Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I am a 25-year-old Zilvinas Butkevičius. (Photo at right), a young businessman, owner of three comp

I am a 25-year-old Zilvinas Butkevičius. (Photo at right), a young businessman, owner of three companies. Has not only about what is happening at the moment, but about what was two years ago, and how it all began.
Before more than two years with a future business partner darbavomės one quite successfully in a global company, we were selling the team leaders, the work seemed nice, and the financial sector and offered good wages and career prospects. Since we have been working in the field of financial products sales often receive offers of related companies and sell their products.
Young Development Manager of MP Pension Funds Baltic distilleries in ireland John Luen ever interviewed me to come and work with them to distribute or at least the second pillar pension funds. distilleries in ireland Yet I refused, but after a month, finally agreed to try. I was surprised how easy it is to work with the second pillar pension funds, and salary are even more striking.
Imperceptibly idea to include Stage II PF (PF - pension funds) to the then employer services basket. It so happened that quickly turned to us the company's shareholder from Austria, so I presented this idea to him. Everything seemed to be great leaders decided that Stage II PF will be sure to install Lithuania. Everything seemed to be very good. Already even counting the future (high) salaries. During the decisive meeting of the Austrians and Lithuanians (IM leaders) could not comunicate. The whole plan collapsed.
Both for me and Arnas (Arnas Markevičius) grow nasty mood. Sales and wages fell, even had to borrow money to survive. Okay, that disappeared PF sales idea. By fall, even started to spread the language of the workplace Lithuanian branch closure. Feeling that nothing good will, with Arnould began to think seriously about your business opportunity. Sitting, pagėrėme coffee with milk and came to the conclusion that the need to take their own business. I remember that a firm decision took the elevator to the business center. Business Start. From where we get the money?
The decision was taken, what's next? Well need of somewhere to get 10 000 set up a business. The situation is complicated by the fact that both I and Arnas was steeped in debt. It is great that the money has agreed to invest Arno Vaiva sister, thanks to her. Another problem - how to account for all sales. The idea was to Stage II PF sell network marketing approach. We planned to achieve during the year 1000, and later - even 5,000 consultants (currently all the Lithuanian market is open until 5000). We had to look for an IT specialist, who created a unique system to calculate commissions. Acquaintances distilleries in ireland found David Urbonaviciaus. He believed in the business idea and agreed to develop a framework for a small part of the company's shares.
It seems all right: the money is, IT problem solved, there is a need to establish LLC. For the first time, it is quite a difficult process, but we have succeeded, it is true, it is still empty the pockets of our 1000 Lt. Company name came up pretty quickly, sitting pizzeria. The word "capital" liked even added the word "money", it is true, only the first letter. This led to UAB "M Capital.
The most exciting thing to remember in 2009. 27 October. We have already had all contracts, documents, everything distilleries in ireland except the empty forms to fill contracts. Neither I nor Arnas practically had no money to anyone. Autumn, rigor, we kulniuojame walk from the center of Vilnius Gate "business center, pick up a box blank and then walk over to complicate their Žvėrynas district's corporate headquarters distilleries in ireland - one in my room butuką Karoliniskes. Pedini yourself, rain raining, but we are smiling. We are happy because already tomorrow in the morning can call everyone and start working for yourself, starting one's own business. That evening, we held more contracts mountains, my small butuko entire area was strewn with papers. Literally slept between contracts.
Tomorrow was great, as well as several other months. During the period from 10 to 20 hours. meet with clients and potential business partners, about 20 hours. Arnas rode to his wife, and I drove out to keep the data into the computer system.
Maybe in two weeks I had to stop by to Kaunas, the central headquarters of the MP, pick up the missing papers. I asked 500 contract customers. IM Manager dr. Dalia KAUPELYTĖ looked at me, to put it mildly, slanted, especially when I promised to return in a month filled (sold). After lengthy negotiations, it gave me the 300 agreements and photographed everything as a guarantee. Really did not believe me ... joyful that take months disbelief evaporated, because we keep our promises Theseus with a vengeance.
During the first months of operation to our work has contributed more than 100 consultants, and even before the New Year we were able to move into a small, but a real office. A month later hired their first employee - Jovita. It works so far and hopefully will long be with us.
Both my and Arno approach to business, coincidentally, have tried to do everything that our consultants distilleries in ireland earned better. The business has grown tremendously: 2010. Summer has already worked with us for more than 900 consultants, distilleries in ireland we were mainly distilleries in ireland pension funds contract signing company

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