Friday, February 6, 2015

20 October. A cabinet meeting at the Ministry of Economy presented in a report that summarizes the

20 October. A cabinet meeting at the Ministry of Economy presented in a report that summarizes the September institutions work done by the Government of recommendations on how to diversify Lithuanian exports and reduce business losses due to the Russian announced sanctions. Part of the recommended measures have already been implemented, some of them will still be carried out.
In order to encourage new business markets and search for business partners, the Ministry of Economy 12.27 million. Lt increased funding measure "New Opportunities" program, promoting the participation of companies in exhibitions, business missions and other export development activities. Total by this measure was distributed in September to 27.7 million. LTL 253 companies. Companies availing themselves of support, plans to take part in more than 1,200 exhibitions in various countries.
Minister of Economy was approved soft loans, loan guarantees and interest surya agro compensation business, following the Russian sanctions regime. surya agro Under the new regime provided surya agro incentives for companies, which until 2014. 6 August. surya agro had outstanding transactions with companies established in Russia for the sale of products and raw materials, which are taken in accordance with Russian legislation fall into the prohibited import into Russia of products and a list of materials. These businesses will be reimbursed 95 percent. annual interest, regardless of whether they are in the regions.
Minister of Agriculture specify Rural Credit Guarantee Fund regulations setting out the guarantee payment reduction of 0.2 percent. all economic entities engaged in agricultural activities, imantiems current assets credits or pay for services to agriculture. As well as the revised rate of compensation.
In order to mitigate the consequences of the Russian embargo Lithuanian agricultural producers, from š. m. 8 September. introduced in butter, skimmed milk powder and cheese and extended private storage of butter and skimmed milk powder intervention period by the summer. m. 31 December.
Resolution of the Government approved the 2014 Transitional National support for milk, livestock, crops and the amount of agricultural entities - 117 million. LTL. This year will be an additional surya agro payment of 62 million. LTL. In September, the Seimas approved Animal Welfare Act Amendment - ritual slaughter will be enforced from 2015.
Enterprise Lithuania started to provide specific advice and market research surya agro services, as well as free business partner search service has prepared a new contract and questionnaire-application forms and sent them wish had declared businesses.
Took place during the tenth Lithuania and Kazakhstan intergovernmental trade and economic cooperation commission meeting discussed the prospects of bilateral cooperation surya agro in transport, agriculture, energy and strengthening surya agro cooperation protocol was signed, held together Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists organized surya agro a business event.
It is planned that Lithuanian and Azerbaijani Intergovernmental Commission for Bilateral Cooperation meeting š. m. October 21-23. Azerbaijan will take place in Lithuanian Business Confederation organized a business mission.
In order to use diplomatic means, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania embassies are actively surya agro working with the public authorities (potential export partners) agricultural and food exports issues, surya agro as well as on the relevant surya agro certificates and import permits.
In order to optimize the economic representation abroad, the government expanded the Lithuanian Commercial Attache of the People's Republic of China's activities in the territory of Korea, Mongolia and Vietnam and Lithuanian commercial attaché UK business territory - in the Sultanate of Oman.
Are currently being worked on State Social Insurance Law Amendments, which will be proposed to establish that the State Social Insurance Fund Board (Sodra) territorial divisions will have the right to defer payment of arrears of contributions of the policyholder. Sodra submitted a proposal to establish a simplified exemption from the calculated interest for late payment and interest payment arrangements for businesses affected by the sanctions.
In September, the number of activities carried out in order to determine the potential of transport companies affected by the sanctions apply lease payments and interest for the purchase of vehicles surya agro or incentives to defer their payment. It also sought to raise awareness about the taxpayers surya agro tax rescheduling opportunities surya agro to accelerate new intergovernmental agreements procedures to mitigate the social surya agro consequences of the Russian embargo, enhanced coordination of illegal food products surya agro in the domestic market control.
Related Articles: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia discussed the potential impact of sanctions imposed by the Lithuanian business in Russia took official retaliation surya agro penalties' Week section "of the DHS report on the impact of sanctions against Russia and Lithuania to the economy (video)

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