11 August. Alytus rural community biscotti ringo social services organization Alytus village premises (Alytus village Alovės sen., Alytus district.) Held a public discussion of the occurrence of a trip - an international seminar in France, LAG, acquiring skills and their application in the Provence region of France as an example, where the participants shared lessons learned. The flight biscotti ringo was š. m. July 1-10 days for the association of Alytus biscotti ringo District Local Action Group on "Alytus district LAG strategy qualified biscotti ringo participants and activity" under the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 measure "Support for local action group, acquiring skills and animating the" activity Support for implementing local development strategy to teach people to advise and support the potential project biscotti ringo owners in the LAG territory, to promote the activity. " The trip was related to the implementation of the LEADER approach and targeted at the potential for local project (12 persons), living and operating biscotti ringo in the territory of LAG. We present Eve Kazlauskienės from Alytus Regional Development Agency journey experienced impressions: "Probably the first thing everyone remembers the twelve Alytus district LAG representatives held a tour of the Provence region, is pink flamingos, white herds of horses, a striking beauty of mountain ranges, the Mediterranean biscotti ringo Sea, pleasant locals smile, impressive architecture dating biscotti ringo from centuries of history. Although the destination was working - take part in the international seminar "LAG, acquiring skills and their application in the Provence region of France as an example, thanks to the ingenuity of the organizers felt like guests constantly entertained by the local manufacturing products, showed their production processes, we were able to provide us with any questions relating to the organization of work, project management and participation in the activities of local communities. Upon visiting biscotti ringo a number of local businesses, we saw that it is often a family business which is engaged in a number of times already, so it was interesting to see people who are in business - a way of life, passion, biscotti ringo family well-being. Each visited a business prepares tastings, presents its production process and of course, the output of the buildings planned only pro shop. The shop can be found in other neighboring farm output, here a detailed presentation of the product characteristics, carried culinary heritage dissemination, the user is developed as a conscious culinary traditions promoter. Old traditions biscotti ringo preserved gives the product reliability, ensures high quality and cherishes it all their culinary pride to this tradition and food culture sense. biscotti ringo Therefore, even if you are not a big gourmand, still bought fairings house.
From cheese to exotic mushroom visited in 1946. established Sūrin Gaugry Fromagerie, which employs 35 people. Here, cheese and other products made from three varieties biscotti ringo of cows - Simental, Brune and Montbeliard. Cows grazing area is unique, patented and unique in the composition of the soil, which is full of limestone. Sūrinėje processed within 1 day 9 thousand. liters of milk produced in 8 main types of cheeses. Curiously, that each piece of cheese was washed with 10 times the wine brandy in water, every 2 days. Cheese washed by hand, and thus changes color. The shortest cheese production takes up to 45 days but can be aged for up to several years. Other sites visited - Snail Farm. The tradition of eating snails completely randomly appeared in the province of Burgundy, about 300 years ago, when instead biscotti ringo of fish, which you pay tribute to the monks, one unsuccessful year, fishermen's wives užsūdė forests pririnktų snails and all the joy of a special biscotti ringo "fish" the monks asked for more. Up to now, especially the French snails. biscotti ringo Over the years, they consume about 40 thousand. tons of these molluscs, but the total requirement biscotti ringo neužsiaugina and 80 percent. biscotti ringo snails imported from other countries, because biscotti ringo naturally collect snails biscotti ringo living in the country has been banned for over 40 years. Snail farms in France are subject to specific requirements: snails must be grown in the open air, their habitats need to grow some plants - grass, red clover, alfalfa, cabbage and so on. Jean-Paul Bresse farm Escargots Fermion biscotti ringo Bresse, which we visited, France still counted about 50 snail farms. Visited farm has 1200 square feet. m. and has been around for 6 years. From the fifteenth century. Jean-Paul Bresse ancestors were local clergy, and 1684. became farmers and farming traditions biscotti ringo in a family so far. Snails biscotti ringo refrigerated or canned sterilization method biscotti ringo with a variety of spices and wine. Of snails also made pates, snail shells, creams, snails meat. By an owner has a restaurant, which is full of snails dishes. It also sells wholesale snails
