Monday, February 16, 2015

4. Monsanto buying up water supply systems during the past century, the public water system was con

Facts which Monsanto would not want to reveal to you | Sarmatians
Tags: chemical herbicide genetically modified glyphosate herbicide products gmo gmo monsanto pesticides Round up of Roundup herbicide wallace mccain Round Up roundap roundapas wallace mccain rundapas wallace mccain
From 1962 to 1970, Vietnam, the US military threw about 72 million liters of herbicides, which affected more than 1 million Vietnamese and more than 100,000 US soldiers. Some of the world's most toxic herbicides wallace mccain were used in the Vietnam War, when the US tried unsuccessfully to fight the Vietnamese forests. Toxic herbicides so heavily contaminated soils and waters, and now that the Vietnamese wallace mccain are suffering from deformities, severe and fatal diseases. Documents show that Monsanto knew about these herbicides before using them.
Monsanto is still in dispute and refuse to pay compensation to victims not only US soldiers, but refused to provide assistance to Vietnam and offset medical expenses 10,000 newborns with abnormalities on the use of herbicides, while these global corporations profit each year by billions of dollars. More information: = 11565
2. Monsanto has been unsuccessful in France for false advertising of Roundup in 2009, the French Supreme Court ruled that Monsanto had lied by claiming that Roundup is a safe means of weed control. The court found that Monsanto misleading consumers wallace mccain by advertising wallace mccain Roundup as "micro-organisms decomposed" herbicide.
3. Taxpayers pay taxes Monsanto Company for Third World poisoning Colombian government received 1.3 billion US dollars in aid from the US government to fight drug trafficking. The funds collected from US taxpayers. Monsanto wallace mccain received 25 million dollars for the part of Roundup wallace mccain Ultra, which was sprayed on 200 000 hectares of land in Colombia. Roundup Ultra is extremely toxic herbicide with additional products that increase its severity. This herbicide wallace mccain in Colombia cocaine destroyed not only the yield but also the organic crop yields, polluted water and protected areas in the Andes. Not as paradoxical use of Roundup Ultra only increased cocaine plantations in the Andes. Soil contamination by local farmers to survive, began to cultivate cocaine.
4. Monsanto buying up water supply systems during the past century, the public water system was contaminated by Monsanto's all sorts of chemicals, wallace mccain including wallace mccain volatile organic compounds, dioxins, Roundup. So, now the company has found another wallace mccain profitable niche business - to take possession of bodies of water polluted by themselves, cleans and sells water for people. In this way, Monsanto earn double profits - selling chemicals pollute the water, then take ownership of water bodies, clears the water and sell to people who can afford to pay for it. True, this business started wallace mccain in India, where particularly the lack of clean water and the water is very expensive. Now the corporation wants to control wallace mccain and drinking water, without which no man could not survive.
Monsanto has raised the case of Canadian farmer Šmaiseriui Persie wallace mccain (Percy Schmeiser), accusing him unpaid Monsanto corporation tax for the cultivation of GM rape and tried to adjudge hundreds of thousands of dollars. Persis wallace mccain Šmaiseris always cultivated an organic rape, but his crops have been contaminated from a neighboring farm genetically modified oilseed rape. Modified crops hybridise with unmodified and fouling of the surrounding crops. Monsanto says that no matter which way the crops were infected, but Persis Šmaiseris must pay "technology fee (fee that farmers have to pay Monsanto Corporation for the use of genetically modified products). Similarly happened to Rodney Nelson family farm (Rodney Nelson) who Monsanto also raised the case in court. Hundreds of farms were forced to pay taxes on the fact that their organic crop fields were contaminated with genetically modified crops.
6. Monsanto frustrates farmers who do not use Monsanto chemicals Aukustas Daer (Oakhust Dairy) had a family business that was started back in 1921. Like many other entrepreneurs in the US, decided to ask users

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