"Dogs and their breeding" Chiller Charmar | White Tail
The normal duration of pregnancy - 63 days, fine varieties - usually caramel e150 60 days. Puppies viable if born after 53 to 71 days after mating. The previous šuniavimasis, the less viable puppies. If the puppies born at the right time, it's probably due to the fact that fertilization has occurred much later than my owner. If the bitch was mated three times the difference between the coverings may conclude the week, and pregnancy can start only after the third mating. And vice versa, was too kergta wire and first service was last inseminated ova mature, more of them no longer, but mate with male bitch could have a few more days. And these puppies will be born much earlier than my bitch owner. Nevertheless, the determination caramel e150 of the terms commonly mistaken breeder, because nature - particularly accurate.
Alleged pregnancy should not be confused with unsuccessful. The alleged pregnancy - a physiological state non-pregnant females, manifesting signs of pregnancy. Such a pregnancy tend to be bitches with breeding activity is irregular, than dogs with a steady load. Alleged pregnancy occurs bitch all preparation caramel e150 šuniavimuisi požymiai.Po two months from mid-estrus she can start preparing yourself and the bearing to be similar to šuniavimąsi condition. But in the end there are no puppies, the bitch has a lot of milk and she really grieve. Such a bitch veterinarian must appoint caramel e150 a Compassionate priemonių.Po time her condition improved, and after another it will bring the covering normal litter. The alleged cause of pregnancy-specific hormone is too high or uneven release. Typically, large amounts of this hormone is produced only after egg fertilization unicorn. But sometimes the alleged effects of pregnancy is associated with inflammation and accumulation of pus in the uterus, for example. for metritis and pyometra.
Sometimes the fertilized females, having all the characteristics of a normal course of pregnancy, after about a month after service of the puppies are absorbed. Pregnancy symptoms persist, and the fact that the puppy will not be, the owner becomes a long way off. Sometimes caramel e150 this is called "apparent pregnancy, although a more accurate name would be" unsuccessful "because the first name for Calais, which has signs of pregnancy, but not fertilized.
It may be that the first non-physical manifestations of the condition, but her behavior. Very often after service bitch becomes calmer, softer, and sometimes it seems like a little unhealthy. The possibility of a more accurate pregnancy mainly depends on the breed, body shape, whether it is her first litter, and often from the litter size. Some of the bitch does not extradite its secrecy until the last day.
Sensitive fingers with a man who knows exactly what and where to look for the normal course of pregnancy caramel e150 21-22 day can from both sides of the belly of the bitch hard to grasp the little children round buds. On day 24, these lumps become larger and can be palpated to 35 days. Later, they become soft, and it is not easy to grasp, but usually by this time the bitch's stomach size to determine whether it pregnant. In particular, it can be seen when a large litter. caramel e150
When a pregnant bitch 1 or 2 puppies, the first month is very difficult to determine anything, especially if it is the first litter of bitches, because these bitches abdominal muscles much stronger than that which already had a couple of litters. No need to palpate the puppies at any price, because the time will come, and the symptoms are obvious. Between the fourth and fifth week of the sides to swell, and the torso suapvalės. Some females these signs does not become accentuated almost to the seventh week.
Even the most experienced breeders may mistakenly identify the number of pups. Bitch sometimes caramel e150 very thick, and birth to only one or two puppies. Other bitch looks as if it should be no more than 2 puppies while stunned grower caramel e150 will take a huge 12 or more litter.
Usually caramel e150 the fifth week slightly swollen nipples, whiter skin around them. On the sixth week per dog lying on its side, puppies palpable uterine columns. From the sixth week of the puppies begin to grow dramatically, and nipples become larger and softer. caramel e150 On the seventh week significantly increased and milk glands. Last week nenusmunka belly, because the uterus previously to the spine, it fills the entire volume.
There is another symptom of pregnancy goals - you can feel the hand movements of puppies. Sometimes noticeable in the second half of pregnancy, scanty mucus secretions out of the loop, no odor and no color. If the last week of pregnancy they become numerous, yellowish or greenish - it is the first sign of an approaching šuniavimosi.