11 August. Alytus rural community biscotti ringo social services organization Alytus village premises (Alytus village Alovės sen., Alytus district.) Held a public discussion of the occurrence of a trip - an international seminar in France, LAG, acquiring skills and their application in the Provence region of France as an example, where the participants shared lessons learned. The flight biscotti ringo was š. m. July 1-10 days for the association of Alytus biscotti ringo District Local Action Group on "Alytus district LAG strategy qualified biscotti ringo participants and activity" under the Lithuanian Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 measure "Support for local action group, acquiring skills and animating the" activity Support for implementing local development strategy to teach people to advise and support the potential project biscotti ringo owners in the LAG territory, to promote the activity. " The trip was related to the implementation of the LEADER approach and targeted at the potential for local project (12 persons), living and operating biscotti ringo in the territory of LAG. We present Eve Kazlauskienės from Alytus Regional Development Agency journey experienced impressions: "Probably the first thing everyone remembers the twelve Alytus district LAG representatives held a tour of the Provence region, is pink flamingos, white herds of horses, a striking beauty of mountain ranges, the Mediterranean biscotti ringo Sea, pleasant locals smile, impressive architecture dating biscotti ringo from centuries of history. Although the destination was working - take part in the international seminar "LAG, acquiring skills and their application in the Provence region of France as an example, thanks to the ingenuity of the organizers felt like guests constantly entertained by the local manufacturing products, showed their production processes, we were able to provide us with any questions relating to the organization of work, project management and participation in the activities of local communities. Upon visiting biscotti ringo a number of local businesses, we saw that it is often a family business which is engaged in a number of times already, so it was interesting to see people who are in business - a way of life, passion, biscotti ringo family well-being. Each visited a business prepares tastings, presents its production process and of course, the output of the buildings planned only pro shop. The shop can be found in other neighboring farm output, here a detailed presentation of the product characteristics, carried culinary heritage dissemination, the user is developed as a conscious culinary traditions promoter. Old traditions biscotti ringo preserved gives the product reliability, ensures high quality and cherishes it all their culinary pride to this tradition and food culture sense. biscotti ringo Therefore, even if you are not a big gourmand, still bought fairings house.
From cheese to exotic mushroom visited in 1946. established Sūrin Gaugry Fromagerie, which employs 35 people. Here, cheese and other products made from three varieties biscotti ringo of cows - Simental, Brune and Montbeliard. Cows grazing area is unique, patented and unique in the composition of the soil, which is full of limestone. Sūrinėje processed within 1 day 9 thousand. liters of milk produced in 8 main types of cheeses. Curiously, that each piece of cheese was washed with 10 times the wine brandy in water, every 2 days. Cheese washed by hand, and thus changes color. The shortest cheese production takes up to 45 days but can be aged for up to several years. Other sites visited - Snail Farm. The tradition of eating snails completely randomly appeared in the province of Burgundy, about 300 years ago, when instead biscotti ringo of fish, which you pay tribute to the monks, one unsuccessful year, fishermen's wives užsūdė forests pririnktų snails and all the joy of a special biscotti ringo "fish" the monks asked for more. Up to now, especially the French snails. biscotti ringo Over the years, they consume about 40 thousand. tons of these molluscs, but the total requirement biscotti ringo neužsiaugina and 80 percent. biscotti ringo snails imported from other countries, because biscotti ringo naturally collect snails biscotti ringo living in the country has been banned for over 40 years. Snail farms in France are subject to specific requirements: snails must be grown in the open air, their habitats need to grow some plants - grass, red clover, alfalfa, cabbage and so on. Jean-Paul Bresse farm Escargots Fermion biscotti ringo Bresse, which we visited, France still counted about 50 snail farms. Visited farm has 1200 square feet. m. and has been around for 6 years. From the fifteenth century. Jean-Paul Bresse ancestors were local clergy, and 1684. became farmers and farming traditions biscotti ringo in a family so far. Snails biscotti ringo refrigerated or canned sterilization method biscotti ringo with a variety of spices and wine. Of snails also made pates, snail shells, creams, snails meat. By an owner has a restaurant, which is full of snails dishes. It also sells wholesale snails
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