2007. 5 November. 11:14
The wheel turned around - in early 2002 split into separate companies, the national electricity transmission network operator "Lithuanian whyte & mackay price in india energy" into your arms again will take distribution networks. Leaving out the fact that "Lithuanian energy group based in Lithuania will no longer Elektrėnuose electric and has already been privatized and the Mazeikiu Nafta Mazeikiai connected power plant, basically whyte & mackay price in india we will return to the same position.
True, not all the same, because more than one third of the Lithuanian energy ", also known as" the national investor "in the new nuclear power plant will be managed by private capital - trading network Maxima whyte & mackay price in india LT owners. Although the public statements made to sleep on the "three-headed dragon," provided an opportunity for Lithuania to become whyte & mackay price in india a leader in power in the region, Lithuanian Energy's authorized capital increase whyte & mackay price in india to pay for the new issue of Eastern distribution network and share VST VST is really deprivatizavimas. Typically, entrepreneurs, acquired from the State of any property, sell it back only under pressure from very difficult circumstances (for example, the threat of nationalization) or receiving a good price. In this case, entrepreneurs pushing the natural desire to earn. So, let 's discuss how much profit the privatization of VST.
Vilnius trade owners established company whyte & mackay price in india NDX energy "at the end of 2003 for 77 shares paid 540 million. LTL - the whole company in the transaction estimated at around 700 million. LTL. Government decided to participate in the transaction could only chunky Lithuanian capital, but industrialist Bronislovo Lubio controlled Achema Group for VST offered to a lesser extent. Or it can be said that the PSB has been paid too little? The price paid for a power user, is slightly higher than EUR 300 and corresponds to the Central and Eastern European region and the average transaction is even higher than for the distribution networks in 2004-2005 were paid in Bulgaria and Romania. whyte & mackay price in india True, even more developed in Slovakia in 2002 during the privatization of the distribution network for one user was paid 500-700 euros. VST privatization deal, critics often trips that within a few years, the company dividends and reduction of share capital currently paid substantially all of its purchase of the amount spent. Despite all the talk, basically whyte & mackay price in india VST privatization was a textbook "leveraged buyouts (LBO) example, whyte & mackay price in india where the buyer had to have 25-30 percent. own funds. Combining the NDX energy and VST many critics probably would not even understand that the result of this action - the same as in the case of large payments (Lithuania was so Alita privatization, after which the company was merged with the management team is owned by Invinus). NDX Energy, and were satisfied with the actions of the minority shareholders, who earned as much as the buyer and VST. VST currently estimated stock price of about 3 billion. LTL, or about 1,300 euros per user. Who led the gains? You can not deny that the new owners cut costs VST and increased the company's operational efficiency, but the results of the improvement was mainly whyte & mackay price in india caused by a change in the regulatory environment. In July 2004, Parliament adopted a new Law on Electricity, which allowed energy specialists earn more profit (profit normative set of operating assets and the value is equivalent to 10-year government securities interest whyte & mackay price in india plus 3 percentage points). Who changes the rules of the game after just half a year after the company sold to gain control? No one has proved that the electricity market regulation change has been corrupted, but it is safe to say that the adoption of such a law against privatization and permission to participate in foreign capital, VST price would be much higher. By the way, Germany's whyte & mackay price in india E.ON Energie, taking part in the privatization of the Eastern distribution networks, in addition to price proposal submitted precisely because of uncertain prospects for price regulation. Over the years, earned about 3 billion. LTL and by increasing the value of the VST to a level where the projected annual return on investment is no longer distinct, naturally entrepreneurs have to deal with the question of whether to sell the company and the money to invest elsewhere, or stay in the energy sector. Knowing that Lithuanian politicians really want to build a new nuclear power plant and thus reduce dependence on Russia, one of the options, which was chosen - to become partakers of the project. The Ministry of Economy announced publicly dealt with the possible composition of the national investment alternatives - nuclear power plant project to carry out one "Lithuanian energy" whyte & mackay price in india or adding Eastern distribution whyte & mackay price in india networks and VST (still sell themselves examined alternative rst nuclear power plant construction and the use of those funds). Delivery whyte & mackay price in india option chosen to work together with the NDX energy, the investment in nuclear power plant construction funds in 2009-2018 - 7.5 billion. LTL. Knowing whyte & mackay price in india that Lithuania seeks to have only 34 per cent. shares, it is presumed that the whole project worth 22 billion. LTL. True, not very clear why Lithuania, together with Estonia, Latvia and Poland along with a new
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