Even before sukergiant bitch must banish worms. If for any reason this already, worms need to drive out to the third week of pregnancy. Grubby expulsion after the third week of pregnancy can cause abortion caramel e150 bitch. For the health of the mother and puppies desirable that bitch should neither internal nor external parasites. caramel e150 If the bodies of worms did not tie together than before
The normal duration of pregnancy - 63 days, fine varieties - usually caramel e150 60 days. Puppies viable if born after 53 to 71 days after mating. The previous šuniavimasis, the less viable puppies. If the puppies born at the right time, it's probably due to the fact that fertilization has occurred much later than my owner. If the bitch was mated three times the difference between the coverings may conclude the week, and pregnancy can start only after the third mating. And vice versa, was too kergta wire and first service was last inseminated ova mature, more of them no longer, but mate with male bitch could have a few more days. And these puppies will be born much earlier than my bitch owner. Nevertheless, the determination caramel e150 of the terms commonly mistaken breeder, because nature - particularly accurate.
Alleged pregnancy should not be confused with unsuccessful. The alleged pregnancy - a physiological state non-pregnant females, manifesting signs of pregnancy. Such a pregnancy tend to be bitches with breeding activity is irregular, than dogs with a steady load. Alleged pregnancy occurs bitch all preparation caramel e150 šuniavimuisi požymiai.Po two months from mid-estrus she can start preparing yourself and the bearing to be similar to šuniavimąsi condition. But in the end there are no puppies, the bitch has a lot of milk and she really grieve. Such a bitch veterinarian must appoint caramel e150 a Compassionate priemonių.Po time her condition improved, and after another it will bring the covering normal litter. The alleged cause of pregnancy-specific hormone is too high or uneven release. Typically, large amounts of this hormone is produced only after egg fertilization unicorn. But sometimes the alleged effects of pregnancy is associated with inflammation and accumulation of pus in the uterus, for example. for metritis and pyometra.
Sometimes the fertilized females, having all the characteristics of a normal course of pregnancy, after about a month after service of the puppies are absorbed. Pregnancy symptoms persist, and the fact that the puppy will not be, the owner becomes a long way off. Sometimes caramel e150 this is called "apparent pregnancy, although a more accurate name would be" unsuccessful "because the first name for Calais, which has signs of pregnancy, but not fertilized.
It may be that the first non-physical manifestations of the condition, but her behavior. Very often after service bitch becomes calmer, softer, and sometimes it seems like a little unhealthy. The possibility of a more accurate pregnancy mainly depends on the breed, body shape, whether it is her first litter, and often from the litter size. Some of the bitch does not extradite its secrecy until the last day.
Sensitive fingers with a man who knows exactly what and where to look for the normal course of pregnancy caramel e150 21-22 day can from both sides of the belly of the bitch hard to grasp the little children round buds. On day 24, these lumps become larger and can be palpated to 35 days. Later, they become soft, and it is not easy to grasp, but usually by this time the bitch's stomach size to determine whether it pregnant. In particular, it can be seen when a large litter. caramel e150
When a pregnant bitch 1 or 2 puppies, the first month is very difficult to determine anything, especially if it is the first litter of bitches, because these bitches abdominal muscles much stronger than that which already had a couple of litters. No need to palpate the puppies at any price, because the time will come, and the symptoms are obvious. Between the fourth and fifth week of the sides to swell, and the torso suapvalės. Some females these signs does not become accentuated almost to the seventh week.
Even the most experienced breeders may mistakenly identify the number of pups. Bitch sometimes caramel e150 very thick, and birth to only one or two puppies. Other bitch looks as if it should be no more than 2 puppies while stunned grower caramel e150 will take a huge 12 or more litter.
Usually caramel e150 the fifth week slightly swollen nipples, whiter skin around them. On the sixth week per dog lying on its side, puppies palpable uterine columns. From the sixth week of the puppies begin to grow dramatically, and nipples become larger and softer. caramel e150 On the seventh week significantly increased and milk glands. Last week nenusmunka belly, because the uterus previously to the spine, it fills the entire volume.
There is another symptom of pregnancy goals - you can feel the hand movements of puppies. Sometimes noticeable in the second half of pregnancy, scanty mucus secretions out of the loop, no odor and no color. If the last week of pregnancy they become numerous, yellowish or greenish - it is the first sign of an approaching šuniavimosi.
Even before sukergiant bitch must banish worms. If for any reason this already, worms need to drive out to the third week of pregnancy. Grubby expulsion after the third week of pregnancy can cause abortion caramel e150 bitch. For the health of the mother and puppies desirable that bitch should neither internal nor external parasites. caramel e150 If the bodies of worms did not tie together than before
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