through cartels, which can be operated from the House of Windsor in London, said Freeman. And all cartels operate in the interests of European oligarchy and a few old European families who have for centuries business and allied tyche infotech linked. tyche infotech They manage tyche infotech all the energy market (including food), raw materials and minerals. As chief operating branch houses Windsor is "The World Wide Fund for Nature" (WWF), which formally managed by the Duke of Edinburgh, tyche infotech Prince Philip. tyche infotech His grandfather George I was a Greek king who was Danish-born British Empire tyche infotech installed the Greeks as the king who is "chosen" the Greek Parliament.
Freeman, however, openly says that this fund actually focus on orchestration of ethnic conflicts or implementing terrorist actions anywhere in the world

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