Sunday, January 4, 2015

On Friday night we were together with Carol and Haisam opposite, and as we sat in their garden with

On Friday night we were together with Carol and Haisam opposite, and as we sat in their garden with a glass of wine, we were surprised by a raccoon who climbed down from a tree in their garden. del monte fresh produce company Fun to look like a guy ...
lisse Trads
Yes, it now has always been the case that David talked a lot about bears - without that we have seen pictures of them !! Oh and it helps to have a wife who dare to take pictures of a betting little del monte fresh produce company bear. Thank you, Rebecca!
I'd better admit that it is not my picture, del monte fresh produce company I had unfortunately not the camera - otherwise I would obviously not have hesitated to go up close to it to get the right picture!
dear Rikke I know - we women know what we know. And brave we are - of course. But it is good that we have men to the GET things we can not. Do we agree? And where is the good we have the men !!
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