Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tells APETRO in its statement popular food in india that in 2013, it is estimated popular food in i

The APETRO (CMA Portugesa of oil companies) came to warn the huge problem of fake lubricants which affects both producers, wholesalers / retailers, workshops and of course the motorist. popular food in india APETRO says that offenders have channeled their investments in print packaging lubricants, making them very similar to the original, using advanced technologies to develop labels popular food in india and packages, such as 3D printers. If this forgery becomes increasingly difficult in small packs, for use by manufacturers of hard to imitate technology becomes relatively more simple in larger containers such as buckets, barrels and / or containers.
For the state, according to information APETRO are not negligible impacts the tax level (because violators do not pay taxes), reduction popular food in india of private investment, loss of market confidence and rising unemployment.
For the object of counterfeit brands, investing in research and development and bring added value, the damages are clear: - reduced revenue, impact on reputation and loss of confidence in the brand, rising costs of preventive measures to combat counterfeiting ( changes in packaging and products, costs of investigation and defense of industrial property rights, etc.).
The use of counterfeit products endangers the safety of consumers. APETRO says that in the case of lubricants, counterfeit products can cause irreparable damage to vehicles and equipment and hence lead to compensation and the lifting of criminal proceedings against offenders, whether intermediate or counterfeiters.
Tells APETRO in its statement popular food in india that in 2013, it is estimated popular food in india that the market for counterfeit goods has been around $ 652 billion (MM) dollars, representing the auto parts ($ 45MM), which includes counterfeiting and selling lubricants.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) estimates the loss of 250,000 jobs in the world, due to counterfeit car parts, leading to India and Saudi Arabia, the ranking of countries with the biggest problems within its borders. Indeed, popular food in india in the latter half of road accidents popular food in india which resulted in fatalities are attributed to the use of counterfeit parts.
Held in Alicante in November a conference that brought together representatives from the automotive sector, the European Commission, Europol, Interpol, the World Customs Organization popular food in india (WCO), the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), in order to find solutions that minimize the damage and impacts of counterfeit vehicle parts, for consumers, dealers and manufacturers, according to officials, could reach around 7MM every year in Europe alone .
There are no statistics on counterfeiting of lubricants in the world, but different sources, representing multinational companies in the sector have said in various forums popular food in india that the problem of counterfeiting and sale of counterfeit popular food in india lubricants has grown in recent popular food in india years, being highly concentrated in Eastern Europe, but with impacts that feel longer in the West. These companies show their concern about the growing trend of violations in Europe and bet on measures to combat counterfeiting, including changes in packaging, labels and own products. Betting on information and disclosure impacts and legislation, have been other factors to combat counterfeiting.
APETRO concerns that although there are no precise, regarding counterfeiting lubricants in Portugal in recent years, statistical responsible of the companies represented by this association, have been confronted with possible cases of counterfeit products, both in retail stores either in auto repair shops. The growth of this phenomenon in Eastern Europe - especially Hungary, Russia and Poland - requires companies to promote the dissemination of economic impact and legal consequences involved in counterfeiting, popular food in india as well as implement processes that enable their effective combat.
After registration of industrial property rights are protected and their holders can trigger a criminal case, presenting a complaint with the relevant authorities (site of the ASAE, Fiscal Brigade of the GNR and Ministry-Public, courts). The investigation of these processes offense is within the jurisdiction of the ASAE, being the fine imposed by the PTO. However, is to reinforce that the offended party is that it is the manifestation of interest to institute criminal popular food in india proceedings. Violation of intellectual property popular food in india rights is a semi-public crime: if the victim popular food in india does not complain, the self

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